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Ecological site F009XY002WA

Mesic Xeric Loamy Hills Ponderosa Pine Warm Dry Grass

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 009X / Ecological site F009XY002WA

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T1A - The natural fire regime intervals changed to 50 or more years allowing understory pine regeneration
T1B - Invasion of introduced perennial and annual grasses
T1C - Land converted to crop, pasture, or urban development
R2A - Overstory thinning followed by prescribed fire
R3A - Site preparation, native grass reseeding, weed control, grazing protection followed by prescribed burning
1.1A - Time. Lack of fire allowing pine regeneration
1.2B - Ground fires reoccur returning site to open pine/grass site
1.2A - Time, continued lack of fire allowing pine cohorts to form dense stands.
1.3A - Stand replacing fire, dense understory pine stands killed, some large overstory pine survive.
1.4A - Natural fire interval resumes, maintaining open pine stand with abundant bunchgrass.
1.4B - Lack of reoccurring fire causing increase in pine establishment.

State 2 submodel, plant communities

State 3 submodel, plant communities

State 4 submodel, plant communities