Scenario model
Current ecosystem state
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Management practices/drivers
Select a transition or restoration pathway
- Transition T1A More details
- Transition T5A More details
- Transition T5A More details
- Restoration pathway R2A More details
- Transition T2A More details
- Transition T5A More details
- Restoration pathway R3A More details
- Transition T5A More details
No transition or restoration pathway between the selected states has been described
Target ecosystem state
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This State represents what is believed to show the natural range of variability that dominated the dynamics of the ecological site prior to European settlement. This site, in Reference, is dominated by warm- and cool-season grasses. Grazing or the lack of grazing and fire are the major drivers between plant communities. Non-use and no fire or long-term, light grazing will result in litter accumulations and the loss of species diversity and production. This site can be susceptible to the invasion of non-native, cool-season grasses if they are found in adjoining plant communities.
The Shortgrass State is dominated by grazing tolerant, shortgrass species and upland sedges. This State is the result of grazing patterns that do not provide adequate recovery time for the tall, warm-season and mid-stature cool-season grasses. The hydrologic function of this site is dramatically altered. Runoff is high and infiltration is low. This State is very resistant to change through grazing management alone.
This State is the result of very heavy, concentrated disturbance such as concentrated rodent activity, or livestock concentration areas. Extended periods of drought accompanied by heavy grazing can also push an ‘At Risk’ plant community phase to this State. In most cases, this State is dominated by pioneer perennial and annual grass and forb species. The percentage of bare ground is also much higher than on any other plant community phase.
This State can transition from any Plant Community. The two separate vegetative Plant Communities are highly variable in nature. They are derived through different management scenarios, and are not related successionally. Infiltration, runoff, and soil erosion varies depending on the vegetation present on the site.
Continuous heavy grazing or drought will transition this plant community to the Shortgrass State (2.0).
Heavy disturbance, soil erosion, tillage, abandoned cropland, or seeding to improved pasture species result in a transition to the Disturbed State (4.0).
Heavy disturbance, soil erosion, tillage, abandoned cropland, or seeding to improved pasture species result in a transition to the Disturbed State (4.0).
Long-term, prescribed grazing and a return of normal precipitation patterns may move this plant community back towards the Reference State (1.0). The rate of this transition can be extremely variable depending on the species present on the site and the availability of a seed source. Typically, this transition will take a long period of time, and in the end, may not meet management goals or objectives.
Frequent and severe defoliation and/or heavy disturbance will transition this plant community to the Early Seral State (3.0).
Heavy disturbance, soil erosion, tillage, abandoned cropland, or seeding to improved pasture species result in a transition to the Disturbed State (4.0).
Removal of heavy disturbance, coupled with long-term prescribed grazing and a return to normal precipitation patterns will transition this plant community to the Shortgrass State (2.0).
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Ecological sites
Major Land Resource Areas
The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.