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Ecological site R057XY007MN

Steep Upland Prairie

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 057X / Ecological site R057XY007MN

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T1A - Heavy grazing or high levels of ground litter accumulation
T1B - Lack of fire for more than 5 years.
T1C - Tillage or other agricultural practices.
T2A - Lack of fire for more than 5 years.
T2B - Tillage and farming practices.
1.1A - Lack of fire greater than five years, drought, and grazing.
1.2A - Increased fire return interval, less than 5 years.
2.1A - Lack of disturbance, over grazing, buildup of heavy litter layer.
2.2A - Timed grazing and fire
2.2B - Lack of disturbance
2.3B - Intensive prescribed burning
2.3A - Intensive prescribed burning

State 3 submodel, plant communities

State 4 submodel, plant communities

4.1A - Seeded grass species sowed.
4.2A - Tillage and seasonal row crop planting.