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Ecological site F044AF001MT

Lower Subalpine Moderately Warm and Moist Coniferous Pend Oreille-Kootenai Valleys grand fir/bride's bonnet

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 044A / Ecological site F044AF001MT

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T1A - Substantial loss of western white pine as a major seral tree species.
R2A - Western white pine restored as a major seral tree species.
T2A - Significant loss of susceptible tee species at a site due to Armillaria root rot and conversion of the forest to a shrubland.
R3A - Conversion of the Armillaria root rot induced shrubland to forest, generally of less susceptible seral tree species and eventually to climax tree species.
1.1A - Severe wildfire kills overstory trees, except remnant western larch, and resets community to initiation phase.
1.2A - Time without disturbance allows tree seedlings to grow to pole sized trees and understory has less pioneering short lived species and more long lived perennial species.
1.3B - Severe wildfire kills trees, except maybe remnant western larch, and resets community to initiation phase.
1.3A - Time without disturbance allows pole sized trees to mature to larger tree diameters, gaps in overstory from windthrow and small single tree deaths allow remaining trees space and resources to grow.
1.4B - Severe wildfire kills overstory trees, except remnant western larch, and resets community to initiation phase.
1.4A - Time without disturbance.
1.5A - Time without disturbance allows the maturing trees to grow and age into the reference phase with small gap dynamics and an understory dominated by perennial shrubs and herbaceous species.
1.5B - Severe wildfire kills overstory trees, except remnant western larch, and resets community to initiation phase.
2.1A - This pathway represents a major stand-replacement fire disturbance such as a high-intensity fire, large scale wind event, or major insect infestation.
2.2A - This pathway represents growth over time with no further significant disturbance. The areas of regeneration pass through the typical stand phases-competitive exclusion, maturation, understory reinitiating-until they resemble the old-growth structure of the reference community.
2.3B - This pathway represents a major stand-replacement fire disturbance such as a high-intensity fire, large scale wind event or major insect infestation.
2.3A - This pathway represents continued growth over time with no further major disturbance.
2.4B - This pathway represents a major stand-replacement fire disturbance, such as a major insect outbreak, or major fire event which leads to the stand initiation phase of forest development.
2.4A - This pathway represents continued growth over time with no further major disturbance.
2.5A - This pathway represents no further major disturbance. Continued growth over time, as well as ongoing mortality, leads to continued vertical diversification. The community begins to resemble the structure of the reference community, with small pockets of regeneration and a more diversified understory.
2.5B - This pathway represents a major stand-replacement fire disturbance leading to the stand initiation phase of forest development.

State 3 submodel, plant communities