Major Land Resource Area 009X
Palouse and Nez Perce Prairies
Accessed: 03/27/2025
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ProvisionalF009XY001WA/F009XY001WAMesic Xeric Loamy Hills and Canyons Ponderosa Pine Moderately Warm Dry Shrubi
Key Characteristics
- Site has over 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height
- Site occurs in mesic temperature regime
- Soil not as listed above
- Site has presence of shrubs ninebark (Physocarpus malvaceus) and/or snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus). F009XY001WA - Mesic Xeric Loamy hills and canyons, Ponderosa Pine Moderately Warm Dry Shrub
Key Characteristics
- Site has over 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height
- Site occurs in mesic temperature regime
- Soil not as listed above
- Site not as listed as above. F009XY002WA - Mesic Xeric Loamy hills, Ponderosa Pine Warm Dry Grass
ProvisionalF009XY003WA/F009XY003WAWarm Dry Ridges Hills and Canyons Ponderosa Pine Dry Shrub and Grassi
Key Characteristics
- Site has over 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height
- Site occurs in mesic temperature regime
- Soil has a sandy or sandy-skeletal particle size control section. F009XY003WA - Warm, Dry, Ridges, Hills and Canyons, Ponderosa pine Dry Shrub & Grass
Key Characteristics
- Site has over 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height
- Site occurs in frigid temperature regime
- Site occurs within the Palouse Hills region of MLRA 9, eastern portion, LRU B. F009XY004WA - Warm-Frigid, Xeric Loamy, Foothills of Basalt Mountains and Plateaus, Douglas fir/Warm Dry Shrub
ProvisionalF009XY005WA/F009XY005WAFrigid Xeric Loamy Basalt Mountains and Plateaus Douglas-fir Cool Dry Grassi
Key Characteristics
- Site has over 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height
- Site occurs in frigid temperature regime
- Site occurs within the Loess Hills region of MLRA 9, adjacent to the Blue Mountains, LRU C. F009XY005WA - Frigid Xeric Loamy Basalt Mountains and Plateaus, Douglas-fir Cool Dry Grass.
Key Characteristics
- Sites has less than 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands
- Soils are greater than very shallow to restrictive horizon
- Soils have have less than 35% rock fragments in the particle-size control section
- Site occurs on northern aspects
- Site occurs within the Channel Scabland region of MLRA 9, LRU A. ESG R009XA153WA - Cool loamy, channel scabland
Key Characteristics
- Sites has less than 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands
- Soils are greater than very shallow to restrictive horizon
- Soils have greater than 35% rock fragments in the particle-size control section and bitterbrush present. ESG R009XA220WA - Stony foothills
Key Characteristics
- Sites has less than 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands
- Soils are greater than very shallow to restrictive horizon
- Soils have have less than 35% rock fragments in the particle-size control section
- Site occurs on all aspects, but generally not southern or northern aspects
- Site occurs within the Palouse Hills region of MLRA 9, eastern portion, LRU B. ESG R009XB535WA - Loamy, dwarf shrub, 18-24" ppt.
Key Characteristics
- Sites has less than 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands
- Soils are greater than very shallow to restrictive horizon
- Soils have have less than 35% rock fragments in the particle-size control section
- Site occurs on northern aspects
- Site occurs within the Palouse Hills region of MLRA 9, eastern portion, LRU B. ESG R009XB555WA - Loamy north aspect, dwarf shrub, 18-24" ppt.
Key Characteristics
- Sites has less than 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands
- Soils are greater than very shallow to restrictive horizon
- Soils have have less than 35% rock fragments in the particle-size control section
- Site occurs on all aspects, but generally not southern or northern aspects
- Site occurs within the Loess Hills region of MLRA 9, adjacent to the Blue Mountains, LRU C. ESG R009XC430WA - Loamy, bunchgrass, 15-18" ppt.
Key Characteristics
- Sites has less than 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands
- Soils are greater than very shallow to restrictive horizon
- Soils have have less than 35% rock fragments in the particle-size control section
- Site occurs on northern aspects
- Site occurs within the Loess Hills region of MLRA 9, adjacent to the Blue Mountains, LRU C. ESG R009XC450WA - North aspect, bunchgrass, 15-18" ppt.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes less than 30% on all aspects (non-aspect sites)
- Soils not derived from decomposed schist bedrock.
- Stones on surface
- Loamy textures in upper profile
- Soils are less than 20” in depth with slopes less than 30%
Key Characteristics
- Sites has less than 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands
- Soils are very shallow in depth to restrictive horizon. ESG R009XY001WA - Very shallow
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes greater than 30% on northerly aspects
- Soils not derived from decomposed schist bedrock
- Soils are non-stony
- Site occurs in 16-22 PZ at 740-4000 ft. elevation, soils are moderately deep to deep loams and silt loams
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes less than 30% on all aspects (non-aspect sites)
- Soils not derived from decomposed schist bedrock.
- No stones on surface
- Site occurs in 16-22 PZ. Elevation 2000-4700 ft. Soils are moderately deep silt loams and clay loams
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on alluvial fans or flats
- Elevation less than 2500 feet
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes greater than 30% on southerly aspects
- Soils not derived from decomposed schist bedrock
- Soils moderately deep to deep
- Site occurs in 16-22 PZ. Elevation 1200-5000. Soils are moderately deep to very deep loams, silt loams, silty clay loams and clay loams
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on alluvial fans or flats
- Elevation greater than 2500 feet
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes greater than 30% on northerly aspects
- Soils not derived from decomposed schist bedrock
- Soils are non-stony
- Site occurs in 12-16 PZ at 1000-2000 ft. elevation, soils are moderately deep to deep loams and silt loams
Key Characteristics
- Sites found in open drainageways or swales receiving supplemental subsurface flow
- Site predominately found within a 14-17" precipitation zone
- Soils typically silt loam over silty clay loam
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes less than 30% on all aspects (non-aspect sites)
- Soils not derived from decomposed schist bedrock.
- No stones on surface
- Site occurs in 12-16 PZ. Elevation 750-2000 ft. No stones on surface. Soils moderately deep to deep loams and silt loams
Key Characteristics
- Sites found in open drainageways or swales receiving supplemental subsurface flow
- Site predominately found within a 14-17" precipitation zone
- Soils typically silty clay loam over clay
Key Characteristics
- Sites found in open drainageways or swales receiving supplemental subsurface flow
- Site predominately found within a 17-24" precipitation zone
- Soils shallow (10 - 20"), somewhat poorly drained
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes less than 30% on all aspects (non-aspect sites)
- Soils derived from decomposed schist bedrock.
Key Characteristics
- Sites found in open drainageways or swales receiving supplemental subsurface flow
- Site predominately found within a 17-24" precipitation zone
- Soils moderately deep (20 - 40"), poorly drained
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes greater than 30% on northerly aspects
- Soils derived from decomposed schist bedrock
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes greater than 30% on southerly aspects
- Soils derived from decomposed schist bedrock
Key Characteristics
- Site predominately found within a 14-17" precipitation zone
- Sites not influenced by slope aspect
- Loamy family particle size
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes less than 30% on all aspects (non-aspect sites)
- Soils not derived from decomposed schist bedrock.
- Stones on surface
- Loamy textures in upper profile
- Soils are 20” or greater in depth
- Site occurs in 12-16PZ. Elevation 700-1800 ft. Soils are very stony to extremely stony silt loam, clay loam or sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes greater than 30% on southerly aspects
- Soils not derived from decomposed schist bedrock
- Soils moderately deep to deep
- Site occurs in 12-16 PZ Elevation 750-1800. Soils are non-stony, moderately deep to deep silt loams
Key Characteristics
- Site predominately found within a 17-22" precipitation zone
- Sites not influenced by aspect
- Loamy family particle size
- Soils moderately deep to deep (20 - 60"), silt loam to very cobbly loam surface texture
Key Characteristics
- Site predominately found within a 17-22" precipitation zone
- Sites not influenced by aspect
- Loamy family particle size
- Soils deep to very deep (40"+), silt loam surface texture
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes less than 30% on all aspects (non-aspect sites)
- Soils not derived from decomposed schist bedrock.
- Stones on surface
- Clay texture throughout profile
Key Characteristics
- Site predominately found within a 14-17" precipitation zone
- Sites not influenced by slope aspect
- Clayey family particle size
- Soils moderately deep (20 - 40")
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes less than 30% on all aspects (non-aspect sites)
- Soils not derived from decomposed schist bedrock.
- No stones on surface
- Site occurs in 22+ PZ. Elevation 4000-5500 ft. Soils are moderately deep to deep silt loams to gravelly loams
Key Characteristics
- Site predominately found within a 17-22" precipitation zone
- Sites not influenced by aspect
- Clayey family particle size
- Soils moderately deep to deep (20 - 60")
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes less than 30% on all aspects (non-aspect sites)
- Soils not derived from decomposed schist bedrock.
- Stones on surface
- Loamy textures in upper profile
- Soils usually less than 10” deep. Slopes 10-60%
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 13 - 17" precipitation zone
- Sites flat to moderately sloping, not influenced by aspect
- Soils moderately deep (20 - 40")
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on bottomlands (slopes less than 5%)
- Soil surface is non-stony
- Water at or near the surface at beginning of growing season and down to 20-40 inches at the end of the growing season
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 17 - 24" precipitation zone
- Sites flat to moderately sloping, not influenced by aspect
- Soils moderately deep (20 - 40")
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on bottomlands (slopes less than 5%)
- Soil surface is non-stony
- Water at or near the surface at beginning of the growing season and greater than 40 inches at the end of the growing season
Key Characteristics
- Site predominately found within a 14-17" precipitation zone
- Sites not influenced by slope aspect
- Clayey family particle size
- Soils shallow (10 - 20")
Key Characteristics
- Site predominately found within a 17-22" precipitation zone
- Sites not influenced by aspect
- Clayey family particle size
- Soils shallow (10 - 20")
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 13 - 17" precipitation zone
- Sites flat to moderately sloping, not influenced by aspect
- Soils shallow (10 - 20")
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 17 - 24" precipitation zone
- Sites flat to moderately sloping, not influenced by aspect
- Soils shallow (10 - 20")
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes greater than 30% on northerly aspects
- Soils not derived from decomposed schist bedrock
- Soils are stony
Key Characteristics
- Site predominately found within a 14-17" precipitation zone
- Sites not influenced by slope aspect
- Clayey family particle size
- Soils very shallow (0 - 10")
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes greater than 30% on southerly aspects
- Soils not derived from decomposed schist bedrock
- Soils are shallow
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 13 - 17" precipitation zone
- Sites flat to moderately sloping, not influenced by aspect
- Soils very shallow (0 - 10")
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 17 - 24" precipitation zone
- Sites flat to moderately sloping, not influenced by aspect
- Soils very shallow (0 - 10")
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands
- Slopes less than 30% on all aspects (non-aspect sites)
- Soils not derived from decomposed schist bedrock.
- Stones on surface
- Loamy textures in upper profile
- Soils are 20” or greater in depth
- Site occurs in 22+ PZ. Elevation 2300-4300 ft. Soils are stony silt loams
Key Characteristics
- Site predominately found within a 14-17" precipitation zone
- Sites occurring on southern or northern aspects
- Sites occurring on southern aspects
- Soils moderately deep to deep (20 - 60")
- Clayey family particle size
Key Characteristics
- Site predominately found within a 17-22" precipitation zone
- Sites occurring on southern aspects
- Soils moderately deep (20 - 40")
- Clayey family particle size
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on bottomlands (slopes less than 5%)
- Stones on surface
- Water table at 36-90”. Soil depth shallow to deep
Key Characteristics
- Site predominately found within a 14-17" precipitation zone
- Sites occurring on southern or northern aspects
- Sites occurring on southern aspects
- Soils shallow (10 - 20")
- Site predominately found within a 17-22" precipitation zone
- Sites occurring on southern aspects
- Soils shallow (10 - 20")
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on bottomlands (slopes less than 5%)
- Soil surface is non-stony
- Subsoil is mixed gravelly and sandy alluvium
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on bottomlands (slopes less than 5%)
- Stones on surface
- Water table greater than 60 “. Soil depth greater than 60”
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 13 - 17" precipitation zone
- Sites gently to steeply sloping, influenced by aspect
- Sites occur on south slope aspects
- Soils moderately deep to very deep (20" +)
- Slopes 12 - 30%
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 17 - 24" precipitation zone
- Sites gently to steeply sloping, influenced by aspect
- Sites occur on south slope aspects
- Soils moderately deep to very deep (20" +)
- Slopes 30 - 60%
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 13 - 17" precipitation zone
- Sites gently to steeply sloping, influenced by aspect
- Sites occur on south slope aspects
- Soils shallow (10 - 20")
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 17 - 24" precipitation zone
- Sites gently to steeply sloping, influenced by aspect
- Sites occur on south slope aspects
- Soils shallow (10 - 20")
Key Characteristics
- Site predominately found within a 14-17" precipitation zone
- Sites occurring on southern or northern aspects
- Sites occurring on northern aspects
- Site occupies 2000 - 5000' elevations on upper canyon slopes
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 13 - 17" precipitation zone
- Sites gently to steeply sloping, influenced by aspect
- Sites occur on north slope aspects
- Soils moderately deep to very deep (20" +)
- Clayey family particle size class, shrubs dominated by Symphorocarpus and Rosa spp.
Key Characteristics
- Site predominately found within a 14-17" precipitation zone
- Sites occurring on southern or northern aspects
- Sites occurring on northern aspects
- Site occupies 1600 - 3400' elevations in lower canyons
- Surface texture very cobbly silt loam, shrubs dominated by Symphorocarpus and Rosa spp.
Key Characteristics
- Site predominately found within a 14-17" precipitation zone
- Sites occurring on southern or northern aspects
- Sites occurring on northern aspects
- Site occupies 1600 - 3400' elevations in lower canyons
- Surface texture silt loam or very stony silt loam, shrubs dominated by Physocarpus malvaceus
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 17 - 24" precipitation zone
- Sites gently to steeply sloping, influenced by aspect
- Sites occur on north slope aspects
- Soils moderately deep to very deep (20" +)
- Clayey family particle size class, shrubs dominated by Symphorocarpus and Rosa spp.
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 13 - 17" precipitation zone
- Sites gently to steeply sloping, influenced by aspect
- Sites occur on north slope aspects
- Soils moderately deep to very deep (20" +)
- Loamy family particle size class
- Silt loam surface texture, shrubs dominated by Crataegus spp.
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 17 - 24" precipitation zone
- Sites gently to steeply sloping, influenced by aspect
- Sites occur on north slope aspects
- Soils moderately deep to very deep (20" +)
- Loamy family particle size class
- Silt loam surface texture, shrubs dominated by Crataegus spp.
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 13 - 17" precipitation zone
- Sites gently to steeply sloping, influenced by aspect
- Sites occur on north slope aspects
- Soils shallow (10 - 20")
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 17 - 24" precipitation zone
- Sites gently to steeply sloping, influenced by aspect
- Sites occur on north slope aspects
- Soils very shallow to shallow (0 - 20")
- Soils shallow (10 - 20")
Key Characteristics
- Site not influenced by slope aspect, occurring on benches
Key Characteristics
- Site occurring on south or north slope aspects
- Site occurring on south slope aspects
- Soils moderately deep (20 - 40")
Key Characteristics
- Site occurring on south or north slope aspects
- Site occurring on south slope aspects
- Soils shallow (10 - 20")
Key Characteristics
- Site occurring on south or north slope aspects
- Site occurring on south slope aspects
- Soils very shallow (0 - 10")
Key Characteristics
- Site occurring on south or north slope aspects
- Site occurring on north slope aspects
- Soils moderately deep to very deep (20" +)
Key Characteristics
- Site occurring on south or north slope aspects
- Site occurring on north slope aspects
- Soils very shallow to shallow (0 - 20")
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 13 - 17" precipitation zone
- Sites gently to steeply sloping, influenced by aspect
- Sites occur on north slope aspects
- Soils moderately deep to very deep (20" +)
- Loamy family particle size class
- Stony silt loam surface texture, shrubs dominated by Physocarpus malvaceus
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 17 - 24" precipitation zone
- Sites gently to steeply sloping, influenced by aspect
- Sites occur on north slope aspects
- Soils moderately deep to very deep (20" +)
- Loamy family particle size class
- Stony silt loam surface texture, shrubs dominated by Physocarpus malvaceus
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Site predominately found within a 30-40" precipitation zone. R009XY070OR.
Key Characteristics
- Sites found on riparian complexes adjacent to active stream channels
- Low valley slope (0-3%), stream channel gradient < 2%
- Low elevation riparian complex (1500 - 1950'), valley slope 0 - 3%
Key Characteristics
- Sites found on riparian complexes adjacent to active stream channels
- Low valley slope (0-3%), stream channel gradient < 2%
- Higher elevation riparian complex (1750 - 2050'), valley slope 0 - 2%
Key Characteristics
- Sites found on riparian complexes adjacent to active stream channels
- Moderate valley slope (1-15%), stream channel gradient 2 - 10%
- Valley slope 1 - 10%, stream channel gradient < 5%
- Valley slope 1 - 4%, stream channel gradient < 3%
Key Characteristics
- Sites found on riparian complexes adjacent to active stream channels
- Moderate valley slope (1-15%), stream channel gradient 2 - 10%
- Valley slope 1 - 10%, stream channel gradient < 5%
- Valley slope 4 - 10%, stream channel gradient 2 - 5%
Key Characteristics
- Sites found on riparian complexes adjacent to active stream channels
- Moderate valley slope (1-15%), stream channel gradient 2 - 10%
- Valley slope 5 - 15%, stream channel gradient 5 - 10%
Key Characteristics
- Sites has less than 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands
- Soils are greater than very shallow to restrictive horizon
- Soil have greater than 35% rock fragments and no bitterbrush present
- Site has aspect other than southern aspect. ESG R009XY612WA - Shallow stony
Key Characteristics
- Sites has less than 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands
- Soils are greater than very shallow to restrictive horizon
- Soil have greater than 35% rock fragments and no bitterbrush present
- Site has southern aspect. ESG R009XY626WA - Stony south aspect
Key Characteristics
- Sites has less than 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on despressions, swales on flood plains or terraces
- Soils are not hydric
- Subsoil is mixed gravelly and sandy alluvium and along streams and possibly has trees. ESG R009XY720WA - Riparian complex
Key Characteristics
- Sites has less than 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on despressions, swales on flood plains or terraces
- Soils are not hydric
- Site is not along steams or directly next to water bodies and soil has less than 35 % rock fragments. ESG R009XY930WA - Loamy bottom
Key Characteristics
- Sites has less than 15% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on despressions, swales on flood plains or terraces
- Soils are hydric and saturated to the surface. ESG R009XY988WA - Wetland complex
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Ecological sites
Major Land Resource Areas
The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.