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Ecological site R102CY058NE

Loamy Upland

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 102C / Ecological site R102CY058NE

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T1A - Reduced native grass competitiveness due to excessive defoliation intensity and frequency or drought
T1B - Severe disturbance
T1C - Cedar encroachment leading to woody plant dominance
R2A - Reduced invasive grass competitiveness allows for natives to dominant site
T2A - Reduced native competitiveness allows for introduced grass colonization and expansion
T2B - Severe disturbance; opportunistic species dominant
T2C - Cedar encroachment leading to woody plant dominance
T3A - Reduced invasive grass competitiveness allows for natives to increase
T3B - Severe disturbance; opportunistic species dominate
T3A - Cedar encroachment leading to woody plant dominance
R4A - Reduced invasive grass competitiveness allows for natives to dominant site
R5A - Restoration of plant community to native grasses
1.1A - Reduced tallgrass vigor due to excessive defoliation intensity and frequency; drought.
1.2A - Improved tallgrass vigor with adequate rest periods; return of normal precipitation.
2.1A - Cool-season grasses increase
2.2A - Native warm-season grasses increase in dominance

State 4 submodel, plant communities

State 5 submodel, plant communities