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Ecological site R115XC017IL

Floodplain Prairie

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 115X / Ecological site R115XC017IL

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T1A - Establish and maintain forage production.
T1B - Site converted to row crop agriculture
T2A - Site converted to row crop agriculture
R2A - Site preparation, non-native species control, and native seeding
T3A - Establish and maintain forage production.
R3A - Site preparation, non-native species control, and native seeding
T4A - Establish and maintain forage production.
T4B - Site converted to row crop agriculture
1.1A - Natural succession; long fire free period
1.2A - Fire reduces shrub density
2.1A - Grazing; balance of forage to animal use
2.1B - Grazing; overutilization of forage plants
2.2A - Mechanical harvesting
2.2B - Grazing; overutilization of forage plants
2.3B - Mechanical harvesting
2.3A - Grazing; proper forage to animal balance
3.1A - Less tillage, residue management
3.1B - Less tillage, residue management, and cover cropping
3.2A - Intensive tillage, remove residue, reinitiate monoculture row cropping
3.2B - Implementation of cover cropping
3.3B - Intensive tillage, remove residue, reinitiate monoculture row cropping
3.3A - Remove cover cropping
4.1A - Implementation of restoration plan
4.2A - Setback in restoration progress