State 1 represents the historic-natural condition for this ecological site. It is similar to State 2, but has only native species. If we were to include dynamics for this state it would be the same as displayed in State 2. The presence of non-native species is minimal in State 2, and has not altered the hydrology or fire frequency.
This state is characterized by significant disruption of the desert pavement surface. This state needs more investigation to determine disturbance pathways, due to a lack of data and variability in soil characteristics.
This transition occurs with large-scale displacement of the desert pavement surface. This could be from off-road vehicle use or road construction through the desert pavement. Displacement of large areas of pavement and disturbance of the fine-textured vesicular horizon will cause increased wind and water erosion. Larger scale disturbances can also mobilize nitrates that exist in high amounts near the soil surface, which can cause contamination of surface and groundwaters (Graham et al. 2008).
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The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.