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Ecological site DX032X01A154

Shale (Sh) Big Horn Basin Core

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 032X / Ecological site DX032X01A154

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T1A - Natural Variability, Frequent and Severe Grazing, Severe Ground Disturbance, Drought or a combination of these factors eliminates/prevents perennial grass establishment and supports Gardner's saltbush.
T1B - Frequent and Severe Grazing, Ground Disturbance, and/or Drought with a seed source present provides weedy species the opportunity to invade this community.
R2A - Long-term Prescribed Grazing allows existing populations to gain vigor and encourages seedlings if seed source is available and climatic conditions are favorable. This site may require mechanical or cultural inputs to allow minor improvements in a foreseeable time frame.
T2A - Drought, Frequent or Severe Grazing, Non-Use, or Ground Disturbance with seed source present exposes this barren community to invasion by weedy species.
R3A - Integrated Pest Management with Grazing Lands Mechanical Treatment, or Rangeland Seeding with Prescribed Grazing will be required inputs to alter the soils and hydrology of this site to allow a desirable plant cover to establish and control the invasive species (species dependent.)
T4A - Drought, Lack of Maintenance, or Further Ground Disturbance with seed source present exposes this disturbed community to (re-)invasion by weedy species.

State 3 submodel, plant communities

State 4 submodel, plant communities