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Major Land Resource Area 042A

Trans-Pecos Mountains, Plateaus, and Basins

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The Trans-Pecos Mountains, Plateaus, and Basins Major Land Resource Area (MLRA 42A), occurs in Texas (90 percent) and New Mexico (10 percent). MLRA 42A is defined by the Trans-Pecos Rift, which consists of three basic subdivisions: 1) mountain ranges, both sedimentary and igneous, such as the Sierra Diablo and Davis Mountains; 2) plateaus, such as the Otero and Marfa Plateaus; and 3) basins, such as the Valentine and Salt Basins. It is a subdivision of the Basin and Range province that extends from Otero Mesa, in southern New Mexico, to Big Bend, Texas. Elevation ranges from 1,550 to 8,378 feet. Biological communities include forest, woodland, savannah, grassland, grassland with shrubs, shrub savannah, shrubland, and dwarf shrubland which occur with definite ranges of annual water deficit. Nearly all the MLRA is rangeland and currently used for livestock grazing, wildlife habitat, and recreation.

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