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Ecological site F043CY608OR

Cool Dry Conifer Foothills and Mountains (PIPO/FEID-PSSPS)

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 043C / Ecological site F043CY608OR

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States 1 and 5 (additional transitions)

T1a - Long term fire exclusion (50-100+) years
T1b - Widespread catastrophic stand replacing fire event
T1c - Invasion of introduced cool season grasses or exotic annual grass
T1d - Site converted to annual cropland or pasture/hayland
R2a - Restoration practices that reduce excessive fuel loads and reduce overstory crown bulk density
T2a - Widespread catastrophic fire occurs
R3a - Conifer planting
R4a - Practices that promote the reestablishment of native understory species
R4a - Practices are applied which reduce or eliminate unwanted weeds and invasive species
R5a - Practices that promote the reestablishment of native understory species
T5a - Poor management or abandonment leads to weed invasion