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Ecological site F088XY002MN


Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 088X / Ecological site F088XY002MN

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T1A - Altered hydrology/invasion of exotic species
T1B - Tile drainage, tillage, herbicide use, and seeding.
R2A - Complete hydrologic restoration of wetland basin, invasive species management, seeding, muskrat re-establishment.
T2A - Tile drainage, tilling, seeding, herbicides.
R3A - Complete hydrologic restoration of wetland basin, invasive species management, seeting, muskrat re-establishment.
T3A - Partial or complete hydrologic restoration of wetland basin; agricultural abandonment.
1.1A - Increased water depth and duration/excessive precipitation years.
1.1B - Little or no spring ponding/drought.
1.2A - Decreased water depth and duration, cattail dominance.
1.2B - Decreased water depth and duration; Little or no spring ponding/drought.
1.3B - Increased water depth and duration/excessive precipitation years.
1.3A - Increased water depth and duration/excessive precipitation years.
2.1A - Draw-down or partial drainage.
2.1B - Invasion of exotic purple loosestrife
2.2A - Increased water depth and duration/excessive precipitation years.
2.2B - Invasion of exotic purple loosestrife.
2.3A - Chemical, mechanical removal of purple loosestrife, and use of biocontrol.
2.3B - Chemical, mechanical removal of purple loosestrife, and use of biocontrol.

State 3 submodel, plant communities