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Ecological site BX013X01B062

Shallow Loamy Bear River Valley 10-14" P.Z.

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 013X / Ecological site BX013X01B062

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T1-2 - Herbivory (continuous or season-long, low to moderate stocking)
T1-3 - Soil disturbance (e.g. hoof action, rodents, water erosion) and/or high intensity fire or chemical/mechanical treatment
T2-3 - Soil disturbance (e.g. hoof action, rodents, water erosion) and/or catastrophic wildfire or chemical/mechanical treatment
T2-4 - Extreme herbivory (continuous, high intensity)
T3-4 - Extreme disturbance (e.g. catastrophic fire, drought, soil removal)
P1-2 - Sage-thinning event (drought, prolonged soil saturation, freeze-kill, snow mold, herbivory)
P2-1 - Natural Succession
P1-2 - Sage-killing event (herbivory, drought, prolonged soil saturation, freeze-kill, snow mold)
P2-1 - Natural Succession
P1-2 - Sage-killing event (high intensity fire, soil disturbance)
P2-1 - Natural Succession
P1-2 - Sage-killing event (catastrophic fire, soil disturbance)
P2-1 - Natural Succession