Major Land Resource Area 067B
Central High Plains, Southern Part
Accessed: 03/07/2025
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Ecological site list
Key Characteristics
- No additional run-on moisture
- Bedrock deeper than 40 inches from the soil surface
- <15% rock fragments on the surface and/or in the subsoil
- Surface and subsoil textures other than sandy
- No visible salts present in the soil profile or on the soil surface
- <6% slope
- Other surface texture
- No calcium carbonates at the surface
Key Characteristics
- No additional run-on moisture
- Bedrock deeper than 40 inches from the soil surface
- <15% rock fragments on the surface and/or in the subsoil
- Surface and subsoil textures other than sandy
- No visible salts present in the soil profile or on the soil surface
- >6% slope
Key Characteristics
- No additional run-on moisture
- Bedrock deeper than 40 inches from the soil surface
- <15% rock fragments on the surface and/or in the subsoil
- Surface and subsoil textures other than sandy
- No visible salts present in the soil profile or on the soil surface
- <6% slope
- Other surface texture
- Calcium carbonates at the surface
Key Characteristics
- Additional run-on moisture
- No redoximorphic features and/or water table within 4 feet of the soil surface
- Not subject to flooding
- Closed depression or playa that may pond water
Key Characteristics
- No additional run-on moisture
- Bedrock deeper than 40 inches from the soil surface
- <15% rock fragments on the surface and/or in the subsoil
- Sandy surface and subsoil textures (sand, loamy sand, sandy loam)
- No rough, steep, dune-type appearance
- >5% slope with undulating/rolling topography
Key Characteristics
- No additional run-on moisture
- Bedrock deeper than 40 inches from the soil surface
- <15% rock fragments on the surface and/or in the subsoil
- Sandy surface and subsoil textures (sand, loamy sand, sandy loam)
- Rough, steep, dune-type appearance (cat-steps or terracettes are typically apparent)
Key Characteristics
- No additional run-on moisture
- Bedrock deeper than 40 inches from the soil surface
- <15% rock fragments on the surface and/or in the subsoil
- Sandy surface and subsoil textures (sand, loamy sand, sandy loam)
- No rough, steep, dune-type appearance
- <5% slope with nearly level topography
Key Characteristics
- Additional run-on moisture
- Redoximorphic features and/or a water table within 4 feet of the soil surface
- No visible salts present in the soil profile or on the soil surface
- Subsoil textures of coarse sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, and/or loamy fine sand
Key Characteristics
- Additional run-on moisture
- No redoximorphic features and/or water table within 4 feet of the soil surface
- Subject to flooding (rare, occasional, frequent, or very frequent)
- Subsoil textures of coarse sand, sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand
Key Characteristics
- Additional run-on moisture
- No redoximorphic features and/or water table within 4 feet of the soil surface
- Not subject to flooding
- 'Slickspots' or bare areas of high sodium and surface textures of loam, clay loam, or clay
Key Characteristics
- Additional run-on moisture
- Redoximorphic features and/or a water table within 4 feet of the soil surface
- Visible salts present in the soil profile or on the soil surface
Key Characteristics
- Additional run-on moisture
- No redoximorphic features and/or water table within 4 feet of the soil surface
- Subject to flooding (rare, occasional, frequent, or very frequent)
- Subsoil textures other than sandy
- No visible salts present in the soil profile or on the soil surface
Key Characteristics
- Additional run-on moisture
- No redoximorphic features and/or water table within 4 feet of the soil surface
- Subject to flooding (rare, occasional, frequent, or very frequent)
- Subsoil textures other than sandy
- Visible salts present in the soil profile or on the soil surface
Key Characteristics
- Additional run-on moisture
- Redoximorphic features and/or a water table within 4 feet of the soil surface
- No visible salts present in the soil profile or on the soil surface
- Subsoil textures other than sandy
Key Characteristics
- No additional run-on moisture
- Bedrock within 40 inches of the soil surface
- Siltstone bedrock
Key Characteristics
- No additional run-on moisture
- Bedrock deeper than 40 inches from the soil surface
- <15% rock fragments on the surface and/or in the subsoil
- Surface and subsoil textures other than sandy
- No visible salts present in the soil profile or on the soil surface
- <6% slope
- Surface texture of clay loam, clay, or silty clay
Key Characteristics
- No additional run-on moisture
- Bedrock within 40 inches of the soil surface
- Shale bedrock
- >6% slope
Key Characteristics
- No additional run-on moisture
- Bedrock within 40 inches of the soil surface
- Shale bedrock
- <6% slope
Key Characteristics
- No additional run-on moisture
- Bedrock deeper than 40 inches from the soil surface
- <15% rock fragments on the surface and/or in the subsoil
- Surface and subsoil textures other than sandy
- Visible salts present in the soil profile or on the soil surface
Key Characteristics
- No additional run-on moisture
- Bedrock within 40 inches of the soil surface
- Sandstone bedrock
Key Characteristics
- No additional run-on moisture
- Bedrock within 40 inches of the soil surface
- Limestone bedrock
Key Characteristics
- No additional run-on moisture
- Bedrock deeper than 40 inches from the soil surface
- >15% rock fragments on the surface and/or in the subsoil
Ecological site map

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Ecological site keys
Visible Salts. Crystals of salt (usually white, like table salt) or masses of crystals of salt visible with the naked eye.
Cat-steps/Terracettes. Small, irregular step-like forms on steep hillslopes, especially in pasture, formed by creep or erosion of surficial materials that may be induced or enhanced by trampling of livestock such as sheep or cattle.
Flooding Frequency Classes. *None, No reasonable possibility of flooding; near 0 percent chance of flooding in any year or less than 1 time in 500 years. *Very Rare, Flooding is very unlikely but possible under extremely unusual weather conditions; less than 1 percent chance of flooding in any year or less than 1 time in 100 years but more than 1 time in 500 years. *Rare, Flooding is unlikely but possible under unusual weather conditions; 1 to 5 percent chance of flooding in any year or nearly 1 to 5 times in 100 years.
Flooding Frequency Classes. *Occasional, Flooding is expected infrequently under usual weather conditions; 5 to 50 percent chance of flooding in any year or 5 to 50 times in 100 years. *Frequent, Flooding is likely to occur often under usual weather conditions; more than a 50 percent chance of flooding in any year or more than 50 times in 100 years, but less than a 50 percent chance of flooding in all months in any year. *Very Frequent, Flooding is likely to occur very often under usual weather conditions; more than a 50 percent chance of flooding in all months of any year.
Ponding Frequency Classes. *None, No reasonable possibility of ponding; near 0 percent chance of ponding in any year. *Rare, Ponding unlikely but possible under unusual weather conditions; from nearly 0 to 5 percent chance of ponding in any year or nearly 0 to 5 times in 100 years. *Occasional, Ponding is expected infrequently under usual weather conditions; 5 to 50 percent chance of ponding in any year or nearly 5 to 50 times in 100 years. *Frequent, Ponding is likely to occur often under usual weather conditions; more than a 50 percent chance of ponding in any year or more than 50 times in 100 years.
Redoximorphic Features. Features formed by the processes of reduction, translocation, and/or oxidation of Iron (Fe) and Manganese (Mn) oxides; formerly called mottles or low-chroma colors. (Ex. Rust colored features or light-gray colored features on soil peds/faces).
Slickspots. Areas having a puddled or crusted (or salt crusted), very smooth, nearly impervious surface. The underlying material is dense and massive or columnar. The material ranges from extremely acid to very strongly alkaline and from sand to clay.
Ecological site photos
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Ecological sites
Major Land Resource Areas
The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.