Choppy Sands (CS)
Scenario model
Current ecosystem state
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Management practices/drivers
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Transition T1A
Excessive grazing.
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Lack of fire.
Drought. -
Transition T2A
Excessive grazing.
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Lack of fire.
Drought. -
No transition or restoration pathway between the selected states has been described
Target ecosystem state
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The Reference state is characterized by two distinct plant community phases. The plant communities, and various successional stages between them, represent the natural range of variability within the Reference state.
The Reference state has been driven beyond the limits of ecosystem resilience. An ecological threshold has been crossed to the Sandhill Muhly state. Short, drought-tolerant grasses and shrubs dominate the plant community. Occasional mid-grasses may be found within the canopy of the shrubs where it is protected from grazing. Understory plants may be negatively affected by shrubs, which reduce the availability of light, soil moisture, and soil nutrients. A significant amount of production and diversity has been lost when compared to the Reference state. Significant biotic and soil changes have negatively impacted energy flow, and nutrient and hydrologic cycles.
This condition is not stable. It consists of bare areas that are continually eroded by wind. Evapo-transpiration rates are high due to bare ground, lack of litter, and extremely low plant density. Soil development is poor. Dry conditions and open winters tend to increase the likelihood of blowout formation. An ecological threshold has been crossed. Erosion and loss of organic matter are resource concerns.
Continuous, heavy grazing without adequate recovery periods between grazing events, or non-use and lack of fire shift this this state across an ecological threshold to the Sandhill Muhly State.
Long-term, heavy, continuous grazing without adequate recovery periods, lack of fire, and drought causes a shift across an ecological threshold to the Eroded State. Constraints to recovery include changes in aggregate stability, nutrient availability, plant cover, hydrologic function, severe soil erosion, and loss of organic matter. Accelerated wind erosion can cause the formation of blowouts.
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The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.