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Ecological site F152BY004TX

Clayey Flat

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 152B / Ecological site F152BY004TX

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T1A - Absence of disturbance, introduction of Chinese tallow and/or other non-native species, and natural regeneration over time
T1B - Native vegetation has been cleared and replaced with desirable timber species
T1C - Native vegetation has been cleared and replaced with improved forage species or annual crops
R2A - Mechanical and chemical control of Chinese tallow, coupled with period fire every 10-20 years
T2A - Merchantable timber is harvested by clearcut and vegetation is replaced with monoculture of desirable timber species.
T2A - Vegetation has been cleared and replaced with improved forage species or annual crops
R3A - Selective harvest combined with reintroduction of native species and periodic fire every 10-20 years
T3A - Native vegetation has been harvested and replaced with improved forage species or annual crops
T4B - Lack of natural/anthropogenic disturbance and natural regeneration over time
T4A - Planting monoculture of desirable timber species

State 1 submodel, plant communities

State 2 submodel, plant communities

State 3 submodel, plant communities

State 4 submodel, plant communities