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Ecological site F088XY010MN

Bedrock Controlled Upland Forest

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 088X / Ecological site F088XY010MN

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T1A - Logging
T1B - Clearcut
R2A - Clearcut
T2A - Clearcut
T2B - Invasive species; deer
R3A - Succession; restoration
T3B - Earthworms; deer
R4A - Deer management

State 1 submodel, plant communities

1.1.A - Disturbances; partial canopy removal
1.2.A - Succession; no distrubance
2.1.A - Canopy openings
2.2.A - Selective logging
3.1.A - Succession
3.2.A - Tree removal
4.1.A - Advanced earthworm invasion
4.2.A - Heavy deer browse
P - Reduction in deer browsing