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Ecological site FX053A99X061

Riparian Woodland (RW)

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 053A / Ecological site FX053A99X061

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T1A - Lack of flooding disturbance, lowered water table, prolonged improper grazing, or a combination of these factors
T1C - Establishment of invasive tree species (primarily Russian olive)
T1B - Clear cutting, tillage or herbicide application, and seeding of cultivated crops (frequently combined with irrigation practices)
R2C - Proper grazing management, tree/shrub planting, intensive weed management (management intensive and costly)
T2A - Establishment of invasive tree species (primarily Russian olive)
T2B - Clear cutting, tillage or herbicide application, and seeding of cultivated crops (frequently combined with irrigation practices)
R3A - Removal of invasive tree species, sometimes combined with tree/shrub planting (management intensive and costly)
T3B - Clear cutting, tillage or herbicide application, and seeding of cultivated crops (frequently combined with irrigation practices)
P1.1a - Lack of disturbance, natural plant growth, and bank building
P1.2a - Flooding, bank scouring, or a combination of these factors
P1.2b - Lack of disturbance, bank building, and lowering of water table
P1.3b - Major flooding or stand-replacing fire in combination with bank scouring/slumping
P1.3a - Lack of disturbance, lowering of water table, cottonwood mortality
P1.3c - Improper grazing management
P1.4a - Major flooding or stand-replacing fire in combination with bank scouring/slumping
P1.5b - Major flooding or stand-replacing fire in combination with bank scouring/slumping
P1.5a - Proper grazing management

State 4 submodel, plant communities