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Ecological site F003XA306WA

East Mountain Slopes Forest subalpine fir

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 003X / Ecological site F003XA306WA

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Ecosystem states

1.1a - Rare, stand-replacement fire that kills significant number of mature trees and top-kills shrubs and herbaceous plants.
1.2a - With time, the tree seedlings and small saplings go to the mid development community and due to the occurrence of mixed severity fire the canopy is in an open configuration.
1.2b - With time, the tree seedlings and small saplings go to the mid development community grow into the closed canopy configuration.
1.3b - Rare, stand-replacement fire that kills significant number of mature trees and top-kills shrubs and herbaceous plants.
1.3a - With time, the pole sized trees develop to large mature trees in the late development phase.
1.4a - With time, the large mature trees develop into the closed configuration of the reference phase without the occurrence of mixed severity fire.
1.4b - Rare, stand-replacement fire that kills significant number of mature trees and top-kills shrubs and herbaceous plants.
1.5a - With time, the large mature trees develop into the closed configuration of the reference phase without the occurrence of mixed severity fire.
1.5b - Rare, stand-replacement fire that kills significant number of mature trees and top-kills shrubs and herbaceous plants.