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Ecological site F088XY007MN

Wet Depressional Forest

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 088X / Ecological site F088XY007MN

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T1A - Flooding or excess inundation on-site from beaver, roads, or other hydrological alterations within the watershed
T1B - Removal of tree canopy resulting in loss of evapotranspiration and elevated water levels.
T2A - Drainage of open water/diversion of water off-site.
R3A - Absence of disturbance (75+ years), removal of non-native species, and natural regeneration/plantings.
R3B - Flooding or inundation caused by beaver, roads, or other hydrological alterations within the watershed

State 1 submodel, plant communities

1.1A - Stand-replacing windthrow, disease, or pest outbreak.
1.2A - Succession/Time without major disturbance (75+ years)

State 2 submodel, plant communities

State 3 submodel, plant communities

3.1A - Increasing ponding and soil saturation.
3.2A - Decreasing ponding and soil saturation