Lower Subalpine Moderately Cool and Moist Coniferous Pend Oreille-Kootenai Valleys western redcedar-western hemlock/bride's bonnet
List model
Historic State Western white pine (Pinus monticola)-western redcedar-western hemlock/common snowberry-white spirea/twinflower-creeping barberry/wild sarsaparilla-bride's bonnet
Reference State Western redcedar-western hemlock/common snowberry-white spirea/twinflower-creeping barberry/wild sarsaparilla-bride's bonnet
Root Rot
Scenario model
Current ecosystem state
Select a state
State 1
Historic State Western white pine (Pinus monticola)-western redcedar-western hemlock/common snowberry-white spirea/twinflower-creeping barberry/wild sarsaparilla-bride's bonnet
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State 2
Reference State Western redcedar-western hemlock/common snowberry-white spirea/twinflower-creeping barberry/wild sarsaparilla-bride's bonnet
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Management practices/drivers
Select a transition or restoration pathway
Transition T1A
Substantial loss of western white pine as a major seral tree species.
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Restoration pathway R2A
Western white pine restored as a major seral tree species.
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Transition T2A
Significant loss of susceptible tee species at a site due to Armillaria root rot and conversion of the forest to a shrubland.
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Restoration pathway R3A
Conversion of the Armillaria root rot induced shrubland to forest, generally of less susceptible seral tree species and eventually to climax tree species.
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No transition or restoration pathway between the selected states has been described
Target ecosystem state
Select a state
State 1
Historic State Western white pine (Pinus monticola)-western redcedar-western hemlock/common snowberry-white spirea/twinflower-creeping barberry/wild sarsaparilla-bride's bonnet
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State 2
Reference State Western redcedar-western hemlock/common snowberry-white spirea/twinflower-creeping barberry/wild sarsaparilla-bride's bonnet
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State 1
Historic State
Western white pine (Pinus monticola)-western redcedar-western hemlock/common snowberry-white spirea/twinflower-creeping barberry/wild sarsaparilla-bride's bonnet
Historically western white pine would have been throughout this MLRA/LRU unit and Kootenai NF. Western white pine covered five million acres in the Inland Northwest. Western white pine is incredibly productive for timber due to a fast growth rate, tall stature, deep roots, and the ability to compete best on highly variable, high resource sites. Additionally, it is tolerant to the native root rot diseases and other native forest pests. Western white pine is susceptible to Armillaria root disease only when young, and to mountain pine beetle largely at advanced ages (over 140 years). It also has the capability to thrive in a wide variety of sites and environments, which means it has high ecological flexibility. It is a long-living seral species that tolerated intense timber harvesting practices and severe fire disturbance with its ability to regenerate on mineral soil and full sunlight. Fire greatly influences the composition, structure, and function of vegetation across the landscape. Historically, it was mixed severity fire between severe stand replacement fires. Western larch and western white pine are long-lived, fire-adapted, shade-intolerant tree species that historically thrived. Also present in significant amounts, particularly in young stands, were the shorter-lived, shade-intolerant and fire-adapted tree species such as Douglas-fir and lodgepole pine. Shade-tolerant, fire-intolerant tree species such as western cedar, western hemlock, grand fir, Engelmann spruce, and subalpine fir were present, but rarely survived long enough to dominate stands except in areas where the interval between fires was unusually long and where root disease was not severe.
Prior to the 20th century, western white pine was a major component in forested ecosystems of the inland northwest United States. However, it has now been greatly reduced in distribution and abundance by white pine blister rust, mountain pine beetles, and anthropogenic fire exclusion (Tomback and Achuff, 2010). Western white pine has been replaced by Douglas-fir, grand fir, and western hemlock. Out of these tree species, Douglas-fir and grand fir are susceptible to a greater variety of insect and disease problems, whereas hemlock is more sensitive to drought and decay. More stands have also progressed to the climax species-dominated phase, which previously were rarely achieved due to the fire rotations and susceptibility of these species to disease and forest pests. A study of pathogen and insect effects on forests within the Inland Empire found that there were more than 90% of sample stands changed to a different cover type, structure stage, or both during a 40-year period that was coincident with the blister rust epidemic and fire suppression policy. This accelerated the succession of western white pine, ponderosa pine, and lodgepole pine to later successional, more shade-tolerant species. Furthermore, structure was reduced in stand density and prevented canopy closure. Grand fir, Douglas-fir, and subalpine fir were the predominant cover types at the end of the period, and were highly susceptible to root diseases, bark beetles, fire, and drought. It is estimated that there will be continuation of this trend occurring in low-density mature stands and younger pole-sized stands that result from root disease and bark beetle-caused mortality (Byler and Hagel, 2000). These stands also are less productive in terms of timber. They are dominated by species with high nutrient demands, and therefore nutrient storage and cycling rates are increasingly depressed. This will likely lead to ever-increasing stress and destabilization by pests and diseases, which can be further exacerbated by drought.
The Inland Empire Tree Improvement Cooperative and the USFS have a breeding program for blister-resistant western white pine. Approximately 5 percent of the original acre range was re-planted with rust-resistant stock. Currently, the modified stock shows about 60 percent resistance to blister rust. A study modeling the effects of climate change found that warming temperatures would favor increased abundance of western white pine over existing climax and shade-tolerant species in Glacier NP, mainly because warmer conditions may increase wildfire frequency and extent, which helps western white pine regeneration (Loehman, et al 2011).
States 1 and 5 (additional transitions)
1.1. Reference Plant Community
1.5. Mature Forest
State 2
Reference State
Western redcedar-western hemlock/common snowberry-white spirea/twinflower-creeping barberry/wild sarsaparilla-bride's bonnet
State 2 is different than State 1 in that western white pine no longer plays a significant role in the seral communities. It has been dramatically reduced in numbers and area by the epidemics of white pine blister rust, western spruce budworm, and by dramatic fire suppression. As a result, climax species have been able to fill the seral role that western white pine once held. Additionally, more forests are progressing toward this state than historically, when most forests were in the fire-maintained western white pine-dominated seral phase. State 2 forests are now dominated by the shade-tolerant climax species western redcedar and western hemlock. While there is a large effort to bolster the numbers of western white pine, it currently covers only 5 percent of its historic range.
State 2 is dominated by western redcedar and western hemlock, both of which are shade-tolerant climax conifers that grow in similar environments. Western redcedar has a larger geographic extent in Montana, but western hemlock usually is capable of dominating over western redcedar and other species at climax because it is better able to reproduce under a dense forest canopy. Western redcedar is able to maintain itself indefinitely as a minor climax species because of its shade tolerance and longevity (average lifespan of 600-1,000 years). Within Glacier NP, these species are co-dominant in nearly all of the sites visited. The seral successional stages have very diverse overstory tree composition and can be very productive in terms of basal area. Douglas fir, western larch and, to a lesser extent, spruce are often dominants in seral stands with lodgepole, western white pine, and paper birch as minor components. Grand fir and subalpine fir can be either minor seral or climax components. Western redcedar and western hemlock will regenerate after disturbance along with seral species, and it will take centuries for these species to gain dominance in the overstory over the seral species. The early successional phase can be dominated by fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium). The understory in seral successional phases have moisture-loving forbs or shrubs including Scouler’s willow, thimbleberry, serviceberry, Rocky Mountain maple, thinleaf huckleberry, and snowbush ceanothus. The historic fire regime of these forests is one of low fire frequency, but fire severity can be highly variable. It can be low due to the most common moist conditions and can be severe during times of drought. Fire return intervals range from 50 to greater than 200 years, but include mixed severity fires on 50-85 year intervals, as well as stand replacement fires on 150 to 250 year intervals. Western redcedar can thrive for centuries on this ecological site without disturbance. The Northern Rocky Mountain mesic-montane-mixed-conifer-forest-cedar groves are in fire regime group 5 and have a fire interval of 334 years, with 87 percent of fires classified as of replacement severity and 13 percent of fires classed as mixed severity and none as low severity (USDA, USFS, FEIS, Fire Regime). Fuel loadings for this ecological site can be very high due to deadfall and natural thinning of small and medium-sized branches. In early and intermediate successional phases, the understory can have high cover, which adds to fuel loadings. In general, the variability in fire regime and the high diversity of tree species present in most stands, except the reference phase, allow this ecological site group to form a diverse mosaic landscape with varying dominance or mixes of seral species.
The general fire succession process is that after stand replacement fires, the community reverts to an herbaceous one, then to shrubland. If fire is reoccurring in this phase, then the phase is maintained for a long time. The herbaceous community can be dominated by the disturbance-loving fireweed, beargrass, or numerous other species, depending upon the seedbank at the site and beyond. Duration of the herbaceous or shrubland phase is also dependent upon the availability of tree seed. If serotinous lodgepole pine seeds are available, then the site will become dominated by it and a lodgepole pine stand will develop for about 10-25 years (Habeck, 1968). After that time, other species become established including western larch and other conifers. If serotinous lodgepole pine seeds are not present, then the seedlings are a very diverse mixture of conifers. These seedlings form a thick carpet on the site shared with shrub species such as Scouler’s willow, white spirea, thinleaf huckleberry, thimbleberry, and Oregon boxwood. Forbs present include ferns, beargrass and fireweed. Moss cover can be variable. If fire does not occur, the seedlings will grow to pole-sized trees of diverse seral species. Low to moderate fires in this stage would favor fire-tolerant seral species over western redcedar, grand fir, or western hemlock, which are less fire-resistant. Severe fires will return these to the herbaceous or shrubland phase. In the pole-sized phase, seral species are abundant and western redcedar and western hemlock are just becoming established and usually have low cover (3-15 percent of the stand).Without further disturbance, this phase will continue to the maturing forest in which western redcedar and western hemlock become more evident in the stand and eventually have higher cover than the seral tree species. Western larch may survive severe fires in the maturing or mature phases. These trees would then provide seed for the stand initiation phase after a fire. Additionally, after frequent low to moderate fires in the mature phase, a relict western larch stand could occur. Reference stands in which only western redcedar and western hemlock occur can be rare, as seral species are long-lived and fire occurs frequently enough that stands seldom develop beyond the mature phase. However, there were abundant reference phase stands along the shores of Lake McDonald in Glacier NP. The Robert fire in 2003 heavily impacted some areas on the west side of Lake McDonald, but other areas close to the shore were not affected. Reference stands may withstand low fires that thin the stand, but severe fires would return the site to the herbaceous or shrubland phase. Significant fires that have occurred on the west side of the Continental Divide that have affected this ecological site are the Robert Fire in 2003 that burned 54,191 acres, the Moose Fire in 2001 that burned 66,688 acres, and the Middle Fork Complex Fire in 2003 that burned 11,996 acres. There were historic fires within the area of this ecological site that burned significant portions in 1735 and another portion in 1926 (NPS Stand Age spatial layer).
Both western hemlock and western redcedar are subjected to a variety of diseases and insect pests including Armillaria root disease, Annosus root disease, pouch fungus, red belt fungus, pini rot, metallic wood borers, and roundheaded borers. Western redcedar is also susceptible to cedar laminated butt rot, cedar brown pocket rot, and cedar bark beetles. Western hemlock is also susceptible to Indian paint fungus.
Resilience management
Various management strategies can be employed for this ecological site, depending upon the ownership of the land and which value is prioritized. The management of the forest determines the composition of the stand and the amount of fuel loading. A stand will be managed differently and look differently if it is managed for timber or ecological services like water quality and quantity, old growth, or endangered species. If a stand is managed for timber, then it may be missing certain attributes necessary for lynx habitat. If a stand is managed for lynx habitat, it may have increased fuels and therefore an increased risk of wildfires.
The USFS Habitat Type Guide (1973) states that the basal area on the western side of the Continental Divide for TSHE/CLUN2 is 267+/-55 ft2 per acre. The fifty-year site index for western white pine is 62, western larch is 80, PICEA is 77, and grand fir is 50. Basal area for THPL/CLUN2 is 305+/-96 ft2 per acre and the site index for Douglas-fir is 66, western larch is 63, PICEA is 72+/-14, grand fir is 61, and ABLA is 74.
Timber production on these sites is very high, particularly in the seral phases of this ecological site.
Each national forest has a specific management plan. The management plan for the Kootenai N.F. also has an Appendix B that gives specific management guidelines for habitat types (which relate to our forested ecological sites) found on the forest in relation to current and historic data on forest conditions (Kootenai N.F. Plan, 2001 and Appendix B). Another guiding USFS document is the Green et al. document (2005) which defines “Old Growth” forest for the northern Rocky Mountains. This document provides an ecologically based classification of old growth based on forest stand attributes including numbers of large trees, snags, downed logs, structural canopy layers, canopy cover, age, and basal area. While this document finds that the bulk of the pre-settlement upland old growth in the northern Rockies was in the lower elevation, ground-fire maintained ponderosa pine/western larch/Douglas-fir types (Losensky, 1992), it does not mean that other types were not common or not important. This could apply to some of the areas of this ecological site.
States 1, 5 and 2 (additional transitions)
2.1. Reference Plant Community Western redcedar-western hemlock/common snowberry/western brackenfern/twinflower/brides bonnet/moss
2.5. Mature Forest Western redcedar-western hemlock (western larch-grand fir)/Sitka alder/western brackenfern-wild sarsaparilla/pinegrass
2.2. Post Fire Stand Initiation
Another disease affecting this ecological site is root rot. While Douglas-fir, grand fir, and subalpine fir are most susceptible, western redcedar and western hemlock can be affected as well. Armillaria root disease is the most common root disease fungus in this region, and is especially prevalent west of the Continental Divide. It may be difficult to detect until it has killed enough trees to create large root disease pockets or centers, ranging in size from a fraction of an acre to hundreds of acres. The root disease spreads from an affected tree to its surrounding neighbors through root contact. The root disease effects the tree species most susceptible first, leaving less susceptible tree species that may mask its presence from land managers. When root rot is severe, the pocket has abundant regeneration or dense brush growth in the center. Western redcedar is moderately resistant to Armillaria root rot in Idaho and Montana. The common disease expression is some mortality in saplings, and residuals of partial harvests often develop severe infections but are very slow to die (Hagle, 2010). There has been a link determined between parent material and susceptibility to root disease (Kimsey et al., 2012). Metasedimentary parent material is thought to increase the risk of root disease. Glacier National Park is dominated by metasedimentary parent material and may be more at risk than other areas to root disease (Kimsey et al., 2012). If a stand sustains very high levels of root disease mortality, then a conifer stand could cross a threshold and become a shrubland once all conifers are gone (Kimsey et al., 2012). Management tactics include to identify the type of Armillaria root disease, and manage for pines and larch. Pre-commercial thinning may improve growth and survival of pines and larch. Harvests that leave susceptible species, such as Douglas-fir or true firs, as crop trees should be avoided (Hagel, 2010).
Substantial loss of western white pine as a major seral tree species.
Western white pine restored as a major seral tree species.
Significant loss of susceptible tee species at a site due to Armillaria root rot and conversion of the forest to a shrubland.
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The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.