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Ecological site EX043B23A121

Limy Skeletal (LiSk) Absaroka Lower Foothills

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 043B / Ecological site EX043B23A121

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T1-2 - Frequent and severe grazing (yearlong grazing) or compaction from surface traffic, will weaken the mid-stature grasses and allow threadleaf sedge to increase.
T1-3 - Frequent and severe grazing as well as prolonged drought weakens the herbaceous cover reducing the community to a sagebrush dominated canopy.
T2-4 - Drought with or without hoof impact or mechanical soil impact to displace the sod opens the niche for invasive species to establish.
R3-1 - Brush management with seeding and long-term prescribed grazing with rest will allow this community to improve.
T3-4 - Disturbance to the soil surface provides the opportunity for invasive species to find their niche in a community.
R4-5 - Integrated weed management, seeding and grazing management will establish a community similar to Reference.
T5-4 - Any disturbance to or failure in reclaiming the community leaves this State at risk to invasion.
CP1.1-1.2 - Moderate, continuous season-long grazing, especially with drought, will reduce the key grasses moving this community to the Perennial Grasses/Sagebrush Community Phase.
CP1.2-1.1 - Prescribed grazing with deferment over time will allow the key bunchgrasses to increase in the community.

State 2 submodel, plant communities

State 3 submodel, plant communities

State 4 submodel, plant communities

State 5 submodel, plant communities