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Ecological site R047XA016UT

Loamy Bottom (basin wildrye)

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 047X / Ecological site R047XA016UT

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T1a - Improper grazing and drought
T2a - Long-term improper grazing and prolonged drought; lengthened fire return interval
T2b - Sustained, long-term improper grazing and prolonged drought; shortened fire frequency
R3a - mechanical or chemical brush treatments
1.1b - Recent fire occurrence (1 to 30 years).
1.1a - Extended period of time with no major disturbance
1.2a - Normalized or extended fire frequency
1.3a - Recent fire occurrence (1 to 30 years).
2.1b - Recent fire occurrence (1 to 30 years).
2.1a - Extended period of time without a major disturbance such as fire
2.2a - 40 to 50 years or more without a fire occurrence (normal fire frequency).
2.3a - Recent fire occurrence (1 to 30 years).
3.1a - Long-term improper grazing and drought
3.2a - Proper grazing management
4.1a - Long-term, improper grazing and drought
4.2a - properly grazed for an extended period of time
5.1a - Long-term improper grazing and drought
5.2a - properly grazed over an extended period of time