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Ecological site EX043B23B106

Clayey Overflow (CyO) Absaroka Upper Foothills

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 043B / Ecological site EX043B23B106

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T1-2 - Frequent or high intensity herbivory (continuous season-long grazing) and prolonged drought removes native grasses and lack of fire allows sagebrush to become dominant in the community.
T1-3 - Drought stress, fire, mechanical disturbance including grazing impacts and recreation provide opportunity for introduced and invasive species to establish.
R2-1 - Treatment to thin the canopy followed by prescribed grazing and time allow herbaceous species to increase in the sagebrush canopy.
T2-3 - Prolong Drought stress, long-term continuous season-long grazing, fire, brush control, or other ground disturbances allow the community to be invaded.
R3-4 - Integrated pest management plan and intense weed control with seeding of desired species is required to reclaim this community.
T4-3 - Post-treatment disturbances or failure to change management, shifts the community to an invaded state.
CP1.1-1.2 - Historic grazing, drought, and climatic shifts have attributed to the decline in wildrye and needlegrasses in this community.
CP1.2-1.1 - Prescribed grazing include rest and rotation will assist in recovery of this site.

State 2 submodel, plant communities

CP3.1-3.2 - Wildfire and frequent and severe grazing (continuous season-long), will convert the plant community to the Invasive Plant Community.

State 4 submodel, plant communities