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Major Land Resource Area 143X

Northeastern Mountains

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MLRA 143 (fig. 143-1) is in Maine (51 percent), New York (27 percent), Vermont (13 percent), New Hampshire (7 percent), and Massachusetts (2 percent). It makes up about 34,409 square miles (89,118 square kilometers). The MLRA consists of rolling hills and mountains covered by Wisconsin till. It is in three parts separated by other MLRAs. The western part is in New York (primarily the Adirondack Mountains). The central part is mainly in the Green Mountains in Vermont and the Berkshires in Massachusetts. The eastern part is in New Hampshire and most of northern Maine. The western part of MLRA 143 in the Adirondack Mountains has a distinct boundary with the physiographically dissimilar Saint Lawrence-Champlain Plain. The middle part that encompasses the Green Mountains has a diffuse boundary as it blends into the northern part of the New England and Eastern New York Uplands on the foothills of the Green Mountains. The southern boundary of the easternmost part of MLRA 143 has the same diffuse boundary. The northern boundary of the MLRA is the Canadian border. Precipitation, perennial streams, and lakes provide an abundance of water. In the parts of the MLRA in New York and Vermont, the surface water is used primarily for recreation and the steep terrain provides numerous opportunities for hydropower facilities. The surface water in the part of the MLRA in New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts is used for recreation, light industry (textile and paper mills), and public supply. The surface water throughout the MLRA generally is of excellent quality. Acid rain is a concern. The acidity removes metals, such as aluminum, iron, and mercury, from soils. These contaminants enter the streams, lakes, and reservoirs and eventually the food chain. This area supports northern hardwoods, spruce, and fir. The most common trees are sugar maple (Acer saccharum), American beech (Fagus grandifolia), yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis), black cherry (Prunus serotina), eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), balsam fir (Abies balsamea), red spruce (Picea rubens), eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), black spruce (Picea mariana), and quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides). Sugar maple, yellow birch, American beech, red spruce, and eastern hemlock are dominant on the better drained soils on hills and ridges. Red spruce and balsam fir are dominant on the wetter soils on long, gentle slopes and in depressions. Stunted balsam fir and red spruce are common on many of the high mountaintops. Wood for lumber and pulp for the paper industry are the principal forest products. Maple sugar is an important product in many areas. Most farming is a part-time enterprise on isolated farms. Much of the area in the Adirondack Mountains in New York is in a State park, and much of the area in New Hampshire is part of the White Mountain National Forest. Although most of the area in New England is privately owned, a large part is in national forests, State forests, or State parks. This MLRA is widely used for year-round recreation. Conservation practices on forestland generally include forest stand improvement and proper construction, use, and maintenance of skid trails, water bars, access roads, and log landings. Critical area planting and sediment-control measures are needed on construction sites, ski slopes, and recreation trails. Conservation practices on cropland generally include conservation tillage, contour strip-cropping, crop rotations, crop residue management (primarily mulch-till), cover crops, diversions, and grassed waterways.

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