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Ecological site FX053A99X700

Choppy Sandhills (CS)

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 053A / Ecological site FX053A99X700

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T1A - Introduction of non-native grass species, such crested wheatgrass.
T2A - Improper grazing management, warmer and drier climatic conditions.
T2B - Displacement of native species by non-native invasive species (Crested Wheatgrass, noxious weeds, etc.)
R3A - Critical area seeding, proper grazing management (management intensive and costly); or cooler, moister climatic conditions
T3B - Recolonization of site by non-native species (Crested Wheatgrass, noxious weeds, etc.)
P1.1a - Recolonization by perennial plants and soil entrapment
P1.2a - Localized disturbance, such as heavy grazing, or short-term drought
P1.2b - Establishment of stable woody vegetation and site stabilization of dune faces
P1.2c - Establishment of stable woody vegetation and site stabilization of interdunes
P1.3a - Localized disturbance, short term drought
P1.4a - Localized disturbance, short term drought
P2.1a - Recolonization by perennial plants and soil entrapment
P2.2a - Localized disturbance (i.e. fire, improper grazing, mechanical disturbance), drought
P2.2b - Establishment of stable woody vegetation and site stabilization of dune faces
P2.2c - Establishment of stable woody vegetation and site stabilization of interdunes
P2.3a - Localized disturbance (i.e. fire, improper grazing, mechanical disturbance), drought
P2.4a - Localized disturbance (i.e. fire, improper grazing, mechanical disturbance), drought

State 3 submodel, plant communities

State 4 submodel, plant communities