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Ecological site F093AY001MN

Flooded Peatland

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 093A / Ecological site F093AY001MN

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T1A - Disturbances such as roads or beaver activity occur that impound water. Increased stream bank degradation and/or invasive species may be observed.
T2A - Restoration of natural hydrology and reduction of invasive species through remediation.
1.1B - Stand-replacing disturbance; canopy removal
1.2A - No severe site disturbances 70+ years
1.2B - Large-scale disturbance
1.3A - No major disturbance (35-75 years)
2.1A - Increase in flooding/ponding length
2.1B - Beaver dam off-site restricts water flow or contributes to ponding on-site.
2.2A - Reduced flooding/ponding length.
2.2B - Increase in long-term flooding/ponding.
2.3A - Reduction of flooding/ponding occurrence and length.