Major Land Resource Area 030X
Mojave Basin and Range
Accessed: 03/16/2025
Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) 30, Mojave Desert, is found in southern California, southern Nevada, the extreme southwest corner of Utah and northwestern Arizona within the Basin and Range Province of the Intermontane Plateaus. This unit is characterized by broad basins, valleys, and old lakebeds. Widely spaced mountains trending north to south occur throughout the area. Isolated, short mountain ranges are separated by an aggraded desert plain. The mountains are fault blocks that have been tilted up. Long alluvial fans coalesce with dry lakebeds between some of the ranges.
Key publications
Geographic subunits
Land Resource Unit 1. Land Resource Unit (LRU) 30-AZ1, Lower Mohave Desert. Elevations range from 400 to 2500 feet and precipitation averages 3 to 6 inches per year. Vegetation includes creosotebush, white bursage, Mormon tea, and brittlebush. The soil temperature regime is hyperthermic and the soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
Land Resource Unit 2. Land Resource Unit (LRU) 30-AZ2 – Middle Mohave Desert. Elevations range from 1500 to 3200 feet and precipitation averages 6 to 9 inches per year. Vegetation includes creosotebush, white bursage, yucca, prickly pear and cholla species, Mormon tea, flattop buckwheat, ratany, winterfat, bush muhly, threeawns, and big galleta. The soil temperature regime is thermic and the soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
Land Resource Unit 3. Land Resource Unit (LRU) 30-AZ3 – Upper Mohave Desert. Elevations range from 2800 to 4500 feet and precipitation averages 9 to 12 inches per year. Vegetation includes Joshua tree, blackbrush, creosotebush, ratany, bush muhly, big galleta, black grama, desert needlegrass, and Indian ricegrass. The soil temperature regime is thermic and the soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
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Ecological site list
ProvisionalF030XC236NV/F030XC236NVPinus monophylla/Quercus gambelii-Symphoricarpos longiflorus/Poa fendleriana
ProvisionalF030XC237NV/F030XC237NVJuniperus osteosperma/Coleogyne ramosissima/Bouteloua gracilis-Bouteloua eriopoda
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and plutonic metamorphosed material
- Surface fragments larger than 10 inches cover more than 20% of the surface
- Slopes are typically 15 to 75 percent. Elevations are 5100 to about 8900 feet. Site supports pinyon-juniper
ProvisionalF030XC240NV/F030XC240NVPinus monophylla/Cercocarpus ledifolius-Quercus gambelii/Poa fendleriana
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- Forested site between 6500 feet (2000 m) and 7500 feet (2300 m). Slopes >15%. Mostly northern aspects.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Soils deep to very deep
- Slopes are greater than 15%
- Parent material derived from non-foliated metamorphic rock types
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- Site is above 8500 feet
- Site is <15% slope
ProvisionalF030XC280NV/F030XC280NVPinus ponderosa ssp. scopulorum/Ribes cereum/Pseudoroegneria spicata ssp. spicata
ProvisionalF030XC283NV/F030XC283NVAbies concolor var. concolor/Cercocarpus ledifolius var. intermontanus
ProvisionalF030XC284NV/F030XC284NVPinus longaeva-Pinus flexilis/Juniperus communis var. depressa/Carex rossiii
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- Site is above 8500 feet
- Site is >15% slopes
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- Site is above 8500 feet
- Site is >15% slopes; site is mostly on south facing aspects.
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or deeper soils [> 40 inches (100 cm)]
- Soils derived from limestone parent material.
- < 15% slope and a pinyon-juniper site.
ProvisionalF030XC289NV/F030XC289NVPinus flexilis-Pinus longaeva/Ribes cereum-Juniperus communis var. depressa
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or shallower soils [< 40 inches (100 cm)] OR if soils are deeper than 20 inches (50cm), there is a diagnostic subsurface horizon acting as an aquatard within the top 20 inches of the soil profile
- Calcic or petrocalcic horizon is present
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Buried fan remnants, non-buried fan remnants, fan aprons, or other landforms which are not an erosional fan remnant and where washes do not deeply dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams do migrate.
- Moderately deep or deeper soils [> 40 inches (100 cm)], no diagnostic subsurface horizon is present
- Soils are moderately deep or deeper and form in mixed alluvium from limestone, dolomite and shale.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs as part of the alluvial flat.
- Site is part of a lake plain, a nearly level surface marking the floor of an extinct lake.
- Water table is below 30 ft. with no presence of mesquite.
Key Characteristics
- The lower Piedmont slope consisting of the fan Piedmont and fan skirt.
- Fan Piedmont
- landforms which are not an erosional fan remnant and where washes do not deeply dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams do migrate
- Lacustrine terrace AND/OR soil surface likely originated from lake or marine deposits, including alluvium from lake or marine deposits
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on basin floor
- Site is associated with alluvial flat.
- Sand dunes and sand sheets burying and adjacent to an alluvial flat, flood-plain step or similar fluvial landform
Key Characteristics
- The lower Piedmont slope consisting of the fan Piedmont and fan skirt.
- Fan Piedmont
- landforms which are not an erosional fan remnant and where washes do not deeply dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams do migrate
- The site is not a lacustrine terrace and an argillic subsurface horizon is present.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on basin floor
- Site is associated with alluvial flat.
- Soils are very deep and found on sand sheets developed from eolian deposition originating from lake or marine deposits. Soils are slightly to moderately alkaline.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs as part of the alluvial flat.
- Material over and adjacent to lake plain
- Site occurs on alluvium washed over a lake terrace.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs as part of the alluvial flat.
- Site is part of a lake plain, a nearly level surface marking the floor of an extinct lake.
- Water table is within 30 feet causing the presence of mesquite.
- Site occurs as part of the alluvial flat.
- Material over and adjacent to lake plain
- Wash or inset fan closely associated with soils having a natric horizon
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope >15%
- Soils are slightly to moderately alkaline. Soils do not have an argillic diagnostic horizon.
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope < 15%
- Soils are shallow and exist on rock pediments with less than 5 percent slope. Soils are shallow and formed in residuum from granodiorite. There is no argillic horizon.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- Surface fragments larger than 10 inches cover less than 15% of the surface
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and plutonic metamorphosed material
- Surface fragments larger than 10 inches cover less than 20% of the surface
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Buried fan remnants, non-buried fan remnants, fan aprons, or other landforms which are not an erosional fan remnant and where washes do not deeply dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams do migrate.
- Moderately deep or shallower soils [< 40 inches (100 cm)] OR if soils are deeper than 20 inches (50cm), there is a moderately deep or shallower diagnostic subsurface horizon acting as an aquatard
- Alluvium from mixed sources with little to no alluvium from limestone sources
- A natric subsurface horizon is present
Key Characteristics
- Inset fan and fan draingeways
- Site is generally greater than 3600 ft. in elevation
- This ecological site is located in drainageways and on stream terraces. These landforms are occasionally to frequently flooded. California broomsage is the dominant species and is generally found in sandy or gravelly washes
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope < 15%
- Soils are shallow, have an argillic horizon and formed in residuum from granodiorite.
Key Characteristics
- Landforms are extrusive volcanic hills, mountains, or plateaus
- Slope is greater than 30 percent
- Soils are moderately deep to a lithic contact.
- Soils have an argillic diagnostic subsurface horizon
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Buried fan remnants, non-buried fan remnants, fan aprons, or other landforms which are not an erosional fan remnant and where washes do not deeply dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams do migrate.
- Moderately deep or shallower soils [< 40 inches (100 cm)] OR if soils are deeper than 20 inches (50cm), there is a moderately deep or shallower diagnostic subsurface horizon acting as an aquatard
- Alluvium from mixed sources with little to no alluvium from limestone sources
- No natric subsurface horizon is present
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope >15%
- Colluvium and/or residuum derived from igneous and foliated metamorphosed material where soils are shallow and/or a shallow diagnostic subsurface horizon is present (within top 50 cm). This keys out to both R030XA054NV and R030XA046CA. Soils have an argillic horizon.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and plutonic metamorphosed material
- Surface fragments larger than 10 inches cover less than 20% of the surface. December and January average minimum temperatures are below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 C)
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on basin floor
- Site is associated with alluvial flat.
- This site occurs on sand sheets and alluvial plains near dry lake beds or playas.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs as part of the alluvial flat.
- Site is part of a lake plain, a nearly level surface marking the floor of an extinct lake.
- Water table is deeper than 30 ft and site exists on a lake plain (vegetated whereas playa floor is barren).
Key Characteristics
- Not Flooded (upland position, receives only precipitation)
- Slopes Generally Greater Than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow, shallow to moderately deep
- Parent material is basalt, exposed bedrock is nearly black in color
Key Characteristics
- Not Flooded (upland position, receives only precipitation)
- Slopes Generally Greater Than 15 percent
- Soils moderately deep to deep
- Terraces adjacent to the Colorado River; soil textures variable
Key Characteristics
- Flooded (bottom position, or receives additional moisture from the valley-side or over-bank) and/or having a water table within reach of plant roots
- Flooding occurrence is at least rare; occurs on floodplain or low terrace of drainage way
- Soil surface clay loam to clay 4 to 10 inches thick. Less than 15 percent coarse fragments in soil profile
Key Characteristics
- Not Flooded (upland position, receives only precipitation)
- Slopes Generally Greater Than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow, shallow to moderately deep
- Hard granite of gneiss bedrock at 6 to 16 inches
Key Characteristics
- Not Flooded (upland position, receives only precipitation)
- Slopes Generally Less Than 15%
- Soils Moderately Deep or Deeper
- Soils calcareous
- Soils not skeletal
Key Characteristics
- Not Flooded (upland position, receives only precipitation)
- Slopes Generally Greater Than 15 percent
- Soils moderately deep to deep
- Summits and backslopes of fan terraces
Key Characteristics
- Not Flooded (upland position, receives only precipitation)
- Slopes Generally Less Than 15%
- Soil surface gravelly loam to very gravelly loam 2 to 6 inches thick. Soil is shallow to moderately deep to a layer high in lime content
Key Characteristics
- Not Flooded (upland position, receives only precipitation)
- Slopes Generally Less Than 15%
- Soils Moderately Deep or Deeper
- Soils calcareous
- Soils skeletal, gravelly
Key Characteristics
- Flooded (bottom position, or receives additional moisture from the valley-side or over-bank) and/or having a water table within reach of plant roots
- Flooding occurrence is at least rare; occurs on floodplain or low terrace of drainage way
- Soil surface loam, fine sandy loam, or silt loam 4 to 8 inches thick
Key Characteristics
- Flooded (bottom position, or receives additional moisture from the valley-side or over-bank) and/or having a water table within reach of plant roots
- Flooding occurrence is at least rare; occurs on floodplain or low terrace of drainage way
- Soil surface sandy loam to clay 6 to 12 inches thick. Soluble salt accumulations are high
Key Characteristics
- Flooded (bottom position, or receives additional moisture from the valley-side or over-bank) and/or having a water table within reach of plant roots
- Flooding occurrence is at least occasional and there is a water table during the growing season
- Soil surface very gravelly loamy coarse sand or very stony loamy coarse sand. Subsurface stony and/or extremely gravelly loamy coarse sand. Soil slightly to strongly effervescent
Key Characteristics
- Not Flooded (upland position, receives only precipitation)
- Slopes Generally Less Than 15%
- Soils Moderately Deep or Deeper
- Soils not calcareous throughout
- Soils sand throughout, occurs as stable dunes
Key Characteristics
- Not Flooded (upland position, receives only precipitation)
- Slopes Generally Less Than 15%
- Soils Moderately Deep or Deeper
- Soils not calcareous throughout
- Soil surface sandy loam, not skeletal throughout
Key Characteristics
- Flooded (bottom position, or receives additional moisture from the valley-side or over-bank) and/or having a water table within reach of plant roots
- Flooding occurrence is at least rare; occurs on floodplain or low terrace of drainage way
- Soil surface very gravelly loamy sand, very cobbly coarse sand, or gravelly loamy sand. Subsurface extremely gravelly loamy coarse sand, extremely gravelly coarse sand, very gravelly coarse loamy sand, gravelly loam sand, and/or extremely gravelly loamy sand
Key Characteristics
- Not Flooded (upland position, receives only precipitation)
- Slopes Generally Less Than 15%
- Soils Moderately Deep or Deeper
- Soils calcareous
- Soils skeletal, cobbly
Key Characteristics
- Not Flooded (upland position, receives only precipitation)
- Slopes Generally Greater Than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow, shallow to moderately deep
- Andesite bedrock at 9 to 13 inches
Key Characteristics
- Not Flooded (upland position, receives only precipitation)
- Slopes Generally Greater Than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow, shallow to moderately deep
- Parent material is mixed igneous and metamorphic alluvium.
Key Characteristics
- Not Flooded (upland position, receives only precipitation)
- Slopes Generally Less Than 15%
- Soils Moderately Deep or Deeper
- Soils calcareous
- Soils fine sand, eolian
Key Characteristics
- Not Flooded (upland position, receives only precipitation)
- Slopes Generally Greater Than 15 percent
- Soils moderately deep to deep
- Soil with visible gypsum crystals
Key Characteristics
- Flooded (bottom position, or receives additional moisture from the valley-side or over-bank) and/or having a water table within reach of plant roots
- Flooding occurrence is at least occasional and there is a water table during the growing season
- Soil surface very cobbly to gravelly loamy sand. Subsurface extremely loamy coarse to extremely gravelly loamy coarse sand
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- Surface fragments larger than 10 inches cover less than 15% of the surface plus soils are higher in Ph creating a shadscale community.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Soils deep to very deep
- Slopes are greater than 15%
- Soils derived from gypsiferous sedimentary rocks
Key Characteristics
- The lower Piedmont slope consisting of the fan Piedmont and fan skirt.
- Fan Piedmont
- Site occurs on erosionally active fan remnants
- Site often has a root restricting layer such as a petrocalcic layer that can range in depth from shallow to deep.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs as part of the alluvial flat.
- Material over and adjacent to lake plain
- Site occurs on a lower lake terrace.
Key Characteristics
- The lower Piedmont slope consisting of the fan Piedmont and fan skirt.
- Fan Piedmont
- Site occurs on fan apron, a sheet-like mantle of relatively young alluvium and soils covering part of an older fan piedmont surface.
- 8’ Diagnostic subsurface horizon not present, elevation above 4000 ft.
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or deeper soils [> 40 inches (100 cm)]
- Parent material is not derived from limestone
- Vesicular pores in soil surface with greater than 80% gravel cover on the soil surface
- Broken up patches of desert pavement OR weak desert pavement formation with vesicular horizons present OR greater than 80% large surface fragments (> 20 mm or ¾ inch) usually with a vesicular horizon
- Less than 15% slope
Key Characteristics
- Head waters are generally between 1100-1700 m (3600-5575 ft) and higher
- Water table at or near the surface
- Outer margins of stream terrace
Key Characteristics
- Head waters are generally between 1100-1700 m (3600-5575 ft) and higher
- Water table at or near the surface
- Immediately adjacent to perennial stream or river
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs as part of a playa
- Water table within 30 ft (9m) of soil surface (Mesquite is often present)
- . Soils with aquic conditions
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs as part of the alluvial flat.
- Site is part of a lake plain, a nearly level surface marking the floor of an extinct lake.
- Saline and/or sodic soils
- Relict alluvial flat
Key Characteristics
- Inset fan and fan draingeways
- Site is generally lower than 3600 feet in elevation
- Interfan drainageway with stream order 1-2.
- Wash mainly drains hills and mountains where channel migration cannot occur
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or shallower soils [< 40 inches (100 cm)] OR if soils are deeper than 20 inches (50cm), there is a diagnostic subsurface horizon acting as an aquatard within the top 20 inches of the soil profile
- a diagnostic subsurface horizon within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or shallower soils [< 40 inches (100 cm)] OR if soils are deeper than 20 inches (50cm), there is a diagnostic subsurface horizon acting as an aquatard within the top 20 inches of the soil profile
- These soils have typically formed in alluvium from ignimbritic and basalt parent material.
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or deeper soils [> 40 inches (100 cm)]
- Soils derived from limestone parent material.
- Less than 15% slopes. Diagnostic subsurface horizon is present.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs as part of a playa
- Water table within 30 ft (9m) of soil surface (Mesquite is often present)
- Soils without aquic conditions
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs as part of the alluvial flat.
- Site is part of a lake plain, a nearly level surface marking the floor of an extinct lake.
- Water table is below 30 feet. No ponding is evident.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs as part of the alluvial flat.
- Site is part of a lake plain, a nearly level surface marking the floor of an extinct lake.
- Some ponding likely, watershed size is less than 75,000 acres.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs as part of the alluvial flat.
- Material over and adjacent to lake plain
- Site occurs on an upper lake terrace.
Key Characteristics
- Inset fan and fan draingeways
- Site is generally lower than 3600 feet in elevation
- Soils have a calcic horizon
Key Characteristics
- Inset fan and fan draingeways
- Site is generally greater than 3600 ft. in elevation
- There are very high amounts (greater than 60 percent surface cover) of boulders, stones or cobbles at the surface.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and plutonic metamorphosed material
- Cobbles, stones and boulders over 3 inches wide and rock outcrop cover less than 15 % of the soil surface. Greater than 15% slope
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or shallower soils [< 40 inches (100 cm)] OR if soils are deeper than 20 inches (50cm), there is a diagnostic subsurface horizon acting as an aquatard within the top 20 inches of the soil profile
- The soils of this site are derived from granite, schist or gneiss parent materials. These soils are shallow to moderately deep to an argillic horizon, a duripan, or a petrocalcic horizon.
Key Characteristics
- Landforms are extrusive volcanic hills, mountains, or plateaus
- Slope is typically less than 30%
- Soils are deep to a lithic contact.
- Soils have a calcic and an argillic horizon and are strongly to moderately alkaline.
Key Characteristics
- Landforms are extrusive volcanic hills, mountains, or plateaus
- Slope is greater than 30 percent
- Soils are very shallow to shallow to a lithic conctact.
- Stones and boulders over 10 inches wide and rock outcrop compose greater than 15 % of the surface cover
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- Cobbles, stones and boulders over 3 inches wide and rock outcrop cover more than 15 % of the soil surface
Key Characteristics
- Landforms are extrusive volcanic hills, mountains, or plateaus
- Slope is typically less than 30%
- Soils are typically shallow to moderately deep over a lithic contact.
- Total surface cover of all rock fragments (gravels, cobbles, and stones) is greater than 60 percent.
Key Characteristics
- Landforms are extrusive volcanic hills, mountains, or plateaus
- Slope is greater than 30 percent
- Soils are very shallow to shallow to a lithic conctact.
- Total surface cover of all rock fragments (gravels, cobbles, and stones) is greater than 60 percent.
Key Characteristics
- Landforms are extrusive volcanic hills, mountains, or plateaus
- Slope is typically less than 30%
- Soils are typically shallow to moderately deep over a lithic contact.
- Stones and boulders over 10 inches wide and rock outcrop compose less than 15 % of the surface cover.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and plutonic metamorphosed material
- Surface fragments larger than 10 inches cover less than 20% of the surface. December and January average minimum temperatures are above 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 C)
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or deeper soils [> 40 inches (100 cm)]
- Parent material is not derived from limestone
- Vesicular pores in soil surface with greater than 80% gravel cover on the soil surface
- Broken up patches of desert pavement OR weak desert pavement formation with vesicular horizons present OR greater than 80% large surface fragments (> 20 mm or ¾ inch) usually with a vesicular horizon
- Slope <15%; The soil temperature regime is hyperthermic.
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or deeper soils [> 40 inches (100 cm)]
- Parent material is not derived from limestone
- No vesicular pores in soil surface and/or less than 80% gravel cover on the soil surface
- No sodic horizon present
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope < 15%
- Parent material is derived from sedimentary materials. Cobbles, stones and boulders over 3 inches wide and rock outcrop cover less than 15 % of the soil surface.
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or deeper soils [> 40 inches (100 cm)]
- Parent material is not derived from limestone
- Vesicular pores in soil surface with greater than 80% gravel cover on the soil surface
- Non-fragmented desert pavement, true desert pavement; virtually devoid of vegetation
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Soils are formed in colluvium and residuum mostly from sandstone and are shallow to densic material. May also have some limestone
- The dominant species are blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima), and creosote bush (Larrea tridentata).
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on the piedmont slope
- Site occurs on an erosional fan remnant of the upper piedmont slope.
- Site has lower elevation than 1650 feet.
Key Characteristics
- Inset fan and fan draingeways
- Site is generally lower than 3600 feet in elevation
- Inset Fan
- These low elevations have a Plant Hardiness Zone 9b or warmer so that smoketree, typically found in the Sonoran Desert, is often present in these fluves.
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or deeper soils [> 40 inches (100 cm)]
- Parent material is not derived from limestone
- Vesicular pores in soil surface with greater than 80% gravel cover on the soil surface
- Broken up patches of desert pavement OR weak desert pavement formation with vesicular horizons present OR greater than 80% large surface fragments (> 20 mm or ¾ inch) usually with a vesicular horizon
- Greater than 15% slope
Key Characteristics
- Inset fan and fan draingeways
- Site is generally lower than 3600 feet in elevation
- Interfan drainageway with stream order 1-2.
- . Stream order 1-2 and wash mainly drains soils with diagnostic subsurface horizons and is adjacent to hills or mountains; roughly plant hardiness zone 9b or higher
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or shallower soils [< 40 inches (100 cm)] OR if soils are deeper than 20 inches (50cm), there is a diagnostic subsurface horizon acting as an aquatard within the top 20 inches of the soil profile
- . Alluvium contains gypsum
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope < 15%
- This site occurs on flat-topped summits of mesas and plateaus overlying tertiary sediments.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- Cobbles, stones and boulders over 3 inches wide and rock outcrop cover more than 15 % of the soil surface. Within the Colorado River Watershed.
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope >15%
- 52’ Gypsic horizon is not present with a very shallow depth to a sandstone lithic contact.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs as part of the alluvial flat.
- Site is part of a lake plain, a nearly level surface marking the floor of an extinct lake.
- Saline and/or sodic soils
- Water table is deeper than 30 ft. Inset fans within lake terrace, above the flood level of the flood-plain step and/or fan skirts over playa floor.
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Soils derived from gypsiferous sedimentary rocks.
- Pediment or landforms less than 15% slope
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Soils are formed in colluvium and residuum mostly from sandstone and are shallow to densic material. May also have some limestone
- Site is formed in residuum and colluvium derived from mudstone, or gypsiferous sandstone and siltstone. Reaction is moderately to strongly alkaline.
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope >15%
- Gypsic horizon present
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- Stones and boulders over 10 inches wide and rock outcrop compose less than 15 % of the surface cover. White bursage and big galleta dominate the reference plant community.
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope >15%
- They are formed in residuum and colluvium from sandstone conglomerate.
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope >15%
- The soils are formed in residuum and colluvium from calcareous sandstone and limestone.
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope >15%
- The soils have formed in residuum and colluvium from calcareous sandstone and limestone.
Key Characteristics
- Landforms are extrusive volcanic hills, mountains, or plateaus
- Slope is typically less than 30%
- Soils are typically shallow to moderately deep over a lithic contact.
- Basalt Lava Flow
- Surface textures are extremely gravelly fine sandy loams. Subsurface textures are loams.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- Cobbles, stones and boulders over 3 inches wide and rock outcrop cover less than 15 % of the soil surface. Site is a blackbrush site.
Key Characteristics
- The lower Piedmont slope consisting of the fan Piedmont and fan skirt.
- Fan Skirt
- Dominant soils associated with this ecological site are very deep, and formed in alluvium derived from granitic sources.
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or deeper soils [> 40 inches (100 cm)]
- Parent material is not derived from limestone
- No vesicular pores in soil surface and/or less than 80% gravel cover on the soil surface
- Sodic horizon present
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope >15%
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and foliated metamorphosed material where soils are shallow and/or a shallow diagnostic horizon is present
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or deeper soils [> 40 inches (100 cm)]
- Soils derived from limestone parent material.
- Less than 15% slope. Diagnostic subsurface horizon is not present.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and plutonic metamorphosed material
- . Stones and boulders over 10 inches wide and rock outcrop compose less than 15 % of the surface cover. Slopes >15%
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on the piedmont slope
- Site is associated with the lower fan piedmont on the lower piedmont slope.
- This site occurs on sand sheets, dunes, sand sheets on fan remnants and fan aprons on fan remnants
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and plutonic metamorphosed material
- Surface fragments larger than 10 inches cover more than 20% of the surface
- Colluvium and residuum from granodiorite
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope >15%
- The dominant soils associated with this ecological site are very shallow to shallow, and formed from alluvium derived from granitoid and/or residuum weathered from granitoid.
Key Characteristics
- Head waters are generally below 1100 m (3600 ft)
- Stream order is greater than 2
- Stream order is 2-4
- This site often begins at slope break between steeper mountains and aggrading alluvial fans, or where two second order streams merge. These drainages provide a relatively consistent deep-water source, which supports desert willow communities.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and plutonic metamorphosed material
- Surface fragments larger than 10 inches cover more than 20% of the surface
- There is a high percentage of granitic rock outcrops throughout the site, with very shallow to shallow sandy soils on open expanses of slope between outcrops. Single-leaf pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla), California juniper (Juniperus California) and Muller’s oak (Quercus cornelius-mulleri) are dominant around rock outcrops, and blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) is dominant on shallow soils among outcrops.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and plutonic metamorphosed material
- Surface fragments larger than 10 inches cover more than 20% of the surface
- alluvium derived from granite and/or residuum weathered from granite on dissected pediment surfaces.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and plutonic metamorphosed material
- Surface fragments larger than 10 inches cover more than 20% of the surface
- Slopes are generally greater than 30 percent. Creosote bush (Larrea tridentate) and Parish’s goldeneye (Viguiera parishi) dominate the site, but a high diversity of other shrub species may be present.
Key Characteristics
- The lower Piedmont slope consisting of the fan Piedmont and fan skirt.
- Fan Piedmont
- Site occurs on fan apron, a sheet-like mantle of relatively young alluvium and soils covering part of an older fan piedmont surface.
- Argillic diagnostic horizon is present.
Key Characteristics
- Head waters are generally between 1100-1700 m (3600-5575 ft) and higher
- No water table at or near the surface. This ecological site describes the complex dynamics of first and second order ephemeral streams with disturbances dominated by flash flood events.
Key Characteristics
- Inset fan and fan draingeways
- Site is generally lower than 3600 feet in elevation
- Interfan drainageway with stream order 1-2.
- Wash mainly drains alluvial fans where channel migration can occur
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or shallower soils [< 40 inches (100 cm)] OR if soils are deeper than 20 inches (50cm), there is a diagnostic subsurface horizon acting as an aquatard within the top 20 inches of the soil profile
- Alluvium from mixed sources with little to no alluvium from limestone sources, if a calcic or petrocalcic horizon is present, it is below 10 inches (25 cm)
Key Characteristics
- The lower Piedmont slope consisting of the fan Piedmont and fan skirt.
- Fan Piedmont
- Site occurs on fan apron, a sheet-like mantle of relatively young alluvium and soils covering part of an older fan piedmont surface.
- Diagnostic subsurface horizon not present, below 4000 ft. in elevation
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and plutonic metamorphosed material
- Surface fragments larger than 10 inches cover more than 20% of the surface
- With the exception of the Seanna series, there is an argillic horizon within 5 inches of the soil surface.
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow, shallow
- Slopes less than 65%
- Soil over rock parent material
- Soils over igneous or metamorphic parent material
- Soil very shallow to andesite bedrock
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow, shallow
- Slopes less than 65%
- Soil over rock parent material
- Soils over igneous or metamorphic parent material
- Soil shallow to basalt bedrock
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils moderately deep or deeper
- Basalt cobble soil cover
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow, shallow
- Slopes abrupt, greater than 65%
- Basalt cobbles and stones cover Moenkopi formation mudstones. Usually occurs as an escarpment, but may be in hill form. Soil is shallow to very deep
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils moderately deep or deeper
- Subsurface also very cobbly and gravelly sandy loam to clay loam
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils are moderately deep or deeper
- Soils non-calcareous at surface
- Soils calcareous in subsurface
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils are moderately deep or deeper
- Soils calcareous throughout
- Gypsum crystals not visible
- Soil skeletal
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow, shallow
- Slopes less than 65%
- Soil over rock parent material
- Soils over igneous or metamorphic parent material
- Soil very shallow to shallow to hard granite or gneiss bedrock
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow, shallow
- Slopes less than 65%
- Soils over hard gypsum
- Soils non-alkaline
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow, shallow
- Slopes less than 65%
- Soil over rock parent material
- Soils over sedimentary parent material
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils are moderately deep or deeper
- Soils calcareous throughout
- Gypsum crystals not visible
- Soil non-skeletal
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils moderately deep or deeper
- Soils not skeletal
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils are moderately deep or deeper
- Soils calcareous throughout
- Gypsum Crystals visible
- Gypsum crystals sand and gravel sized
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils are shallow
Key Characteristics
- Bottom position, plant community receives additional moisture from run-on
- Soil has sandy textures
- No seasonal water table
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow, shallow
- Slopes abrupt, greater than 65%
- Soil very shallow to andesite bedrock. Slope range 20 to 70 percent
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or shallower soils [< 40 inches (100 cm)] OR if soils are deeper than 20 inches (50cm), there is a diagnostic subsurface horizon acting as an aquatard within the top 20 inches of the soil profile
- Only a duripan is present (Sonoran Desert watershed)
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils are moderately deep or deeper
- Soils non-calcareous at surface
- Soils non-calcarous throughout
- Soil surface fine sand, eolian
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or shallower soils [< 40 inches (100 cm)] OR if soils are deeper than 20 inches (50cm), there is a diagnostic subsurface horizon acting as an aquatard within the top 20 inches of the soil profile
- Strong argillic horizon (clay increases greatly between horizons and is greater than 15% clay) is within top 25 cm of the soil surface AND no desert pavement present
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow, shallow
- Slopes less than 65%
- Soils over hard gypsum
- Soils moderately alkaline
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils are moderately deep or deeper
- Soils calcareous throughout
- Gypsum Crystals visible
- Gypsum crystals small, difficult to discern
Key Characteristics
- Bottom position, plant community receives additional moisture from run-on
- Soil has loamy textures
- Soil gypsiferous throughout the profile
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope < 15%
- The dominant soils associated with this ecological site are very shallow to shallow, and formed in colluvium derived from granitoid over residuum weathered from granitoid, or in residuum weathered from granitoid.
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils are moderately deep or deeper
- Soils non-calcareous at surface
- Soils non-calcarous throughout
- Soil suface texture sandy loam to loam
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils are moderately deep or deeper
- Soils non-calcareous at surface
- Soils non-calcarous throughout
- Soil texture clay loam, clay, cobbly clay loam
Key Characteristics
- Bottom position, plant community receives additional moisture from run-on
- Soil has loamy textures
- Soils is saline and sodic
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or shallower soils [< 40 inches (100 cm)] OR if soils are deeper than 20 inches (50cm), there is a diagnostic subsurface horizon acting as an aquatard within the top 20 inches of the soil profile
- Alluvium from limestone OR a calcic or petrocalcic horizon within the top 25 cm of the soil surface
Key Characteristics
- Bottom position, plant community receives additional moisture from run-on
- Soil has loamy textures
- Soil not gypsiferous
Key Characteristics
- The lower Piedmont slope consisting of the fan Piedmont and fan skirt.
- Fan Skirt
- A root-restricting layer has formed due to pedogenesis.
- Parent material is of sedimentary origin.
Key Characteristics
- Landforms are extrusive volcanic hills, mountains, or plateaus
- Slope is greater than 30 percent
- Soils are very shallow to shallow to a lithic conctact.
- The soil of this ecological site is very shallow to shallow. The soil's patent material is andesite alluvium and colluvium.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and plutonic metamorphosed material
- Surface fragments larger than 10 inches cover more than 20% of the surface
- This ecological site occurs on moderately sloping, undulating low hills or rock pediment. Soils are very shallow to shallow, and have loamy skeletal textures.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- Site is shallow to a lithic contact and surface fragments larger than 10 inches cover < 15% of the surface.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Soils are formed in colluvium and residuum mostly from sandstone and are shallow to densic material. May also have some limestone
- The soils associated with this site are shallow to very shallow to sandstone bedrock. Slopes typically range from 15 to about 75 percent. Elevations are 3700 to about 7020 feet.The reference plant community is dominated by turbinella oak, manzanita, and black sagebrush.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Soils are formed in colluvium and residuum mostly from sandstone and are shallow to densic material. May also have some limestone
- Elevations range from 4000 to 7000 feet. Soils are formed in residuum and colluvium from calcareous sandstone and siltstone.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- Site is above 8500 feet
- Site is above 10,000 Ft
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- Site is above 8500 feet
- This site occurs on high windswept ridges and shoulders of mountains. Slopes range from 8 to 75 percent, but slopes of 15 to 50 percent are most typical. Elevations range from 9600 to 9933 feet.
Key Characteristics
- Head waters are generally between 1100-1700 m (3600-5575 ft) and higher
- Water table not near the surface.
- Elevations range from 4000 to 6000 feet.
Key Characteristics
- Inset fan and fan draingeways
- Site is generally greater than 3600 ft. in elevation
- Site drains limestone parent material, is over 6000 ft and supports a fourwing saltbush-mountain big sagebrush community.
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or shallower soils [< 40 inches (100 cm)] OR if soils are deeper than 20 inches (50cm), there is a diagnostic subsurface horizon acting as an aquatard within the top 20 inches of the soil profile
- Alluvium from limestone, dolomite, or conglomerate. Less than 15% slope.
Key Characteristics
- Inset fan and fan draingeways
- Site is generally greater than 3600 ft. in elevation
- The soils associated with this site are deep to very deep, well drained, and formed in alluvium derived from limestone. Elevations range from 5900 to 6600 feet.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- Very shallow (less than 25 cm deep) soils over exposed bedrock
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from limestone or dolomite
- The soils associated with this site are shallow to bedrock. Slope gradients from 30 to 40 percent is most typical.
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or deeper soils [> 40 inches (100 cm)]
- Soils derived from limestone parent material.
- Less than 15% slope. The soil profile is characterized by 50 to 75 percent rock fragments, mainly gravel with some cobbles and stones.
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or shallower soils [< 40 inches (100 cm)] OR if soils are deeper than 20 inches (50cm), there is a diagnostic subsurface horizon acting as an aquatard within the top 20 inches of the soil profile
- Alluvium from limestone, dolomite, or conglomerate. Greater than 15% slope.
Key Characteristics
- Head waters are generally between 1100-1700 m (3600-5575 ft) and higher
- Water table not near the surface.
- Drains upper fan piedmont slopes Order 2-3 ephemeral stream
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and plutonic metamorphosed material
- The site is dominated by blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) and Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma).
Key Characteristics
- Landforms are extrusive volcanic hills, mountains, or plateaus
- Slope is greater than 30 percent
- Very deep soils (greater than 60 inches) with an argillic horizon, generally less than 15% cobbles and stones.
Key Characteristics
- Landforms are extrusive volcanic hills, mountains, or plateaus
- Slope is greater than 30 percent
- Soils are very shallow to shallow to a lithic conctact.
- An argillic horizon occurs from 4 to 15 inches. Depth to bedrock is 4 to 20 inches.
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or deeper soils [> 40 inches (100 cm)]
- Parent material is not derived from limestone
- No vesicular pores in soil surface and/or less than 80% gravel cover on the soil surface
- A diagnostic subsurface horizon is present or an underlying horizon has a coarser texture than above horizons which prevents moisture from deep infiltration
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils Moderately Deep or Deeper
- Soil non-calcareous
- Soil texture ranges from gravelly sandy loam to gravelly loamy sand
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow to shallow
- Slopes rising gradually from uplands, range 15-65 percent
- Soil very shallow or shallow to granite bedrock
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow to shallow
- Slopes rising gradually from uplands, range 15-65 percent
- Soil skeletal, shallow to granite bedrock
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils Moderately Deep or Deeper
- Soil calcareous
- Soil non-skeletal
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils Shallow or Very Shallow
- Soil calcareous, over lime cemented hardpan
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils Moderately Deep or Deeper
- Soil calcareous
- Soil skeletal
- Soil texture loam to gravelly loam
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils Moderately Deep or Deeper
- Soil non-calcareous
- Soil texture gravelly loamy sand to gravelly loamy sand
Key Characteristics
- Bottom position, plant community receives additional moisture from run-on
- Soil texture range from sand to gravelly sandy loam, seasonal water table
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils Moderately Deep or Deeper
- Soil calcareous
- Soil skeletal
- Soil texture ranges from sandy loam to clay
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils Moderately Deep or Deeper
- Soil non-calcareous
- Soil texture ranges from sandy loam to gravelly loamy sand, and/or fine sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Bottom position, plant community receives additional moisture from run-on
- Soil texture range from sand to gravelly sandy loam, no evidence of seasonal water table
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils Shallow or Very Shallow
- Soil calcareous, over bedrock without cemented hardpan
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils Moderately Deep or Deeper
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow to shallow
- Slopes rising gradually from uplands, range 15-65 percent
- Soil shallow to basalt bedrock
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally less than 15 percent
- Soils Moderately Deep or Deeper
- Soil non-calcareous
- Soil texture ranges from sandy clay to cobbly clay loam
Key Characteristics
- Upland position, plant community receives moisture only from precipitation
- Slopes generally greater than 15 percent
- Soils very shallow to shallow
- Slopes rise abruptly to nearly vertical, over 65%
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope >15%
- < 15% boulders and rock outcrop, with elevations ranging from 950 to 2390 feet.
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Buried fan remnants, non-buried fan remnants, fan aprons, or other landforms which are not an erosional fan remnant and where washes do not deeply dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams do migrate.
- Site does not receive sheet flow from higher elevations
- Desert Pavement
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope >15%
- This site is associated with hot landscape positions, typically occurring on south-facing aspects, but at lower elevations it may occur on all aspects.
Key Characteristics
- Generally < 3300 ft; mean annual air temperatures > 17 oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -1300 to -800 mm (-51 to -31.5 inches).
- Slope >15%
- Generally less than 15% cover of stones and boulders. These soils occur on mountain slopes and hills and formed from colluvium and residuum derived from granite and gneiss over bedrock.
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Buried fan remnants, non-buried fan remnants, fan aprons, or other landforms which are not an erosional fan remnant and where washes do not deeply dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams do migrate.
- Site does not receive sheet flow from higher elevations
- This ecological site tends to occupy distal fan positions, far from sources of run-on, and this site typically has no sheet-flow from flash-flooding events but yet is not a desert pavement.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on the piedmont slope
- Site is associated with the lower fan piedmont on the lower piedmont slope.
- Greater than 15 % slope
- Site occurs on the piedmont slope
- Site is associated with the lower fan piedmont on the lower piedmont slope.
- This ecological site is found on stabilized dunes and steep sandsheets. Elevations range from 950 to 2620 feet, and slopes are 8 to 30 percent. The plant community is strongly dominated by big galleta,
ProvisionalR030XD010CA/R030XD010CAFrequently Flooded, Gravelly, Hyperthermic To Warm-Thermic Ephemeral Streami
Key Characteristics
- Head waters are generally below 1100 m (3600 ft)
- Stream order is greater than 2
- Stream order is 2-4
- The main channels provide a deep water source and a frequent flooding regime, which support desert willow (Chilopsis linearis), catclaw acacia (Acacia greggii) and smoketree (Psorothamnus spinosus).
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on the piedmont slope
- Site is associated with the lower fan piedmont on the lower piedmont slope.
- Semi-active to stabilized upland sandsheets and dunes; in the absence of drought, altered hydrology or any other disturbance, dunes are stable enough to support creosote bush
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Buried fan remnants, non-buried fan remnants, fan aprons, or other landforms which are not an erosional fan remnant and where washes do not deeply dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams do migrate.
- Site does receive sheet flow
- < 15% cobbles on the surface
ProvisionalR030XD021CA/R030XD021CAOccasionally Flooded, Hyperthermic, Desert Pavement Ephemeral Streami
Key Characteristics
- Inset fan and fan draingeways
- Site is generally lower than 3600 feet in elevation
- Interfan drainageway with stream order 1-2.
- This site occurs on inset fans, drainageways and stream terraces (rarely on fan aprons) that drain stable fan remnants covered with desert pavement.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on the piedmont slope
- Site is associated with the lower fan piedmont on the lower piedmont slope.
- This ecological site is found on stabilized sandsheets and dunes at elevations ranging from 710 to 2460 feet and slopes of 0 to 8 percent. Dominant soils are very deep fine sands that formed from eolian deposits and exhibit no soil development.
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Buried fan remnants, non-buried fan remnants, fan aprons, or other landforms which are not an erosional fan remnant and where washes do not deeply dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams do migrate.
- Site does receive sheet flow
- > 15% cobbles and stones on surface
Key Characteristics
- The upper Piedmont Slope consisting of the mountain valley fans, alluvial fans, and ballenas.
- Generally on erosional fan remnants or ballenas in the upper fan piedmont where deeply incised washes dissect the landscape so that ephemeral streams can not migrate; well-developed diagnostic subsurface horizon are likely to be present within the top 25 cm of soil surface such as heavy clay or calcium carbonate accumulation OR shallow soils due to a duripan or densic horizon.
- Moderately deep or deeper soils [> 40 inches (100 cm)]
- Parent material is not derived from limestone
- No vesicular pores in soil surface and/or less than 80% gravel cover on the soil surface
- This ecological site occurs on channeled fan aprons and fan remnants, typically on the upper portion of the fan piedmont, at elevations of 950 to 2390 feet.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on the piedmont slope
- Site is associated with the lower fan piedmont on the lower piedmont slope.
- Semi-active to active upland dunes; in the absence of drought, altered hydrology or any other disturbance, dunes are too active to support creosote bush
Key Characteristics
- The lower Piedmont slope consisting of the fan Piedmont and fan skirt.
- Fan Skirt
- Soils are deep without a root-restricting layer.
- The soils associated with this site are very deep alluvium derived from mixed igneous sources. Soil reaction is moderately to strongly alkaline.
Key Characteristics
- Landforms are extrusive volcanic hills, mountains, or plateaus
- Slope is typically less than 30%
- Soils are typically shallow to moderately deep over a lithic contact.
- Basalt Lava Flow
- Generally greater than 15% boulders AND rock outcrop on the surface. Soils are calcareous and alkaline, with calcium carbonate accumulation in subsurface horizons
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs as part of a playa
- Water table within 30 ft (9m) of soil surface (Mesquite is often present)
- This ecological site occurs on flat, frequently ponded playa margins where the water table is shallow to the soil surface. Occasional ponding that may be of long duration, a shallow water table, and salic soils in an extremely arid and warm climate on the edges of soft playa margins are the dominant features driving this ecological site.
Key Characteristics
- Generally > 3300 in elevation; mean annual air temperature is between 13oC (55.5 oF) and 17oC (62.5 oF)]; effective precipitation is between -800 to -400 mm (-31.5 to -15.75 inches); generally an increase in both the number of species and abundance of perennial grasses and other shrubs occurs in these regions compared to the more arid regions.
- Shallow soils to a lithic or paralithic contact or a shallow argillic or calcic horizon
- Colluvium and residuum derived from igneous and plutonic metamorphosed material
- Single-leaf pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla) and Muller oak (Quercus cornelius-mulleri) dominate.
ProvisionalR030XY010CA/R030XY010CAFrequently Flooded, Gravelly, Hyperthermic To Warm-Thermic Ephemeral Stream
ProvisionalR030XY021CA/R030XY021CAOccasionally Flooded, Hyperthermic, Desert Pavement Ephemeral Stream
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs as part of a playa
- The site is subject to some flooding and ponding
- Gypsic or salic horizon present
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on basin floor
- Site is associate with playa dunes
- Bedrock or old landforms likely buried where water table is perched high enough to support mesquite
ProvisionalR030XY188CA/R030XY188CASlightly Alkaline, Rarely To Occasionally Flooded Ephemeral Stream
Key Characteristics
- Head waters are generally between 1100-1700 m (3600-5575 ft) and higher
- Water table at or near the surface
- This site occurs on large sized (typically order 3) ephemeral drainageways with braided channels at elevations of approximately 4,000 to 6,000 feet.These drainages provide a relatively consistent deep-water source, which supports desert willow communities.
Key Characteristics
- Head waters are generally between 1100-1700 m (3600-5575 ft) and higher
- Water table not near the surface.
- This ecological site occurs on moderate sized (generally order 2) ephemeral drainageways and associated landforms at elevations of 3,410 to 5,510 feet.
Key Characteristics
- Head waters are generally between 1100-1700 m (3600-5575 ft) and higher
- Water table at or near the surface
- This site occurs on large sized (typically order 3) ephemeral drainageways with braided channels at elevations of approximately 3,000 to 4,500 feet.These large drainages provide a relatively consistent deep-water source, which supports desert willow communities.
Key Characteristics
- Head waters are generally between 1100-1700 m (3600-5575 ft) and higher
- Water table not near the surface.
- This ecological site occurs on narrow, gently sloping, first and second order ephemeral drainageways. The soils associated with this site are very deep, sandy soils formed in alluvium from metamorphic and sedimentary rock.
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The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.