Loamy Overflow
Scenario model
Current ecosystem state
Select a state
Management practices/drivers
Select a transition or restoration pathway
Transition T1A
Invasion of non-native cool-season grasses, long term (>10 years) seasonal grazing in summer, or rotational grazing with inadequate growing season recovery periods. Non-use with no fire.
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Transition T1B
Coniferous woody encroachment with no prescribed burning or woody species management.
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Transition T1C
Tillage to facilitate production agriculture.
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Transition T1D
Flooding, deciduous woody encroachment with no prescribed burning or woody species management.
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Transition T1E
Deciduous woody encroachment with no prescribed burning or woody species management.
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Restoration pathway R2A
Long-term (> 15 years) prescribed grazing in spring or spring and fall. This restoration may not be feasible.
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Transition T2A
Continued invasion of non-native cool-season grasses facilitated by seasonal grazing in summer, continuous season long grazing, or non-use with no fire.
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Transition T2B
Coniferous woody encroachment with no prescribed burning or woody species management.
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Transition T2C
Tillage to facilitate production agriculture.
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Transition T2D
Flooding, deciduous woody encroachment with prescribed grazing and no prescribed burning or woody species management.
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Transition T2E
Deciduous woody encroachment with no prescribed burning or woody species management.
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Transition T3A
Coniferous woody encroachment with no prescribed burning or woody species management.
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Transition T3B
Tillage to facilitate production agriculture.
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Transition T3C
Flooding, deciduous woody encroachment with prescribed grazing and no prescribed burning or woody species management.
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Transition T3D
Deciduous woody encroachment with no prescribed burning or woody species management.
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Restoration pathway R4A
Prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management.
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Restoration pathway R4B
Prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management.
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Restoration pathway R4C
Prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management.
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Transition R4D
Prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management.
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Transition R4E
Prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, and brush management
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Transition R4F
Prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management.
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Restoration pathway T5A
Coniferous woody encroachment with no prescribed burning or woody species management.
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Transition T5B
Flooding, deciduous woody encroachment with prescribed grazing and no prescribed burning or woody species management.
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Transition T5C
Deciduous woody encroachment with no prescribed burning or woody species management.
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Restoration pathway R6A
No flooding with prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management and prescribed grazing in mid-summer.
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Restoration pathway R6B
No flooding with prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management and continuous season-long or continuous season grazing.
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Restoration pathway R6C
No flooding with prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management and continuous season-long or continuous season grazing.
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Transition T6A
Eastern redcedar encroachment with no prescribed burning or woody species management.
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Restoration pathway R6D
No flooding with prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management and grazing in mid-summer.
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Restoration pathway R7A
Prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management followed by long-term prescribed grazing.
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Restoration pathway R7B
Prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management.
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Restoration pathway R7C
Prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management.
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Transition T7A
Coniferous woody encroachment with no prescribed burning or woody species management.
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Restoration pathway R7D
Prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management.
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No transition or restoration pathway between the selected states has been described
Target ecosystem state
Select a state
The Reference State (1) describes the range of vegetative communities that occur on the Loamy Overflow ecological site where the range of natural variability under historic conditions and disturbance regimes is mostly intact. The Reference State developed under the combined influences of climatic conditions, periodic fire activity, grazing by large herbivores, and impacts from small mammals and insects. High perennial grass cover and production allows for increased soil moisture retention, vegetative production and overall soil quality.
The Reference State includes the Reference Community (1.1) and the At-Risk Community (1.2). The Reference Community serves as a description of the native plant community that naturally occurs on the site when the natural disturbance regimes are intact or closely mimicked by management practices. The At-Risk Community (1.2) is the community phase that results from management decisions that are unfavorable for a healthy Reference Community. Both community phases are susceptible to eastern redcedar invasion and subject to crossing a threshold into the Invaded Woody State(4).
The Native/Invaded Grass State (2) has been degraded from the Reference State (1) and much of the warm-season tall- and midgrass component has been replaced by cool-season grasses. Non-native cool-season grasses have invaded the plant community and are more than 15 percent of the plant community composition by weight. The transition from the Reference State occurs with repeated seasonal grazing during the summer or under extended periods (more than ten years) of non-use with no fire. A thick litter layer develops with extended periods of non-use. This thatch layer favors cool-season species and the invasion of non-native, cool-season grasses, especially Kentucky bluegrass. Dominant grasses include Kentucky bluegrass, western wheatgrass, needle and thread, and green needlegrass. Cuman ragweed, scurfpeas, white sagebrush, and verbenas are common forbs. Shrubs include western snowberry, rose, and plains prickly pear.
The loss of warm-season, tall- and midgrasses negatively impacts energy flow and nutrient cycling. Water infiltration is reduced due to the shallow root system and rapid runoff characteristics of this plant community. As this management continues, the plant community will become dominated by non-native cool-season grasses, sedges, and annuals causing the transition to the Invaded Grass State (3).
The Native/Invaded Grass State includes the Native/Invasive Grass Community (2.1).
The Invaded Grass State (3) transitions from the Native/Invaded Grass State (2) when non-native cool-season grasses dominate the site. In this state, non-native cool-season grasses are more than 30 percent of the plant community composition by weight. Smooth brome tends to dominate the site when the site is subject to long term heavy grazing. Kentucky bluegrass tends to dominate the site when the site is unused and unburned causing a thick layer of thatch which effectively prevents establishment of other plants.
The loss of warm-season, tall- and midgrasses and the increase of non-native cool-season grasses has negatively impacted energy flow and nutrient cycling. Water infiltration is reduced due to the shallow root system and rapid runoff characteristics of the current plant community.
Long-term (more than 15 years) prescribed grazing which includes concentrated grazing in the spring and fall and no grazing during the summer months may restore the plant community to the Native/Invaded State (2). The feasibility of this restoration depends
upon the amount of native grasses remaining in the plant community. The fewer the native grasses present, the less feasible the restoration.
The Invaded Grass State includes the Invaded Grass Community (3.1).
The threshold to the Invaded Woody State (4) is crossed once the tree canopy cover from coniferous trees reaches 15 percent with an average tree height exceeding five feet. Woody species have encroached due to the lack of prescribed fire and other brush management practices. Typical ecological impacts are a loss of native grasses, reduced diversity of functional and structural groups, reduced forage production, and reduced soil quality.
The Invaded Woody State includes the Invaded Woody Community (4.1). Prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest and brush management will move this state toward a grass dominated state. Land that transitioned to the Invaded Woody State from the Native/Invaded Grass State (2), Invaded Grass State (3), or Sodbusted State (5) cannot be restored to Reference State (1) through removal of woody species as the native plant community, soils, and hydrologic function have been too severely impacted for that restoration to occur.
The threshold to the Sodbusted State (7) is crossed as a result of mechanical disturbance to facilitate production agriculture. If farming operations are suspended, the site can be seeded to a mixture of native grasses and forbs, which will result in the Reseeded Native Grass Community (5.1), seeded to a tame pasture forage mixture, the Seeded Pasture Community (5.2), or abandoned, the Natural Reclamation Community (5.3). Permanent alterations of the soil community and the hydrologic cycle make restoration to the Reference State (1) extremely difficult, if not impossible. Formation of a compacted plowpan in the soil profile is likely.
The Lower Woody Draw State (6) is a very dynamic state that occurs when deciduous trees encroach from lower portions of drainages contained within the site. The dominant woody species are deciduous trees and shrubs but coniferous species may be present. Grazing regimes, flooding, and lack of fire play major roles in the dynamics and spatial boundaries of the various plant communities.
The Lower Woody Draw State includes the Plains Cottonwood (Populus deltoides ssp monolifera) Regeneration Community (6.1), the Mature Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) No Regeneration Community (6.2), the Immature Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) Community (6.3), the Scattered Mature Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) Community (6.4), the Green Ash-Box Elder-Hackberry (Fraxinus pennsylvanica-Acer negundo-Celtis occidentalis) Regeneration Community (6.5),6 and the Green Ash-Box Elder (Fraxinus pennsylvanica-Acer negundo) No Regeneration Community (6.6).
States 1 and 5 (additional transitions)
6.1. Plains Cottonwood (Populus deltoides ssp monilifera) Regeneration Community
6.5. Green Ash-Boxelder-Common Hackberry (Fraxinus pennsylvanica-Acer negundo-Celtis occidentalis) Regeneration Community
The Upper Woody Draw State (7) is a very dynamic state that occurs when deciduous trees encroach from upper portions of drainages present on the site. The dominant woody species are deciduous trees and shrubs but coniferous species may be present. Grazing regimes and lack of fire play major roles in the dynamics and spatial boundaries of the various plant communities.
The Upper Woody Draw State includes the Seedling Green Ash-Bur Oak (Fraxinus pennsylvanica-Quercus macrocarpa) Community (7.1), the Immature Green Ash-Bur Oak (Fraxinus pennsylvanica-Quercus macrocarpa) Community (7.2), the Mature Green Ash-Bur Oak (Fraxinus pennsylvanica-Quercus macrocarpa) Community (7.3), the Scattered Mature Green Ash-Bur Oak (Fraxinus pennsylvanica-Quercus macrocarpa) No Regeneration Community (7.4), and the Green Ash-Bur Oak (Fraxinus pennsylvanica-Quercus macrocarpa)/Immature Eastern Redcedar-Ponderosa Pine (Juniperus virginiana-Pinus ponderosa) Community (7.5).
Continuous seasonal summer grazing or rotational grazing with inadequate recovery periods during the summer will cause the Reference State (1) to lose a significant proportion of warm-season tall- and midgrass species and cross a threshold to the Native/Invaded Grass State (2).This transition will also occur with prolonged (more than 10 years) of non-use with no fire.
Water infiltration and other hydrologic functions will be reduced due to the root-matting presence of sod-forming grasses. With the decline and loss of deeper-penetrating root systems, soil structure and biological integrity are degraded. Once this occurs, return to the Reference State (1) may not be feasible.
Disruption of the natural fire regime and the encroachment of invasive exotic and native woody species can cause the Reference State (1)to shift to the Invaded Woody State (4).
The Reference State (1) transitions to the Sodbusted State (5) when the site is significantly altered by tillage to facilitate production agriculture. The disruption to the plant community, soil, and hydrology of the system makes restoration unlikely.
The Reference State (1) transitions to the Lower Woody Draw State (6) after the site experiences flooding and accompanying scouring. Scouring reduces herbaceous competition and provides suitable conditions for cottonwood seedlings establishment. With long-term prescribed grazing a deciduous woody plant community will establish and be maintained.
The Reference State (1) transitions to the Upper Woody Draw State (7) when the site does not experience fire or woody species management. The lack of fire and woody species management allows shrubs to increase and deciduous trees to encroach from drainageways located within the site. With continued absence of fire and brush management, a woody plant community will establish and be maintained.
Long-term (fifteen years or more) prescribed grazing with adequate growing season recovery periods and appropriate stocking rates timed to coincide with the rapid growth phase of the cool-season grasses may return the Native/Invaded Grass State (2) to the Reference State (1).The length of time required for this restoration depends upon the amount of native grasses remaining in the plant community. This restoration is not feasible unless an adequate amount of native grasses remain in the community. Appropriately timed prescribed burning may accelerate this process.
Continued seasonal summer grazing, continuous season long grazing, or rotational grazing with inadequate recovery periods during the summer will cause the Native/Invaded Grass State (2) to lose most, if not all, warm-season tall- and midgrasses and cool-season bunchgrasses and cross a threshold to the Invaded Grass State (3). Extended periods of non-use with no fire favors cool-season species and the invasion of non-native grasses and also causes this transition.
Water infiltration and other hydrologic functions will be reduced due to the root-matting presence of sod-forming grasses. With the decline and loss of deeper-penetrating root systems, soil structure and biotic integrity will be significantly degraded. Once this occurs, a return to the Native/Invaded Grass State may not be feasible.
Disruption of the natural fire regime and the encroachment of invasive exotic and native woody species can cause the Native/Invaded Grass State (2) to shift to the Invaded Woody State (4).
The Native/Invaded Grass State (2) transitions to the Sodbusted State (5) when the site is significantly altered by tillage to facilitate production agriculture. The disruption to the plant community, soil, and hydrology of the system makes restoration unlikely.
The Native/Invaded Grass State (2) transitions to the Lower Woody Draw State (6) after the site experiences flooding and accompanying scouring. Scouring reduces herbaceous competition and provides suitable conditions for cottonwood seedlings to establish. With long-term prescribed grazing a woody plant community will establish and be maintained.
The Native/Invaded Grass State (2) transitions to the Upper Woody Draw State (7) when the site does not experience fire or woody species management. This lack of both fire and woody species management allows shrubs to increase and deciduous trees to encroach from drainageways located within the site. With continued absence of fire and brush management, a woody plant community will establish and be maintained.
Disruption of the natural fire regime and the encroachment of invasive exotic and native woody species can cause the Invaded Grass State (3) to shift to the Invaded Woody State (4).
The Invaded Grass State (3) transitions to the Sodbusted State (5) when the site is significantly altered by tillage to facilitate production agriculture. The disruption to the plant community, soil, and hydrology of the system makes restoration unlikely.
The Invaded Grass State (3) transitions to the Lower Woody Draw State (6) after the site experiences flooding and accompanying scouring. Scouring reduces herbaceous competition and provides suitable conditions for cottonwood seedlings to establish. With long-term prescribed grazing a woody plant community will establish and be maintained.
The Invaded Grass State (3) transitions to the Upper Woody Draw State (7) when the site does not experience fire or woody species management. This lack of both fire and woody species management allows shrubs to increase and deciduous trees to encroach from drainageways located within the site. With long-term moderate or light prescribed grazing, a woody plant community will establish and be maintained.
Prescribed burning, wildfire, harvest, and brush management will move the Invaded Woody State (4) to the Reference State (1). The forb component may initially increase following tree removal. Ongoing brush management such as hand cutting, chemical spot treatments, or periodic prescribed burning is required to prevent a return to the Invaded Woody State.
Land that transitioned to the Invaded Woody State from the Native/Invaded Grass State (2), Invaded Grass State (3), or the Sodbusted State (5), cannot be restored to the Reference State through removal of woody species as the native plant community, soils, and hydrologic function have been too severely impacted for that restoration to occur.
Prescribed burning, wildfire, harvest, and brush management will move the Invaded Woody State (6) to the Native/Invaded Grass State (2).The forb component may initially increase following tree removal. Ongoing brush management such as hand cutting, chemical spot treatments, or periodic prescribed burning is required to prevent a return to the Invaded Woody State.
Land that transitioned to the Invaded Woody State from the Native/Invaded Grass State, Invaded Grass State (3), or the Sodbusted State (5), cannot be restored to the Reference State (1) through removal of woody species as the native plant community, soils, and hydrologic function have been too severely impacted for that restoration to occur.
Prescribed burning, wildfire, harvest, and brush management will move the Invaded Woody State (4) to the Invaded Grass State (3). The forb component may initially increase following tree removal. Ongoing brush management such as hand cutting, chemical spot treatments, or periodic prescribed burning is required to prevent a return to the Invaded Woody State.
Land that transitioned to the Invaded Woody State from the Native/Invaded Grass State (2), Invaded Grass State, or the Sodbusted State (5), cannot be restored to the Reference State (1) through removal of woody species as the native plant community, soils, and hydrologic function have been too severely impacted for that restoration to occur.
Prescribed burning, wildfire, harvest, and brush management will move the Invaded Woody State (4) to the Sodbusted State (5). The forb component may initially increase following tree removal. Ongoing brush management such as hand cutting, chemical spot treatments, or periodic prescribed burning is required to prevent a return to the Invaded Woody State.
Land that transitioned to the Invaded Woody State from the Native/Invaded Grass State 2), Invaded Grass State (3), or the Sodbusted State, cannot be restored to the Reference State (1) through removal of woody species as the native plant community, soils, and hydrologic function have been too severely impacted for that restoration to occur.
With prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, and brush management the eastern redcedar and other coniferous species can be removed returning the Woody Invaded State (4) to the Lower Woody Draw State (6).
With prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, and brush management the eastern redcedar and other coniferous species can be removed returning the Woody Invaded State (4) to the Upper Woody Draw State (7).
Disruption of the natural fire regime and the encroachment of invasive exotic and native woody species can cause the Sodbusted State (5) to shift to the Invaded Woody State (4).
The Sodbusted State (5) transitions to the Lower Woody Draw State (6) after the site experiences flooding and accompanying scouring. Scouring reduces herbaceous competition and provides suitable conditions for cottonwood seedlings to establish. With long-term prescribed grazing a woody plant community will establish and be maintained.
The Sodbusted State (5) transitions to the Upper Woody Draw State (7) when the site does not experience fire or woody species management. This lack of both fire and woody species management allows shrubs to increase and deciduous trees to encroach from drainageways located within the site. With long-term moderate or light prescribed grazing, a woody plant community will establish and be maintained.
When flooding does not occur on the site the Lower Woody Draw State (6) can return to the Reference State (1) with prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management, and prescribed grazing in mid-summer. Grazing in mid-summer typically adversely impacts woody regeneration. Land that entered the Lower Woody Draw State from the Native/Invaded State (2), Invaded Grass State (3), or Sodbusted State (5) cannot return to the Reference State with woody species management.
When flooding does not occur on the site the Lower Woody Draw State (6) can return to the Native/Invaded Grass State (2) with prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management and continuous season long grazing or continuous seasonal grazing. Land that entered the Lower Woody Draw State from the Invaded Grass State (3) or Sodbusted State (5) cannot return to the Native/Invaded Grass State with woody species management.
When flooding does not occur on the site the Lower Woody Draw State (6) can return to the Invaded Grass State (3) with prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management and continuous season long grazing or continuous seasonal grazing. Land that entered the Lower Woody Draw State from the Sodbusted State (5) cannot return to the Invaded Grass State.
When coniferous encroachment into the Lower Woody Draw State (6) reaches the point that eastern redcedar, or in some cases ponderosa pine, dominate the site, the plant community transitions to the Woody Invaded State (4). As the density of eastern redcedar increases, deciduous trees are unable to establish. Eastern redcedar will dominate the site and eventually form a nearly closed canopy.
When flooding does not occur on the site the Lower Woody Draw State (6) can return to the Sodbusted State (5) with prescribed burning, wildfire, timber harvest, brush management and continuous season long grazing or continuous seasonal grazing.
The Upper Woody Draw State (7) can be restored to the Reference State (1) with the implementation prescribed burning, brush management, and long-term prescribed grazing. Removal of woody species through a wildfire followed by long-term prescribed grazing will also bring about this restoration.
Land that entered the Upper Woody Draw State from the Native/Invaded Grass State (2), Invaded Grass State (3), or Sodbusted State (5) cannot be restored to the Reference State through woody species management.
The Upper Woody Draw State (7) can be restored to the Native/Invaded Grass State (2) with the implementation prescribed burning, timber harvest, and brush management. Removal of woody species through a wildfire will also bring about this restoration.
The Upper Woody Draw State (7) can return to the Invaded Grass State (3) with the implementation prescribed burning, timber harvest, and brush management. Removal of woody species through a wildfire may also bring about this restoration.
When coniferous encroachment into the Upper Woody Draw State (7) reaches the point that eastern redcedar, or in some cases ponderosa pine, dominate the site, the plant community transitions to the Woody Invaded State (4). As the density of eastern redcedar increases, deciduous trees are unable to establish. Eastern redcedar will dominate the site and eventually form a nearly closed canopy.
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The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.