Loamy Bottomland
Scenario model
Current ecosystem state
Select a state
Management practices/drivers
Select a transition or restoration pathway
Transition T1A
Invasion by Chinese tallow
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Transition T1B
Clearcut, site preparation, tree planting
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Transition T1C
Clearcut, grass/crop planting
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Restoration pathway R2A
Removal of Chinese tallow, return over/understory to natives
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Transition T2A
Clearcut, site preparation, tree planting
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Transition T2B
Clearcut, grass/crop planting
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Restoration pathway R3A
Tree planting, return flooding intervals
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Transition T3A
Clearcut, no management, Chinese tallow invasion
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Transition T3B
Clearcut, grass/crop planting
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Restoration pathway R4A
Tree planting, return of flooding intervals
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Transition T4A
Oldfield abondonment, Chinese tallow invasion
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Transition T4B
Clearcut, site preparation, tree planting
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No transition or restoration pathway between the selected states has been described
Target ecosystem state
Select a state
Three communities exist in the Forest State: the Willow Oak Community (1.1), the Overcup Oak Community (1.2), and the Water Oak Community (1.3). The overall state has a high overstory cover (70 to 95 percent) of bottomland hardwood species. Basal areas range from 70 to 110 square feet per acre. The dominant overstory species are willow oak, overcup oak (Quercus lyrata), water oak (Quercus nigra), laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), and swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii). Flooding in the reference state is common, varying from brief durations to long durations depending on micro-relief, size of precipitation events, and current saturation of the soil. Flooding typically occurs during the dormant season (November to May). Growing season flooding for prolonged periods will cause mortality to overstory trees.
All communities can occur within feet of each other as relief changes ever so slightly. Floodwaters scour and deposit new soil throughout the landscape. The areas with lower relief may have a slightly higher clay content in the surface from settling as flood waters recede. As a general rule, more dense understories are found in the higher-elevation communities and transition to less vegetation as elevation decreases. The reduced-oxygen environment requires all three communities of plants to use adaptations to overcome the inundation by water. Another common feature is a heavy cover of hardwood leaf litter widespread throughout the reference state.
Communities within State 1 affected by a canopy-clearing disturbance can be inhabited by light-seeded species. If advanced oak reproduction is present at time of disturbance the stand will retain its oak dominance. Oaks will sprout, grow, die-back, and regrow for many years. Otherwise, ash (Fraxinus sp.) and sweetgum will colonize the canopy due to their rapid growth and ability to grow into the crown early. If the advanced oak regeneration is not present, an ash, sweetgum, or ash/sweetgum dominated stand is possible.
Fire plays a small role in the overall ecosystem. Prolonged drought and severe dry conditions could allow a fire to burn through the bottoms, but it was only estimated to occur once in every 50 years. More common is treefall due to windthrow. The rooting systems in the bottoms are oftentimes shallow. In combination with some mortality due to prolonged flooding, downed trees and upright snags in the Loamy Bottomlands are common.
Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera) is an undesired, invasive species brought to the United States in 1776 (Randall & Marinelli, 1996). Rapid expansion along the gulf coastal states has allowed the species to invade many ecosystems and consequently reduce diversity. Tallow trees are known to cause gastrointestinal upset, contact dermatitis, and toxicity in livestock and humans. Mechanical and chemicals options exist as a means to control the trees.
The Plantation State is a result of conversion activities. The landowner has maximized silviculture production by planting a monoculture of tree species.
The transition from the State 1 to State 2 is a result of occupancy by Chinese tallow. Chinese tallow invades oftentimes from upstream as their seeds are carried by floodwaters. Tallow trees grow and spread quickly throughout infected sites.
The transition is due to the land manager maximizing silviculture potential. Merchantable timber is harvested by clearcut, then the site is prepared and planted to a monoculture of trees.
The transition is due to the land manager maximizing agricultural production. Merchantable timber is harvested by clearcut, then the site is prepared and planted to either a planted grass or row crops.
The driver for restoration is control of Chinese tallow. Although an option, mechanical removal of the trees is difficult because they readily regrow from roots and seeds. Several chemicals methods are available including glyphosate for cut-stump treatments, triclopyr for cut-stump and foliar treatments, imazamox for broad spectrum application, and imazapyr as a foliar spray. Many aquatic herbicides have water use restrictions and can potentially kill hardwoods, so labels and restrictions should be read carefully prior to application.
The transition is due to the land manager maximizing silviculture potential. Merchantable timber is harvested by clearcut, then the site is prepared and planted to a monoculture of trees.
The transition is due to the land manager maximizing agricultural production. Merchantable timber is harvested by clearcut, then the site is prepared and planted to either a planted grass or row crops.
This restoration pathway may be accomplished by removing planted trees (pine or other hardwood) and replanting bottomland hardwoods. Restoration efforts for bottomland hardwood forests have proven difficult and much research has been done on these ecosystems. Many times restoring the function of the ecosystem is the most difficult obstacle. Evapotranspiration and hyrdoperiod are closely linked and may never fully be restored until a forested condition exists again (Stanturf et al., 2001).
Local tree availability may limit the possibilities of species composition. Careful planning of available species, site design, and further management actions should be conversed with a knowledgeable restoration source. With this in mind, oftentimes late summer and early fall are the best times to begin due to possibly wet conditions during the late fall to early spring. Many detailed guides have been written to assist with restoration, and suggested readings include, “A Guide to Bottomland Hardwood Restoration” (Allen et al., 2001).
This community transition is caused by neglecting the plantation understory. Without control, the understory becomes a dense thicket and can be invaded by Chinese tallow.
The transition is due to the land manager maximizing agricultural production. Merchantable timber is harvested by clearcut, then the site is prepared and planted to either an improved grass or row crops.
This restoration pathway may be accomplished by restoring bottomland hardwoods. Restoration efforts for bottomland hardwood forests have proven difficult and much research has been done on these ecosystems. Many times restoring the function of the ecosystem is the most difficult obstacle. Evapotranspiration and hyrdoperiod are closely linked and may never fully be restored until a forested condition exists again (Stanturf et al., 2001).
Local tree availability may limit the possibilities of species composition. Careful planning of available species, site design, and further management actions should be conversed with a knowledgeable restoration source. With this in mind, oftentimes late summer and early fall are the best times to begin due to possibly wet conditions during the late fall to early spring. Many detailed guides have been written to assist with restoration, and suggested readings include, “A Guide to Bottomland Hardwood Restoration” (Allen et al., 2001).
This community transition is caused by neglecting the pasture or not replanting crops. Without control, the understory becomes a dense thicket and can be invaded by Chinese tallow.
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The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.