Ecological dynamics
The core concepts of this ecological site are best expressed and defined by the site’s primary location in floodplain environments, although the soils associated with this site have been mapped on alluvial fans. Within floodplains, this site consists of natural levees, the first alluvial flat landward of levees and stream fronts, and the higher mounds or rises within wetter flats. The moderately well to well drain soils of this site create an incredible medium for supporting a rich association of deciduous broad-leaved hardwoods. Where disturbances have been minimal (e.g., gap-scale or single tree senescence), a continuous, overlapping canopy typically develops.
The better drainage capabilities of the soil generally supports exemplary examples of both upland and lowland species that co-occur within single stands. Overstory components often include oaks, hickories, elm, beech, sycamore, cottonwood and a number of additional hardwoods. Canopy height ranges from 80 to 150 feet and basal area is typically within 100 to 210 square feet per acre (LANDFIRE, 2008). Unlike the wetter, lower portions of the floodplain, water moves off this site first, which can contribute to a dense understory layer of shrubs, saplings, midstory components, and vines. Herbaceous cover ranges from sparse to dense depending on canopy cover.
The dominant ecological processes associated with this site include periodic flooding, stand disturbances at varying scales, and natural, stream migration. Given the site’s landform position, periodic flooding is a common and important process of the system. Flooding can enhance fertility of the soil environment via deposition of new alluvium but can also impact the site by scouring and/or depositing excessive materials. Flood duration is highly variable and directly dependent upon stream size and magnitude of the flood event. Flood durations of small streams are typically brief and “flashy”, while those of larger systems may range from brief to very long depending on drainage basin size and flood event. The collective effects of the hydrodynamics within this system naturally lead to migration or movement of the stream across its connected landscape, the floodplain. Low-gradient streams generally meander and frequently change course leading to the erosion of a portion of the floodplain with the concomitant deposition and creation of new point bars, levees, and alluvial flats.
Forest stand disturbances vary in both size and type. Disturbances range from gap-scale (single tree to small group) to stand-initiating events that are greater than one acre (per Johnson et al., 2009). Smaller gaps or forest openings may result in the release of suppressed understory components, but the greatest response is often ingrowth or expansion of the surrounding canopy (Oliver and Larson, 1990). Understories of long-term, non-disturbed portions of the stand (i.e., complete canopy closure) are typically comprised of shade-tolerant woody and herbaceous species. Larger gaps often consist of heavy, downed woody debris and a dense concentration of shrubs, forbs, vines, and released saplings and young trees. Types of disturbances may include wind, severe ice storms, and beaver. The influence of the latter is perhaps the most dynamic as local hydrologic regimes are dramatically altered leading to wetter soils, different vegetation communities, and a different suite of ecological processes.
An additional disturbance factor that rarely occurs on this site today but is thought to have been an important historical influence is fire. This supposition is drawn from the presence of a single species: cane. Cane grows readily on this site and historically, extended across many floodplains of the Southeast (Gagnon, 2009). The sheer presence of this species in the historic community suggests disturbance beyond flooding alone. Fire may have been an important disturbance factor in the pre-settlement bottomland community (see Gagnon and Platt, 2008; Gagnon, 2009), which suggests that the structure of this site may have been more open where dense canebrakes existed. However, any vestige of that system is long past. Those areas that have been allowed to revert naturally are now best characterized as closed-canopied, bottomland hardwoods.
The principal land use, today, is agriculture production with some areas in pasture and/or forage production. The fertile soils of the broader floodplains and alluvial fans are almost exclusively cropland. Timber production is mostly restricted to the narrower drainageways. Perhaps the largest and most significant alteration to this site has been channelization and levee (or spoil bank) construction. Such hydrologic alterations are probably more commonplace on streams that extend onto the Western Lowlands than those occurring within Crowley’s Ridge physiographic area. Still, this action results in a disconnection between the stream - floodplain environment, which interrupts and alters the ecological processes and functions of the system as a whole.
There are a few areas that have been set aside in the public and/or private interest (e.g., parks, refuges, natural areas, and forest preserves), and those areas are now heavily forested. With no example of the pre-settlement plant community remaining intact, reference conditions of this site have been arbitrarily chosen to reflect the native plant species that most frequently occur and that influence the overall structure and characteristics of maturing stands. Locations that offer an opportunity to examine these “surrogate” reference conditions are relegated to those public and private land holdings.
Following this narrative, a “provisional” state and transition model is provided that includes the “perceived” reference state and several alternative (or altered) vegetation states that have been observed and/or projected for this ecological site. This model is based on limited inventories, literature, expert knowledge, and interpretations. Plant communities will differ across MLRA 134 due to natural variability in climate, soils, and physiography. Depending on objectives, the reference plant community may not necessarily be the management goal.
The environmental and biological characteristics of this site are complex and dynamic. As such, the following diagram suggests pathways that the vegetation on this site might take, given that the modal concepts of climate and soils are met within an area of interest. Specific locations with unique soils and disturbance histories may have alternate pathways that are not represented in the model. This information is intended to show the possibilities within a given set of circumstances and represents the initial steps toward developing a defensible description and model. The model and associated information are subject to change as knowledge increases and new information is garnered. This is an iterative process. Most importantly, local and/or state professional guidance should always be sought before pursuing a treatment scenario.
State 1
Bottomland Forest
The pre-settlement plant community of this ecological site was largely removed more than 150 years ago, and the fertile, moist alluvial fans, natural levees, and alluvial flats of this site were among the first to have been converted. There are no extant examples of that community. Following decades of land-use impacts, the plant community that returned in areas initially set aside for protection include a wide range of broad-leaved trees commonly referred to as bottomland hardwoods. The higher positions of this site coupled with better soil drainage provide excellent site potential.
Community 1.1
Mixed Species Bottomland Hardwoods
This community phase represents the successional stage, composition, and structural complexity of stands supporting perceived reference conditions. Today, this community is representative of maturing stands that mainly occur within public and/or private preserves.
Overstory composition of the natural levees and better drained alluvial flats include cherrybark, willow oak, water oak, swamp chestnut oak, Shumard’s oak, sweetgum, American sycamore, green ash, various hickories, eastern cottonwood, river birch, red maple, silver maple, boxelder, black walnut, pecan, along with occasional occurrences of American beech, tuliptree, and white oak. In addition to smaller individuals of the preceding canopy trees, the subcanopy or mid-story stratum is often represented by American hornbeam, hophornbeam, and pawpaw. Components of the small to tall shrub strata typically include spicebush, pawpaw, and giant cane.
State 2
Post Large-scale Disturbance Forest
This state is characterized by the regeneration or regrowth of a pre-existing forest stand following a major, stand-replacing disturbance. Scale of the disturbance is at the stand level, which is considered to be greater than one acre (per Johnson et al., 2009). Potential types of disturbances include catastrophic windstorms, wildfire, silvicultural clearcuts, and particularly destructive ice storms. The resulting, even-aged stand (or single-cohort) is set on a new course of development, which is highly dependent upon several critical factors including: the composition and structure of the stand prior to the disturbance; the degree or intensity of the disturbance; size and configuration of the disturbed area; and distance to seed sources.
Composition and condition of the forest stand prior to a major disturbance may dictate, in large part, future composition of the regenerating stand. Although colonization by new species is expected soon after the disturbance, many of the pre-existing overstory components are anticipated to occupy position in the new, developing stand – their presence arising mainly from stump or root sprouts, advance regeneration, and germination from the seed bank (Oliver and Larson, 1990).
Community 2.1
Mixed Species Forest Regrowth
Large blowdowns such as straight-line winds and tornadoes may have a major influence on composition and successional patterns of hardwood stands (Hodges, 1998). Soon after overstory removal, numerous species may colonize large openings and influence the dynamics of the site. Initial colonizers are often forbs, graminoids, and vines that may have existed in the seed bank, were forest floor components prior to disturbance, or transported into the site via flood waters, wind, and/or animals. Overstory species anticipated to occur during the stand-initiation stage include sweetgum, American sycamore, eastern cottonwood, ash, oaks, hickory, elm, walnut, hackberry, sugarberry, boxelder, tuliptree, along with the residual shade-tolerant species of maple, beech, and American hornbeam.
For stands that were highly altered prior to the disturbance (e.g., high-graded), intensive management may be necessary in order to establish a desired composition. Management actions may include controlling undesirable species mechanically and chemically and planting the desired species.
State 3
Timber Management
This state represents the breadth of forest management activities on this site. Various management or silvicultural methods can lead to very different structural and compositional results within a managed stand. The range of methods are diverse and include even-aged (e.g., clearcut and shelterwood) and uneven-aged (single tree, diameter-limit, basal area, group selection, etc.) approaches. Included within these approaches is an option to use disturbance mechanisms (e.g., timber stand improvement) to reduce competition and achieve maximum growth potential of the desired species. Inherently, these various approaches result in different community or “management phases” and possibly alternate states. The decision to represent these varying approaches and management results into a single state and phase at this time hinges on the need for additional information in order to formulate definitive pathways, management actions, and community responses. Forthcoming inventories and description iterations of this site will provide more detail on this state and associated management phases.
Community 3.1
Mixed Species (Various)
This phase represents the prevailing compositional diversity of hardwood species occurring on this site. Components of the system that are often in greatest demand are the oaks. Oaks that respond incredibly well on this site include cherrybark, Shumard’s, northern red, swamp chestnut, willow, water, and occasionally white oak. However, managing for oaks alone on this highly productive site may be time, labor, and cost prohibitive. Managing for a mixed diversity of hardwoods (including oaks) is the option representative of this management phase. In addition to oaks, species responding well on this site include tuliptree, sweetgum, ash, elm, walnut, sycamore, and cottonwood.
There are a variety of silvicultural methods for achieving this management state including both uneven-aged approaches (e.g., group selection) and even-aged actions (e.g., clearcut). Finding the appropriate approach for a given stand and environment necessitates close consultation with trained, experienced, and knowledgeable forestry professionals. If there is a desire to proceed with this state, it is strongly urged and advised that professional guidance be secured and a well-designed silvicultural plan developed in advance of any work conducted.
State 4
This state is representative of sites that have been converted to and maintained in pasture and forage cropland, typically a grass – legume mixture. For pastureland, planning or prescribing the intensity, frequency, timing, and duration of grazing can help to maintain desirable forage mixtures at sufficient density and vigor (USDA-NRCS, 2010; Green et al., 2006). Overgrazed pastures can lead to soil compaction and numerous bare spots, which may then become focal points of accelerated erosion and colonization sites of undesirable plants or weeds.
Establishing an effective pasture management program may help minimize the rate of weed establishment and assist in maintaining vigorous growth of desired forage. An effective pasture management program includes: selecting well-adapted grass and/or legume species that will grow and establish rapidly; maintaining proper soil pH and fertility levels; using controlled grazing practices; mowing at proper timing and stage of maturity; allowing new seedings to become well established before use; and renovating pastures when needed (Rhodes et al., 2005; Green et al., 2006). It is strongly advised that consultation with State Grazing Land Specialists and District Conservationists at local NRCS Service Centers be sought when assistance is needed in developing management recommendations or prescribed grazing practices.
Community 4.1
Select Forage/Species Mixture
This community phase represents commonly planted forage species on pasturelands and haylands. The suite of plants established on any given site may vary considerably depending upon purpose, management goals, usage, and soils. Most systems include a mixture of grasses and legumes that provide forage throughout the growing season. Cool season forage may include tall fescue, orchardgrass, white clover, and red clover, and warm season forage often consists of bermudagrass, bahiagrass, and annual lespedeza. Several additional plants and/or species combinations may be desired depending on the objectives and management approaches and especially, local soils. The soils of this site generally have few limitations that restrict their use (Capability Class I).
If active management (and grazing) of the pastureland is stopped, this phase will transition to “old field” conditions, which is the transitional period between a predominantly open, herbaceous field and the brushy stage of a newly initiated stand of trees.
State 5
Crop Production
Upon settlement, the fertility of the soils led to rapid land clearing and crop production. Today, crops that are often established include cotton, corn, soybean, and small grains.
Community 5.1
Corn, soybean, small grains, and cotton.
Transition T1A
State 1 to 2
This pathway represents a large-scale, stand replacing disturbance, which may be caused by a catastrophic windstorm (e.g., straight-line winds, tornado), ice storm, severe fire, or a silvicultural clearcut. For this stressor to occur, most or all of the overstory must be removed or destroyed. A few residual trees may persist, but overall, the disturbance must be intensive enough, at least one acre or larger (Johnson et al., 2009), that a new, even-aged stand is created (State 2).
Transition T1B
State 1 to 3
This pathway consists of prescribed silvicultural activities specifically designed to meet stand compositional and production objectives. Activities may include release cuttings through a combination of low and high thinning, mechanical and chemical control of competition, and artificial regeneration (i.e., planting) of sites with low oak presence. A variety of silvicultural methods may be employed including group selection, single tree selection harvests (all classes/condition; avoid “high-grading”), or even-age management (clearcut).
Transition T1C
State 1 to 4
Actions required to convert forests to grassland or forage production include forest clearing, stump removal, herbicide application, seedbed preparation, and the establishment of desired plants.
Transition T1D
State 1 to 5
Actions include mechanical removal of vegetation and stumps; herbicide treatment of residual plants; and preparation for planting.
Restoration pathway R2A
State 2 to 1
This pathway represents a return to reference conditions through natural succession, if the disturbance occurred within a reference community. Depending upon objectives and stand condition, management activities to aide recovery may include exotic species control and silvicultural treatment that benefits oak regeneration and establishment (e.g., TSI practices such as crop tree release, low thinning, and cull removal).
Transition T2A
State 2 to 3
This pathway represents the development of an even-aged stand that is prescribed to meet compositional and production objectives.
Transition T2B
State 2 to 4
Actions required to convert forests to pasture or forage production include forest clearing, stump removal, herbicide application, seedbed preparation, and the establishment of desired plants.
Transition T2C
State 2 to 5
Actions include mechanical removal of vegetation and stumps, herbicide treatment of residual plants, and preparation for planting.
Restoration pathway R3A
State 3 to 1
Natural succession over a period of time may transition a former timber-managed stand to one supporting reference conditions. Some question remains whether a return to reference conditions will occur in every situation, especially since some components may have been selectively culled from the stand. Management activities to aide recovery may include exotic species control and silvicultural treatment.
Restoration pathway R3B
State 3 to 2
This pathway represents a large-scale, stand-initiating disturbance, which effectively removes most or all of the pre-existing overstory. Disturbances may include a catastrophic windstorm, severe wildfire, and silvicultural management (even-aged).
Transition T3A
State 3 to 4
Actions required to convert forests to pasture or forage production include forest clearing, stump removal, herbicide application, seedbed preparation, and the establishment of desired plants.
Transition T3B
State 3 to 5
Actions include mechanical removal of vegetation and stumps, herbicide treatment of residual plants, and preparation for planting.
Restoration pathway R4A
State 4 to 1
This pathway represents natural succession back to perceived reference conditions. The period required for this transition to take place likely varies by location and is dependent upon local site conditions. LANDFIRE models (2008) suggest that over 80 years is required for a return to a late development community and this pathway is highly dependent upon species present in the developing stand in addition to the appropriate level and type of disturbance (e.g., periodic flood regime, presence/absence of catastrophic wind events, etc.). Significant efforts may be required before a return to reference conditions is achieved (e.g., exotic species control, appropriate connectivity between stream and floodplain, potential artificial regeneration of community components, etc.).
Restoration pathway R4B
State 4 to 3
This pathway represents prescribed management strategies for transitioning abandoned pastureland to managed woodland. Activities may include artificial regeneration of and management for desired species and exotic species control.
Transition T4A
State 4 to 5
Actions include mechanical removal of vegetation and stumps; herbicide treatment of residual plants; and preparation for planting.
Restoration pathway R5A
State 5 to 1
This pathway represents natural succession back to perceived reference conditions. The period required for this transition to take place likely varies by location and is dependent upon local site conditions. LANDFIRE models (2008) suggest that over 80 years is required for a return to a late development community and this pathway is highly dependent upon species present in the developing stand in addition to the appropriate level and type of disturbance (e.g., periodic flood regime, presence/absence of catastrophic wind events, etc.). Significant efforts may be required before a return to reference conditions is achieved and may never fully reach perceived reference conditions (e.g., exotic species control, appropriate connectivity between stream and floodplain, potential artificial regeneration of community components, etc.).
Restoration pathway R5B
State 5 to 3
This pathway represents prescribed management strategies for transitioning abandoned cropland to managed woodland. Activities may include artificial regeneration of and management for desired species and exotic species control.
Restoration pathway R5C
State 5 to 4
Seedbed preparation and establishment of desired forage/grassland mixture.