Limy Sands
Scenario model
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Target ecosystem state
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The Grassland State is supported by empirical data, historical data, local expertise, and photographs. This state is defined by two native plant communities that are a result of periodic fire, drought, and grazing. These events are part of the natural disturbance regime and climatic process. The Reference Plant Community consists of both warm- and cool-season, tall-, mid-, shortgrasses, forbs, and shrubs. The Non-use plant community consists of decadent plants or excessive litter, and few remnant native grasses and forbs.
The Mid-, Shortgrass State is supported by empirical data, historical data, local expertise, and photographs. This state represents a plant community change as well as changes to the energy flow and nutrient cycling processes. This state is defined by one plant community.
Species diversity and composition has been reduced relative to that of the reference plant community.
The Shortgrass State is supported by empirical data, historical data, local expertise, and photographs. This state represents a plant community change as well as changes to the energy flow and nutrient cycling processes. This state is defined by one plant community.
With heavy, continuous grazing blue grama will become the dominant species and have a sod bound appearance. Unable to withstand the grazing pressure, only a remnant population of native tall- and midrass species remains.
Species composition and diversity has been reduced relative to state 2 and the Reference State. Water infiltration is reduced due to the sod nature of the blue grama and runoff is increased.
The Annual/Pioneer State is supported by empirical data, historical data, local expertise, and photographs. This state represents a plant community change as well as changes to the energy flow and nutrient cycling processes. This state is defined by one plant community.
Long-term, heavy, continuous grazing or continuous seasonal grazing will convert the Grassland State to Mid-, Shortgrass State.
Excessive defoliation (i.e., areas of heavy animal concentration) or cropped go-back land with continuous grazing will convert the Grassland State to the Annual/Pioneer State.
Long-term prescribed grazing that includes changing season of use and allowing adequate recovery periods will lead this plant community back to the Grassland State.
Relevant conservation practices
Practice | External resources |
Prescribed Grazing |
Long-term, heavy, continuous grazing or continuous seasonal grazing will convert Mid-, Shortgrass State to the Shortgrass State.
Long-term (+25 years) of prescribed grazing with adequate rest and recovery of the key forage species. Prescribed burning may be a necessary management tool.
Relevant conservation practices
Practice | External resources |
Prescribed Burning |
Prescribed Grazing |
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The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.