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Ecological site F093AY003MN

Acid Peatland

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 093A / Ecological site F093AY003MN

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T1A - Logging, seeding.
T1B - Impoundment or maintenance of water on-site, and/or establishment of invasive species.
T1C - Beaver activity, roads, drainage, and other alterations in hydrology.
T2A - Non-native plant species on site
R4A - Hydrological management
T4A - Non-native species on site
1.1A - Lack of fire, accumulation of peat, lowering of pH<5.0
1.1B - Surface fires or windthrow
1.2B - Neutralization of acids on-site raising of pH
1.2A - Frequent subsurface fires (3-5 yrs) or higher than average precipitation
1.3A - Time, accumulation of peat
1.4A - Time, accumulation of peat, acidification, establishment and growth of older trees.

State 2 submodel, plant communities

State 3 submodel, plant communities

State 4 submodel, plant communities