Natural Resources
Conservation Service
Ecological site F127XY007WV
Wet Uplands
Last updated: 9/27/2024
Accessed: 12/22/2024
General information
Provisional. A provisional ecological site description has undergone quality control and quality assurance review. It contains a working state and transition model and enough information to identify the ecological site.
MLRA notes
Major Land Resource Area (MLRA): 127X–Eastern Allegheny Plateau and Mountains
This ecosite is found in mountains, plateau in MLRA 127: Eastern Allegheny Plateau and Mountains. This site occupies the Allegheny Mountain Section of the Appalachian Highlands of the Appalachian Plateau Province. The deeply dissected plateau in this area terminates in a high escarpment, the Allegheny Front, in the eastern part of the area. Steep slopes are dominant, but level to gently rolling plateau remnants are conspicuous in the northern part of the area. The area is dominantly forest, containing large blocks of state forest, game lands, and national forest. Less than one-tenth of the MLRA consists of urban areas.
Classification relationships
Land Resource Region (LRR): N—East and Central Farming and Forest Region
Major Land Resource Area (MLRA): 127—Eastern Allegheny Plateau and
USDA-FS (Cleland et al., 2007)
Province: 211 – Northeastern Mixed Forest Province (in Part)
Section: 211G - Northern Unglaciated Allegheny Plateau
Subsection: 211Ga – Allegheny High Plateau
211Gb – Allegheny Deep Valleys
Province: 221 - Eastern Broadleaf Province (in part)
Section: 221E - Southern Unglaciated Allegheny Plateau (in part)
Subsection: 221Ea - Pittsburgh Low Plateau
Province: M221 – Central Appalachian Broadleaf Forest – Coniferous Forest - Meadow Province (in part)
Section: M221B - Allegheny Mountains
Subsection: M221Ba – Northern High Allegheny Mountains
M221Bb – Western Allegheny Mountains
M221Bc – Southern High Allegheny Mountains
M221Bd – Eastern Allegheny Mountain and Valley
M221Be – Western Allegheny Mountain and Valley
M221Bf – Allegheny Mountain Plateau
Section: M221C - Northern Cumberland Mountains
Subsection: M221Ca – Western Coal Fields
These wetland ecological sites coincide with High Allegheny Wetland (CES202.069) and North-Central Appalachian Acidic Swamp (CES202.604). Not all of the component associations are applicable to MLRA127.
High Allegheny Wetland (CES202.069)
CEGL006592. Abies balsamea - Picea rubens / Danthonia compressa - Lycopodium spp. / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Forest
CEGL006591. Abies balsamea - Picea rubens / Ilex verticillata / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Forest
CEGL006132. Acer rubrum - Nyssa sylvatica High Allegheny Plateau-Central Appalachian Seep Forest
CEGL007163. Alnus incana - Cornus sericea Midwest Shrub Swamp
CEGL006839. Alnus incana Shrub Swamp
CEGL006546. Alnus incana - Viburnum recognitum / Calamagrostis canadensis Shrub Swamp
CEGL006589. (Andromeda polifolia var. glaucophylla) / Polytrichum strictum - Cladonia spp. - Sphagnum spp. Acidic Peatland
CEGL006545. Aronia arbutifolia - Ilex verticillata - Ilex mucronata / Osmunda cinnamomea Acidic Peatland
CEGL005449. Calamagrostis canadensis North-Central Wet Meadow
CEGL006549. Carex canescens - Eriophorum virginicum / Sphagnum spp. Fen
CEGL008534. Carex echinata - Solidago uliginosa / Sphagnum spp. Seepage Meadow
CEGL007771. Carex gynandra - Scirpus cyperinus - Eriophorum virginicum - Osmunda cinnamomea Herbaceous Seep
CEGL002256. Carex lacustris Midwest Wet Meadow
CEGL006412. Carex stricta - Carex vesicaria Wet Meadow
CEGL002257. Carex utriculata - Carex stricta - Carex lacustris - Carex vesicaria Wet Meadow
CEGL006193. Chrysosplenium americanum Seepage Meadow
CEGL006552. Dulichium arundinaceum - Carex folliculata - Juncus spp. Seepage Meadow
CEGL006570. Eriophorum virginicum - (Carex folliculata) / Sphagnum spp. - Polytrichum spp. Fen
CEGL006003. Fraxinus nigra - Abies balsamea / Rhamnus alnifolia Swamp Forest
CEGL006464. Hypericum densiflorum / Rubus hispidus Scrub
CEGL002472. Larix laricina / Aronia melanocarpa / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Forest
CEGL006461. Leersia oryzoides - Sagittaria latifolia Wet Meadow
CEGL006556. Picea rubens - Acer rubrum / Ilex verticillata Swamp Forest
CEGL006590. Picea rubens / Carex trisperma / Sphagnum spp. - Polytrichum spp. Swamp Forest
CEGL006588. Picea rubens / Rhododendron maximum - Kalmia latifolia / Eriophorum virginicum / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Forest
CEGL006277. Picea rubens - (Tsuga canadensis) / Rhododendron maximum Swamp Forest
CEGL006593. Picea rubens / Vaccinium erythrocarpum / Sphagnum spp. - Bazzania trilobata Swamp Forest
CEGL006594. Populus tremuloides / Vaccinium myrtilloides / Solidago uliginosa Swamp Forest
CEGL006305. Salix sericea Shrub Swamp
CEGL006275. Schoenoplectus (tabernaemontani, acutus) Eastern Marsh
CEGL006349. Scirpus cyperinus Wet Meadow
CEGL006568. Solidago rugosa - Euthamia graminifolia Wet Meadow
CEGL004510. Sparganium americanum - (Sparganium erectum ssp. stoloniferum) - Epilobium leptophyllum Seep
CEGL006595. Spiraea alba Wet Shrubland
CEGL006571. Spiraea tomentosa - Rubus spp. / Phalaris arundinacea Ruderal Wet Shrubland
CEGL006596. Vaccinium myrtilloides / Pteridium aquilinum / Polytrichum spp. Acidic Peatland
CEGL007856. Vaccinium oxycoccos - (Vaccinium macrocarpon) / Rhynchospora alba - Drosera rotundifolia / Sphagnum spp. Fen
North-Central Appalachian Acidic Swamp (CES202.604).
CEGL006105. Acer rubrum / Carex lacustris Wet Woodland
CEGL006119. Acer rubrum / Carex stricta - Onoclea sensibilis Wet Woodland
CEGL006406. Acer rubrum - Fraxinus (pennsylvanica, americana) / Lindera benzoin / Symplocarpus foetidus Swamp Forest
CEGL006220. Acer rubrum / Ilex mucronata - Vaccinium corymbosum Swamp Forest
CEGL006014. Acer rubrum - Nyssa sylvatica - Betula alleghaniensis / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Forest
CEGL006132. Acer rubrum - Nyssa sylvatica High Allegheny Plateau-Central Appalachian Seep Forest
CEGL007853. Acer rubrum - Nyssa sylvatica / Ilex verticillata - Vaccinium fuscatum / Osmunda cinnamomea Seep Forest
CEGL006156. Acer rubrum / Rhododendron viscosum - Clethra alnifolia Swamp Forest
CEGL006380. Betula alleghaniensis - Acer rubrum - (Tsuga canadensis, Abies balsamea) / Osmunda cinnamomea Swamp Forest
CEGL006588. Picea rubens / Rhododendron maximum - Kalmia latifolia / Eriophorum virginicum / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Forest
CEGL006277. Picea rubens - (Tsuga canadensis) / Rhododendron maximum Swamp Forest
CEGL006226. Tsuga canadensis - Betula alleghaniensis / Ilex verticillata / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Forest
CEGL008533. Tsuga canadensis - Betula alleghaniensis / Veratrum viride - Carex scabrata - Oclemena acuminata Swamp Forest
CEGL006279. Tsuga canadensis / Rhododendron maximum / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Forest
Ecological site concept
The vegetation groupings described in this section are based on the terrestrial ecological system classification and vegetation associations developed by NatureServe (Comer 2003) and Landfire. The wet uplands occur as extensive, wet lowland sites in depressions, backwaters, and other wetland conditions including the presence of a fragipan. These wetland ecological sites coincide with two ecological systems: High Allegheny Wetland (CES202.069) and North-Central Appalachian Acidic Swamp (CES202.604).
From NatureServe (2007): High Allegheny Wetland (CES202.069)
This system occurs along the high plateau of the Allegheny Mountains, immediately west of the Allegheny Front at elevations between 730 and 1430 m. Wetlands in this system are drained by low-gradient, meandering, intermittent to small headwater streams. Drainage is impounded in high, flat-lying basins by natural dams or "knickpoints" of resistant sandstone. In addition to poor moisture drainage, cold air drains from the surrounding uplands to pool in the flat basins, which function as frost pockets. Rainfall is plentiful, averaging about 1300 mm/year. Communities in this system may have substrates of shallow to deep peat or, less commonly, mineral soil. Soils are acidic to circumneutral. These high Allegheny wetlands form complex mosaics ranging in size from a few hectares to 6000 hectares. Forested swamps occupy the less disturbed margins or slightly higher "islands." This system has a distinctly northern character in its resemblance to bogs and swamps of New England. However, the striking absence of Chamaedaphne calyculata and Picea mariana, two abundant and common species of northern bogs and swamps, as well as the presence of species characteristic of the Southern Appalachians, such as Hypericum densiflorum, Vaccinium erythrocarpum, and Rhododendron maximum, distinguishes this system from its northern counterpart.
From NatureServe (2007): North-Central Appalachian Acidic Swamp (CES202.604). These swamps are distributed from central New England through the Central Appalachians south to Virginia and west to Ohio. They are found at low to mid elevations (generally <700 m) in basins or on gently sloping seepage lowlands. The acidic substrate is mineral soil, often with a component of organic muck; if peat is present, it usually forms an organic epipedon over the mineral soil rather than a true peat substrate (although peat layers up to 1 m deep have been found in some of these swamps). Tsuga canadensis is usually present and may be dominant. It is often mixed with deciduous wetland trees such as Acer rubrum or Nyssa sylvatica. Sphagnum is an important component of the bryoid layer. Basin swamps tend to be more nutrient-poor and less species-rich than seepage swamps; in some settings, the two occur adjacent to each other with the basin swamp vegetation surrounded by seepage swamp vegetation on its upland periphery.
Associated sites
F127XY013WV |
Divergent Uplands Divergent Uplands |
Table 1. Dominant plant species
Tree |
(1) Acer rubrum |
Shrub |
(1) Ilex verticillata |
Herbaceous |
Not specified |
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