Loamy Bottom, Woodland 12-16" p.z.
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Mesquite clearing for either wood harvest or cultivation. Irrigation abandoned, greythorn, other shrubs with shrubby mesquite form a scrubland. Water table intact.
Water-table depleted by groundwater pumping to greater than 60 feet. Mature mesquites die back to a shrubby growth that rainfall can support. No return, if pumping is associated with urban areas or development.
Introduction of a seed source for non native annuals likeLondon rocket, foxtail barley, red brome and rescue brome.
Sedimentation of main stream system will cause water-tables to rise, eventually drowning out mesquite. Water tables are within rooting depth (20 feet) of sacaton. Gullies and stream channels fill with sediment and flooding resumes. Site returns to sacaton potential with PG/NG, see site description R041XC312AZ.
50 to 100 years with no further mesquite harvest or control to go back to mature mesquite trees rooted 50 foot deep.
Sedimentation of main stream system will cause water-tables to rise, eventually drowning out mesquite. Water tables are within rooting depth (20 feet) of sacaton. Gullies and stream channels fill with sediment and flooding resumes. Site returns to sacaton potential with PG/NG, see site description R041XC312AZ.
Cessation of groundwater pumping may allow water tables to rise over time to within 50 feet of the surface. Time depends on depth of depletion and amount of pumping reduced. This will not occur in urban or developing areas.
Cessation of groundwater pumping may allow water tables to rise over time to within 50 feet of the surface. Time depends on depth of depletion and amount of pumping reduced. This will not occur in urban or developing areas.
Unknown, possible herbicide control of exotic annuals.
Water-table depleted by groundwater pumping to greater than 60 feet. Mature mesquites die back to a shrubby growth that rainfall can support. No return, if pumping is associated with urban areas or development.
Sedimentation of main stream system will cause water-tables to rise, eventually drowning out mesquite. Water tables are within rooting depth (20 feet) of sacaton. Gullies and stream channels fill with sediment and flooding resumes. Site returns to sacaton potential with PG/NG, see site description R041XC312AZ.
Gully and stream erosion deepen channels and lower water-table to more than 20 feet from the surface. Sacaton thins out, mesquite increases and slowly forms a mature bosque.
Gully and stream erosion deepen channels and lower water-table to more than 20 feet from the surface. Sacaton thins out, mesquite increases and slowly forms a mature bosque.
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The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.