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Ecological site R034AA237UT

Semi-desert Loamy Run-on (Basin big sagebrush/ Mixed bunchgrass)

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 034A / Ecological site R034AA237UT

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T1A - The simultaneous introduction of exotic species, both plants and animals, and possible extinctions of native flora and fauna, along with climate change
T2A - Long periods (several decades) without fire and/or heavy grazing, especially during the growing season of grasses
T2B - Relatively hot (stand-replacing) wildfire followed by heavy growing season grazing disturbances
R3A - Brush management, seeding, prescribed grazing
T3A - Wildfire or brush management followed by heavy grazing
R4A - Brush management, seeding, prescribed grazing
CP 1.1A - Absence of wildfire
CP 1.2A - Wildfire
CP 2.1A - very limited to no grazing and an absence of fire
CP 2.2A - cool spring wildfire