Yellow Sands Xeric Uplands
List model

Xeric Pine Sandhill WOODLAND / FOREST: intact native ground cover

Xeric Pine Sandhill GRASSLAND or WOODLAND: altered canopy

Pine-Oak FOREST: remnant (non-apparent) herbaceous species population (propagules)

Oak dominated FOREST (not Xeric Hammock – regionally restricted)


Pine WOODLANDS / GRASSLANDS: restored ecological function / structure

Invasive Non-Native Community

Active commodity production or fallow / barren areas: no native plant populations
Scenario model
Current ecosystem state
Select a state
State 3
Pine-Oak FOREST: remnant (non-apparent) herbaceous species population (propagules)
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State 8
Active commodity production or fallow / barren areas: no native plant populations
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Management practices/drivers
Select a transition or restoration pathway
Transition T1A
Clear-cut Logging of Pines / Hardwood Reduction, Prescribed Fire (Frequent Return Intervals [1-3 yrs] OR Infrequent Return Intervals [3-15 yrs])
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Transition T1B
Fire Suppression (or very infrequent non-catastrophic fire [more than 20 yr. return interval])
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Transition T1C
Invasion of noxious non-native plant species
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Transition T1D
Clear-cut Logging of Pines / Hardwood Reduction, Fire Suppression (or very infrequent non-catastrophic fire [more than 20 yr. return interval]), Site Prep (ground penetration)
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Restoration pathway R2A
Clear-cut Logging of Pine / Hardwood Reduction, Pine Mortality Caused by Insect or Pathogen, Hurricane or Strong Wind Damage, Longleaf Pine Planting, Prescribed Fire (Frequent Return Intervals [1-3 yrs] OR Infrequent Return Intervals [3-15 yrs])
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Transition T2A
Fire Suppression (or very infrequent non-catastrophic fire [more than 20 yr. return interval])
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Transition T2B
Invasion of noxious non-native plant species
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Transition T2C
Fire Suppression (or very infrequent non-catastrophic fire [more than 20 yr. return interval]), Site Prep (ground penetration)
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Restoration pathway R3A
Prescribed Fire (Frequent Return Intervals [1-3 yrs]) OR Infrequent (intense) fire (often stand replacing catastrophic fire), Hardwood Reduction, Selective Logging of Pines
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Transition T3A
Prescribed Fire (Frequent Return Intervals [1-3 yrs]) OR Infrequent (intense) fire (often stand replacing catastrophic fire), Clear-cut Logging of Pine / Hardwood Reduction
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Transition T3B
Fire Suppression (or very infrequent non-catastrophic fire [greater than 20 yr interval]), Absence of Colonizing Shrub Oaks
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Transition T3C
Infrequent (Intense) Fire (often stand replacing catastrophic fire) OR Fire Suppression (or very infrequent non-catastrophic fire [more than 20 yr. return interval]), Scrub oaks propagules availability for colonization
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Transition T3D
Clear-cut Logging of Pines / Hardwood Reduction, Fire Suppression (or very infrequent non-catastrophic fire [more than 20 yr. return interval]), Site Prep (ground penetration)
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Transition T4A
Site Prep (ground penetration), Native Ground Cover Restoration: active seeding, Prescribed Fire (Frequent Return Intervals [1-3 yrs] OR Infrequent Return Intervals [3-15 yrs])
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Transition T4B
Clear-cut Logging of Pines / Hardwood Reduction, Fire Suppression (or very infrequent non-catastrophic fire [more than 20 yr. return interval]), Site Prep (ground penetration)
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Transition T5A
Site Prep (ground penetration), Hardwood Reduction, Native Ground Cover Restoration: active seeding, Prescribed Fire (Frequent Return Intervals [1-3 yrs] OR Infrequent Return Intervals [3-15 yrs])
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Transition T5B
Invasion of noxious non-native plant species
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Transition T5C
Clear-cut Logging of Pines / Hardwood Reduction, Fire Suppression (or very infrequent non-catastrophic fire [more than 20 yr. return interval]), Site Prep (ground penetration)
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Transition T6A
Fire Suppression (or very infrequent non-catastrophic fire [more than 20 yr. return intervals]), Absence of colonizing scrub oaks
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Transition T6B
Fire Suppression (or very infrequent non-catastrophic fire [more than 20 yr. return interval]), Deferred Grazing, Site Prep (ground penetration), Mechanical Reintroduction of Scrub Oak Species
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Transition T6C
Invasion of noxious non-native plant species
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Transition T6D
Clear-cut Logging of Pines, Fire Suppression (or very infrequent non-catastrophic fire [more than 20 yr. return interval]), Site Prep (ground penetration)
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Transition T7A
Mechanical / Chemical Control of Invasive Plant Species, Site Prep (ground penetration), Mechanical Reintroduction of Scrub Oak Species, Prescribed Fire (Frequent Return Intervals [1-3 yrs] OR Infrequent Return Intervals [3-15 yrs])
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Transition T7B
Mechanical / Chemical Control of Invasive Plant Species, Site Prep (ground penetration), Native Ground Cover Restoration: active seeding
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Transition T7C
Mechanical / Chemical Control of Invasive Plant Species, Site Prep (ground penetration), Fire Suppression (or very infrequent non-catastrophic fire [more than 20 yr. return intervals])
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Transition T8A
Mechanical / Chemical Control of Invasive Plant Species, Site Prep (ground penetration), Native Ground Cover Restoration: active seeding, Mechanical Reintroduction of Scrub Oak Species, Prescribed Fire (Frequent Return Intervals [1-3 yrs] OR Infrequent Return Intervals [3-15 yrs])
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Transition T8B
Mechanical / Chemical Control of Invasive Plant Species, Native Ground Cover Restoration: active seeding, Prescribed Fire (Frequent Return Intervals [1-3 yrs] OR Infrequent Return Intervals [3-15 yrs]), Planted Pine (Loblolly, Sand, Slash, or Longleaf)
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Transition T7C
Invasion of noxious non-native plant species
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No transition or restoration pathway between the selected states has been described
Target ecosystem state
Select a state
State 3
Pine-Oak FOREST: remnant (non-apparent) herbaceous species population (propagules)
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State 8
Active commodity production or fallow / barren areas: no native plant populations
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State 1
Xeric Pine Sandhill WOODLAND / FOREST: intact native ground cover

See Community Phase Narratives
State 2
Xeric Pine Sandhill GRASSLAND or WOODLAND: altered canopy

See Community Phase Narratives
State 3
Pine-Oak FOREST: remnant (non-apparent) herbaceous species population (propagules)

See Community Phase Narratives
See Community Phase Narratives
State 5

See Community Phase Narratives
State 6
Pine WOODLANDS / GRASSLANDS: restored ecological function / structure

See Community Phase Narratives
See Community Phase Narratives
State 8
Active commodity production or fallow / barren areas: no native plant populations

All Phases of State 8 (except Phase 8.1) describe commodity land uses of the Yellow Sands Xeric Uplands site. Commodity crops common on the xeric sands of this site include a variety of annual and perennial crops, the most notable of which is citrus. Other crops common on excessively drained yellow sands include horticultural ornamentals, vineyards, and some row crops. In the southern portion of MLRA 154 sod farms are occasionally present on these soils. Pine plantations which are managed for community production of pulpwood or saw timber are included in State 8. Longleaf and slash pine are typically grown commercially on these soils. Additionally, improved pastures of bahiagrass (or other sod forming grass species) are included in State 8.
All Phases of State 8 describe conditions following ground penetrating soil disturbance, to the degree that native ground cover is mostly absent. Generally these phases are characterized by the complete extirpation of native ground cover populations, including seed banks and dormant propagules, although native weedy species may persist (mostly annual species). Depending on the severity and frequency of ground disturbance, soil profile characteristics in the upper part of the soil may be altered.
Transition T1A

Removal of native longleaf pine canopy via clear-cut or heavy selective logging will convert State 1 to Phase 2.1 (cutover pineland with native ground cover grassland). As the transition to Phase 2.1 only involves stand alteration, the presence of continuous native ground cover continues to support frequent ground fires. Transition to Phase 2.1 followed by fire suppression accelerates the transition to hardwood dominated shrubland and forest (Phases 5.1, 3.1). Canopy removal under these condition may result in a recovery of ground cover populations as light and nutrients are suddenly available.
The following contributes to this Transition:
This includes clear-cut logging natural or planted of pine stands. In MLRA 154, clear-cut logging generally involves mechanical means of cutting, stacking, and hauling logs. Heavy equipment such as feller-bunchers and skidders can affect soil conditions via compaction and ground disturbance. Clear-cutting directly affects plant community composition and function through soil disturbance, alteration of canopy conditions and available resources, such as light and available moisture. Other logging methods that result in significant canopy removal are included under this description, such as seed tree logging. These methods involve removal of the majority of mature canopy pines, with a few residual trees left to serve as seed sources.
Hardwood reduction includes mechanical and chemical treatments designed to reduce hardwood biomass and stem densities. The flush of available resources following hardwood reduction treatments generally favors growth of pines and herbaceous ground cover. Mechanical hardwood reduction treatments include chopping, felling, shearing, “anchor chaining”, and disking. Selective and non-selective herbicides are often used for reduction of hardwoods in the understory and midstory strata. Fire and weather events also affect hardwood reduction, but these are not explicitly included in this category.
Prescribed fire (Rx fire) is fire purposefully ignited to accomplish defined land management objectives such as woody fuel reduction and stimulation of herbaceous growth. Fire regimes denoted here are intended to mimic pre-settlement natural fire regimes of frequent, low intensity ground fires with return intervals between 1 to 3 years for the North LRU (154-1) and 1 to 10 years for LRU 154-2 (see Ecological Dynamics section). This driver includes frequent fires in the growing as well as dormant season.
Infrequent fire regimes are generally applied for land management objectives other than natural area conservation and restoration. These include, but not limited to, fuels reduction, forage management, tree plantation management, and site preparation (for crops and plantations). Included here are fire regimes with longer return intervals (> 3 years but < 15 years for LRU 154-1, and > 10 years and < 20 years for LRU 154-2). These prescribed fires generally occur in the dormant season in the Southeastern Coastal Plain, although this category of infrequent fire regimes includes dormant and growing season prescribed fires.
Transition T1B

Continued fire suppression will eventually cause Phase 1.3 to succeed State 3. State 3 represents the site condition after more than 20 years of fire suppression (the length of fire suppression depends on geography, local environmental conditions, and availability of colonizing oak species). This transition is complete when these oaks dominate the mid-story and herbaceous ground cover is not visible (see description for Phase 3.1).
Periods of 20 years or more without fire can affect significant changes in vegetation structure and composition. Fire suppression encourages increased growth of oaks and other hardwoods, as well as the attenuation of natural longleaf pine regeneration and native ground cover growth. This driver represents periods of fire suppression from more than 20 years to many decades.
Transition T1C

Cogongrass may invade State 1 depending on seed/propagule availability and the presence of local disturbances. However, the shady conditions of Phase 1.3 may deter cogongrass establishment (MacDonald 2004, Yager et al. 2010).
Invasive plant species will colonize natural xeric sandhill and scrub, as well as successional and cultural states, including abandoned crop and grove lands, clearings, and old fields. In particular, there are four species common to Central Florida which are recognized by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council as “Category 1” species: lantana (Lantana camara), natal-grass (Melinis repens), ceasar’s weed (Urena lobata) and cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica). These invasive species displace native populations and change plant community dynamics and ecological functions. Cogongrass is a highly clonal species which forms dense naturalized populations that extirpate local native plant populations. Furthermore, cogongrass is rapidly expanding in geographic and environmental range in the southeastern Coastal Plain and is difficult and expensive to eradicate.
Transition T1D

Conversion of State 1 to commodity land uses (State 8) generally involves removal of native ground cover via ground penetrating treatments. A number of treatments can be used for this, including disking, racking, plowing and herbicide application. Following conversion, other treatments may include: mowing, site prep, tree, or crop planting, seeding of non-native pasture grasses.
Many land conversion activities may contribute to this transition:
This includes clear-cut logging natural or planted of pine stands. In MLRA 154, clear-cut logging generally involves mechanical means of cutting, stacking, and hauling logs. Heavy equipment such as feller-bunchers and skidders can affect soil conditions via compaction and ground disturbance. Clear-cutting directly affects plant community composition and function through soil disturbance, alteration of canopy conditions and available resources, such as light and available moisture. Other logging methods that result in significant canopy removal are included under this description, such as seed tree logging. These methods involve removal of the majority of mature canopy pines, with a few residual trees left to serve as seed sources.
Hardwood reduction includes mechanical and chemical treatments designed to reduce hardwood biomass and stem densities. The flush of available resources following hardwood reduction treatments generally favors growth of pines and herbaceous ground cover. Mechanical hardwood reduction treatments include chopping, felling, shearing, “anchor chaining”, and disking. Selective and non-selective herbicides are often used for reduction of hardwoods in the understory and midstory strata. Fire and weather events also affect hardwood reduction, but these are not explicitly included in this category.
Periods of 20 years or more without fire can affect significant changes in vegetation structure and composition. Fire suppression encourages increased growth of oaks and other hardwoods, as well as the attenuation of natural longleaf pine regeneration and native ground cover growth. This driver represents periods of fire suppression from more than 20 years to many decades.
This land use practice, as practiced in commodity plantation management, generally proceeds mechanical or hand planting of seedlings. However, site prep treatments may precede planting for natural community restoration, field crop production, and wildlife management. Specific treatments may involve ground penetration and soil disturbance, such as disking, roller chopping, shearing, raking, etc. In general, ground penetration of site preparation for forest management is not as severe as tilling and plowing for crop management.
Restoration pathway R2A

Phase 2.2 can transition to Phase 1.1 or 1.2 through the restitution of uneven-aged structure of longleaf pine stands and native regimes of frequent low intensity fire. Silvicultural treatments used to manipulate stand structure include selective logging of canopy pines, which creates regeneration space for longleaf pine seedlings. Eventually this practice can produce a mosaic of uneven-aged “cohorts”. If longleaf pine is not present in Phase 2.2, it would need to be reintroduced via logging of existing stand followed by longleaf planting (i.e. via Phase 2.1).
This includes clear-cut logging natural or planted of pine stands. In MLRA 154, clear-cut logging generally involves mechanical means of cutting, stacking, and hauling logs. Heavy equipment such as feller-bunchers and skidders can affect soil conditions via compaction and ground disturbance. Clear-cutting directly affects plant community composition and function through soil disturbance, alteration of canopy conditions and available resources, such as light and available moisture. Other logging methods that result in significant canopy removal are included under this description, such as seed tree logging. These methods involve removal of the majority of mature canopy pines, with a few residual trees left to serve as seed sources.
Hardwood reduction includes mechanical and chemical treatments designed to reduce hardwood biomass and stem densities. The flush of available resources following hardwood reduction treatments generally favors growth of pines and herbaceous ground cover. Mechanical hardwood reduction treatments include chopping, felling, shearing, “anchor chaining”, and disking. Selective and non-selective herbicides are often used for reduction of hardwoods in the understory and midstory strata. Fire and weather events also affect hardwood reduction, but these are not explicitly included in this category.
Large scale pine mortality is caused by periodic epidemics of insect infestation. The southern pine beetle is the most common insect responsible for large scale mortality of southern pine species.
Strong winds are often associated with hurricanes, and occasionally affect large scale landscape disturbance in the Central Florida peninsula. Storm winds of this magnitude occur on the order of several times a century. Sand pine (P. clausa) is particularly susceptible to wind generated damage and mortality. Storm related sand pine mortality on a large scale can convert late successional sand pine scrub and xeric hammock to early successional oak scrub. Strong winds may affect other pine woodlands similarly, although longleaf pine sandhill communities are generally invulnerable to severe hurricane damage, in light of widely spaced and uneven aged longleaf pine stands.
This includes hand and mechanical planting of longleaf pine seedlings, as well as methods which promote natural reseeding from remnant mature longleaf pine trees. Prescribed burning for site preparation and post-planting management is generally linked to this practice.
Prescribed fire (Rx fire) is fire purposefully ignited to accomplish defined land management objectives such as woody fuel reduction and stimulation of herbaceous growth. Fire regimes denoted here are intended to mimic pre-settlement natural fire regimes of frequent, low intensity ground fires with return intervals between 1 to 3 years for the North LRU (154-1) and 1 to 10 years for LRU 154-2 (see Ecological Dynamics section). This driver includes frequent fires in the growing as well as dormant season.
Transition T2A

Depending on propagule availability, sand pine and scrub oaks may colonize heavily shaded planted pine woodlands. Fire suppression would encourage the transition to State 3.1 (Pine-oak Forest). Herbaceous ground cover attenuates with continued fire suppression. Eventually, ground cover populations are extirpated and replaced by woody vegetation.
Periods of 20 years or more without fire can affect significant changes in vegetation structure and composition. Fire suppression encourages increased growth of oaks and other hardwoods, as well as the attenuation of natural longleaf pine regeneration and native ground cover growth. This driver represents periods of fire suppression from > 20 years to many decades.
Transition T2B

Cogongrass may invade State 2 depending on seed/propagule availability and the presence of local disturbances.
Invasive plant species will colonize natural xeric sandhill and scrub, as well as successional and cultural states, including abandoned crop and grove lands, clearings, and old fields. In particular, there are four species common to Central Florida which are recognized by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council as “Category 1” species: lantana (Lantana camara), natal-grass (Melinis repens), ceasar’s weed (Urena lobata) and cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica). These invasive species displace native populations and change plant community dynamics and ecological functions. Cogongrass is a highly clonal species which forms dense naturalized populations that extirpate local native plant populations. Furthermore, cogongrass is rapidly expanding in geographic and environmental range in the southeastern Coastal Plain and is difficult and expensive to eradicate.
Transition T2C

Conversion of State 2 to commodity land uses (State 8) generally involves removal of native ground cover via ground penetrating treatments. A number of treatments can be used for this, including disking, racking, plowing and herbicide application. Following conversion, other treatments may include: mowing, site prep, tree, or crop planting, seeding of non-native pasture grasses.
Many land conversion activities may contribute to this transition:
Periods of 20 years or more without fire can affect significant changes in vegetation structure and composition. Fire suppression encourages increased growth of oaks and other hardwoods, as well as the attenuation of natural longleaf pine regeneration and native ground cover growth. This driver represents periods of fire suppression from more than 20 years to many decades.
This land use practice, as practiced in commodity plantation management, generally proceeds mechanical or hand planting of seedlings. However, site prep treatments may precede planting for natural community restoration, field crop production, and wildlife management. Specific treatments may involve ground penetration and soil disturbance, such as disking, roller chopping, shearing, raking, etc. In general, ground penetration of site preparation for forest management is not as severe as tilling and plowing for crop management.
Restoration pathway R3A

A combination of hardwood reduction and reintroduction of fire can affect succession to Phase 3.1, as long as dormant propagules and off-site seed sources exist and are able to recolonize the site. This sort of “passive” ground cover restoration is thought to be possible only if prior land use precluded ground disturbance such as plowing or disking. Transition from Phase 3.1 to Phase 1.3 may occur with selective logging and hardwood control (mechanical or chemical), especially if pine canopy is retained in an effort to restore stand structure. Reinstitution of frequent fire regimes will facilitate ground cover recovery, and eventually may encourage restoration of Phase 1.1 conditions.
Prescribed fire (Rx fire) is fire purposefully ignited to accomplish defined land management objectives such as woody fuel reduction and stimulation of herbaceous growth. Fire regimes denoted here are intended to mimic pre-settlement natural fire regimes of frequent, low intensity ground fires with return intervals between 1-3 years for the North LRU (154-1) and 1 to 10 years for LRU 154-2 (see Ecological Dynamics section). This driver includes frequent fires in the growing as well as dormant season.
This driver includes wildland fire such as fires ignited by arson, accidents, or lightning. These fires tend to be infrequent (more than 20 year return interval) and intense due to high fuels accumulation. These are conditions which accelerate wildlife fire ignition and spread and induce stand-replacing fires. Also included in this category are planned prescribed fires designed to mimic high intensity wildland fires.
Hardwood reduction includes mechanical and chemical treatments designed to reduce hardwood biomass and stem densities. The flush of available resources following hardwood reduction treatments generally favors growth of pines and herbaceous ground cover. Mechanical hardwood reduction treatments include chopping, felling, shearing, “anchor chaining”, and disking. Selective and non-selective herbicides are often used for reduction of hardwoods in the understory and midstory strata. Fire and weather events also affect hardwood reduction, but these are not explicitly included in this category.
This practice involves selective removal of pines via mechanical methods, usually for the purpose of improving residual stand conditions. These techniques can promote restoration of stand structure and composition to more uneven-aged conditions, and promote natural regeneration of longleaf pine where seed source is available. In the current model, this treatment does not include “high grading” of pine stands, which is a type of selective logging targeting only the most merchantable trees.
Transition T3A

A combination of hardwood reduction and reintroduction of fire can affect succession to Phase 2.1, as long as dormant propagules and off-site seed sources exist and are able to recolonize the Site. This sort of “passive” ground cover restoration is thought to be possible only if prior land use precluded ground disturbance such as plowing or disking. Transition to 2.1 involves total removal of canopy, either by clear-cutting and hardwood reduction, or catastrophic wildfire. Following canopy removal, frequent low intensity fire is necessary to encourage ground cover recovery. Reinstitution of frequent fire regimes will facilitate ground cover recovery, and eventually may encourage restoration of Phase 1.1 conditions.
Prescribed fire (Rx fire) is fire purposefully ignited to accomplish defined land management objectives such as woody fuel reduction and stimulation of herbaceous growth. Fire regimes denoted here are intended to mimic pre-settlement natural fire regimes of frequent, low intensity ground fires with return intervals between 1 to 3 years for the North LRU (154-1) and 1 to 10 years for LRU 154-2 (see Ecological Dynamics section). This driver includes frequent fires in the growing as well as dormant season.
This includes clear-cut logging natural or planted of pine stands. In MLRA 154, clear-cut logging generally involves mechanical means of cutting, stacking, and hauling logs. Heavy equipment such as feller-bunchers and skidders can affect soil conditions via compaction and ground disturbance. Clear-cutting directly affects plant community composition and function through soil disturbance, alteration of canopy conditions and available resources, such as light and available moisture. Other logging methods that result in significant canopy removal are included under this description, such as seed tree logging. These methods involve removal of the majority of mature canopy pines, with a few residual trees left to serve as seed sources.
Hardwood reduction includes mechanical and chemical treatments designed to reduce hardwood biomass and stem densities. The flush of available resources following hardwood reduction treatments generally favors growth of pines and herbaceous ground cover. Mechanical hardwood reduction treatments include chopping, felling, shearing, “anchor chaining”, and disking. Selective and non-selective herbicides are often used for reduction of hardwoods in the understory and midstory strata. Fire and weather events also affect hardwood reduction, but these are not explicitly included in this category.
This driver includes wildland fire such as fires ignited by arson, accidents, or lightning. These fires tend to be infrequent (more than 20 year return interval) and intense due to high fuels accumulation. These are conditions which accelerate wildlife fire ignition and spread and induce stand-replacing fires. Also included in this category are planned prescribed fires designed to mimic high intensity wildland fires.
Transition T3B

In the continued absence of fire, and the absence of colonizing scrub oaks, a closed canopy forest of laurel oak (Q. laurifolia) and sand live oak can prevail. These forests are more common in the northern LRU (154.1) following decades of fire suppression.
Periods of 20 years or more without fire can affect significant changes in vegetation structure and composition. Fire suppression encourages increased growth of oaks and other hardwoods, as well as the attenuation of natural longleaf pine regeneration and native ground cover growth. This driver represents periods of fire suppression from more than 20 years to many decades.
This “driver” (absence of scrub oaks) represents situations where scrub oaks (and other typical scrub plant species) are not available to colonize the site, thus succession in the absence of fire follows an alternative path. The Yellow Sands considered in this site are geographically widespread throughout Central Florida, and occur in regions without scrub oaks (Carr, pers. obs). Other oaks may eventually colonize the site, including water oaks (Quercus nigra), laurel oak (Q. laurifolia) and live oak (Q. virginiana).
Transition T3C

In the absence of hardwood reduction and frequent fire, Phase 3.1 will transition either to a scrub shrubland or a closed canopy forest, depending on the influence of infrequent fire and colonization of oak species. The latter also depends on geography. Transition to Phase 5.1 (early successional oak scrub) can follow a high intensity fire which severely reduces pine-oak canopy. In the presence of colonizing scrub oak (myrtle, Chapman’s and sand live oak), low oak scrub will develop. If complete fire suppression continues and scrub oaks are present, late successional scrub may dominate as scrub oaks dominate the midstory suppressing growth of other hardwood and pine species. Shade tolerant sand pine can germinate under these conditions if seed source is present.
This driver includes wildland fire such as fires ignited by arson, accidents, or lightning. These fires tend to be infrequent (more than 20 year return interval) and intense due to high fuels accumulation. These are conditions which accelerate wildlife fire ignition and spread and induce stand-replacing fires. Also included in this category are planned prescribed fires designed to mimic high intensity wildland fires.
Periods of 20 years or more without fire can affect significant changes in vegetation structure and composition. Fire suppression encourages increased growth of oaks and other hardwoods, as well as the attenuation of natural longleaf pine regeneration and native ground cover growth. This driver represents periods of fire suppression from more than 20 years to many decades.
Transition T3D

Conversion of State 3 to commodity land uses (State 8) generally involves removal of native ground cover via ground penetrating treatments. A number of treatments can be used for this, including disking, racking, plowing and herbicide application. Following conversion, other treatments may include: mowing, site prep, tree, or crop planting, seeding of non-native pasture grasses.
Many land conversion activities may contribute to this transition:
This includes clear-cut logging natural or planted of pine stands. In MLRA 154, clear-cut logging generally involves mechanical means of cutting, stacking, and hauling logs. Heavy equipment such as feller-bunchers and skidders can affect soil conditions via compaction and ground disturbance. Clear-cutting directly affects plant community composition and function through soil disturbance, alteration of canopy conditions and available resources, such as light and available moisture. Other logging methods that result in significant canopy removal are included under this description, such as seed tree logging. These methods involve removal of the majority of mature canopy pines, with a few residual trees left to serve as seed sources.
Hardwood reduction includes mechanical and chemical treatments designed to reduce hardwood biomass and stem densities. The flush of available resources following hardwood reduction treatments generally favors growth of pines and herbaceous ground cover. Mechanical hardwood reduction treatments include chopping, felling, shearing, “anchor chaining”, and disking. Selective and non-selective herbicides are often used for reduction of hardwoods in the understory and midstory strata. Fire and weather events also affect hardwood reduction, but these are not explicitly included in this category.
Periods of 20 years or more without fire can affect significant changes in vegetation structure and composition. Fire suppression encourages increased growth of oaks and other hardwoods, as well as the attenuation of natural longleaf pine regeneration and native ground cover growth. This driver represents periods of fire suppression from more than 20 years to many decades.
This land use practice, as practiced in commodity plantation management, generally proceeds mechanical or hand planting of seedlings. However, site prep treatments may precede planting for natural community restoration, field crop production, and wildlife management. Specific treatments may involve ground penetration and soil disturbance, such as disking, roller chopping, shearing, raking, etc. In general, ground penetration of site preparation for forest management is not as severe as tilling and plowing for crop management.
Transition T4A

The forest canopy of State 4 can be removed via clearcutting and other mechanical and chemical hardwood reduction techniques. If left fallow, weedy herbaceous plants will colonize (Phase 6.1), followed by advantageous hardwoods. Frequent burning may retard reforestation of the site; however, in the absence of fine fuels of native ground cover, reintroduction of ground fires is difficult.
Restoration of some elements of native ground cover may be accomplished to transition from Phase 4.1 to Phase 6.1 (with native ground cover). Treatments to affect this transition include canopy removal, mechanical and/or chemical hardwood control, and site preparation in the form of light mechanical chopping and/or burning. Following this, native grasses can be reintroduced to the site via seeding or planting of plugs. Successful establishment of native bunchgrasses (wiregrass, Indian grass) has been observed on Entisols similar to Astatula and Candler, specifically in the Florida Panhandle (TNC, unpublished data). Similarly, other native herbaceous species have been restored via seeding on similar soils in other regions. However, we currently do not know the full potential of ground cover composition restoration using these techniques. Furthermore, we do not have any example of such restoration (from seeding and plantings) specific to these soil types in this MLRA.
This land use practice, as practiced in commodity plantation management, generally proceeds mechanical or hand planting of seedlings. However, site prep treatments may precede planting for natural community restoration, field crop production, and wildlife management. Specific treatments may involve ground penetration and soil disturbance, such as disking, roller chopping, shearing, raking, etc. In general, ground penetration of site preparation for forest management is not as severe as tilling and plowing for crop management.
Prescribed fire (Rx fire) is fire purposefully ignited to accomplish defined land management objectives such as woody fuel reduction and stimulation of herbaceous growth. Fire regimes denoted here are intended to mimic pre-settlement natural fire regimes of frequent, low intensity ground fires with return intervals between 1 to 3 years for the North LRU (154-1) and 1 to 10 years for LRU 154-2 (see Ecological Dynamics section). This driver includes frequent fires in the growing as well as dormant season.
This category includes practices for native ground cover restoration which involve re-introduction of native plant seed or other propagules. Mechanical and chemical applications may be required for site preparation and seedling establishment. In cases where the ground cover is dominated by exotic grasses, frequent herbicide or fire treatment may be necessary.
Transition T4B

Conversion of State 4 to commodity land uses (State 8) generally involves removal of native ground cover via ground penetrating treatments. A number of treatments can be used for this, including disking, racking, plowing and herbicide application. Following conversion, other treatments may include: mowing, site prep, tree or crop planting, seeding of non-native pasture grasses.
Many land conversion activities may contribute to this transition:
This includes clear-cut logging natural or planted of pine stands. In MLRA 154, clear-cut logging generally involves mechanical means of cutting, stacking, and hauling logs. Heavy equipment such as feller-bunchers and skidders can affect soil conditions via compaction and ground disturbance. Clear-cutting directly affects plant community composition and function through soil disturbance, alteration of canopy conditions and available resources, such as light and available moisture. Other logging methods that result in significant canopy removal are included under this description, such as seed tree logging. These methods involve removal of the majority of mature canopy pines, with a few residual trees left to serve as seed sources.
Hardwood reduction includes mechanical and chemical treatments designed to reduce hardwood biomass and stem densities. The flush of available resources following hardwood reduction treatments generally favors growth of pines and herbaceous ground cover. Mechanical hardwood reduction treatments include chopping, felling, shearing, “anchor chaining”, and disking. Selective and non-selective herbicides are often used for reduction of hardwoods in the understory and midstory strata. Fire and weather events also affect hardwood reduction, but these are not explicitly included in this category.
Periods of 20 years or more without fire can affect significant changes in vegetation structure and composition. Fire suppression encourages increased growth of oaks and other hardwoods, as well as the attenuation of natural longleaf pine regeneration and native ground cover growth. This driver represents periods of fire suppression from more than 20 years to many decades.
This land use practice, as practiced in commodity plantation management, generally proceeds mechanical or hand planting of seedlings. However, site prep treatments may precede planting for natural community restoration, field crop production, and wildlife management. Specific treatments may involve ground penetration and soil disturbance, such as disking, roller chopping, shearing, raking, etc. In general, ground penetration of site preparation for forest management is not as severe as tilling and plowing for crop management.
Transition T5A

State 5 can be converted to Phase 6.1 (grassland of seeded native or mixture native/non-native species). For this, the dense growths of clonal scrub oaks would have to be eradicated through mechanical and chemical means. Clonal oaks are exceptionally difficult to remove, requiring more than just repeated burning (J. Hinchee, pers comm.). Repeated chemical treatments may be necessary to deter re-sprouting. Herbaceous ground cover may be established via seeding or planting, although success of these treatments is unknown (see discussion in previous section).
This land use practice, as practiced in commodity plantation management, generally proceeds mechanical or hand planting of seedlings. However, site prep treatments may precede planting for natural community restoration, field crop production, and wildlife management. Specific treatments may involve ground penetration and soil disturbance, such as disking, roller chopping, shearing, raking, etc. In general, ground penetration of site preparation for forest management is not as severe as tilling and plowing for crop management.
Prescribed fire (Rx fire) is fire purposefully ignited to accomplish defined land management objectives such as woody fuel reduction and stimulation of herbaceous growth. Fire regimes denoted here are intended to mimic pre-settlement natural fire regimes of frequent, low intensity ground fires with return intervals between 1 to 3 years for the North LRU (154-1) and 1 to 10 years for LRU 154-2 (see Ecological Dynamics section). This driver includes frequent fires in the growing as well as dormant season.
This category includes practices for native ground cover restoration which involve re-introduction of native plant seed or other propagules. Mechanical and chemical applications may be required for site preparation and seedling establishment. In cases where the ground cover is dominated by exotic grasses, frequent herbicide or fire treatment may be necessary.
Hardwood reduction includes mechanical and chemical treatments designed to reduce hardwood biomass and stem densities. The flush of available resources following hardwood reduction treatments generally favors growth of pines and herbaceous ground cover. Mechanical hardwood reduction treatments include chopping, felling, shearing, “anchor chaining”, and disking. Selective and non-selective herbicides are often used for reduction of hardwoods in the understory and midstory strata. Fire and weather events also affect hardwood reduction, but these are not explicitly included in this category.
Transition T5B

Invasion of State 5 by cogongrass (transition to State 7) is possible, particularly following ground disturbance from logging or site preparation.
Invasive plant species will colonize natural xeric sandhill and scrub, as well as successional and cultural states, including abandoned crop and grove lands, clearings, and old fields. In particular, there are four species common to Central Florida which are recognized by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council as “Category 1” species: lantana (Lantana camara), natal-grass (Melinis repens), ceasar’s weed (Urena lobata) and cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica). These invasive species displace native populations and change plant community dynamics and ecological functions. Cogongrass is a highly clonal species which forms dense naturalized populations that extirpate local native plant populations. Furthermore, cogongrass is rapidly expanding in geographic and environmental range in the southeastern Coastal Plain and is difficult and expensive to eradicate.
Transition T5C

Conversion of State 5 to commodity land uses (State 8) generally involves removal of native ground cover via ground penetrating treatments. A number of treatments can be used for this, including disking, racking, plowing and herbicide application. Following conversion, other treatments may include: mowing, site prep, tree or crop planting, seeding of non-native pasture grasses.
Many land conversion activities may contribute to this transition:
This includes clear-cut logging natural or planted of pine stands. In MLRA 154, clear-cut logging generally involves mechanical means of cutting, stacking, and hauling logs. Heavy equipment such as feller-bunchers and skidders can affect soil conditions via compaction and ground disturbance. Clear-cutting directly affects plant community composition and function through soil disturbance, alteration of canopy conditions and available resources, such as light and available moisture. Other logging methods that result in significant canopy removal are included under this description, such as seed tree logging. These methods involve removal of the majority of mature canopy pines, with a few residual trees left to serve as seed sources.
Hardwood reduction includes mechanical and chemical treatments designed to reduce hardwood biomass and stem densities. The flush of available resources following hardwood reduction treatments generally favors growth of pines and herbaceous ground cover. Mechanical hardwood reduction treatments include chopping, felling, shearing, “anchor chaining”, and disking. Selective and non-selective herbicides are often used for reduction of hardwoods in the understory and midstory strata. Fire and weather events also affect hardwood reduction, but these are not explicitly included in this category.
Periods of 20 years or more without fire can affect significant changes in vegetation structure and composition. Fire suppression encourages increased growth of oaks and other hardwoods, as well as the attenuation of natural longleaf pine regeneration and native ground cover growth. This driver represents periods of fire suppression from more than 20 years to many decades.
This land use practice, as practiced in commodity plantation management, generally proceeds mechanical or hand planting of seedlings. However, site prep treatments may precede planting for natural community restoration, field crop production, and wildlife management. Specific treatments may involve ground penetration and soil disturbance, such as disking, roller chopping, shearing, raking, etc. In general, ground penetration of site preparation for forest management is not as severe as tilling and plowing for crop management.
Transition T6A

State 6 can transition to Phase 4.1 (Oak dominated forest) in the absence of fire and clonal oaks. This state transition is regionally specific to the Northern parts of MLRA 154.
Periods of 20 years or more without fire can affect significant changes in vegetation structure and composition. Fire suppression encourages increased growth of oaks and other hardwoods, as well as the attenuation of natural longleaf pine regeneration and native ground cover growth. This driver represents periods of fire suppression from more than 20 years to many decades.
This “driver” (absence of colonizing scrub oaks) represents situations where scrub oaks (and other typical scrub plant species) are not available to colonize the site, thus succession in the absence of fire follows an alternative path. The Yellow Sands considered in this site are geographically widespread throughout Central Florida and occur in regions without proximate scrub oaks (Carr, pers. obs). Other oaks may eventually colonize the site, including water oaks (Quercus nigra), laurel oak (Q. laurifolia) and live oak (Q. virginiana).
Transition T6B

State 6 can may be converted to Phase 5.1 (early successional scrub) if scrubs oak species either colonize the site naturally (available propagule source) or are reintroduced via planting. The success of scrub restoration on yellow sands is uncertain (but see Schmalzer et al). If scrub oak clones become established, regime of infrequent fire would be required to maintain early successional habitat.
Periods of 20 years or more without fire can affect significant changes in vegetation structure and composition. Fire suppression encourages increased growth of oaks and other hardwoods, as well as the attenuation of natural longleaf pine regeneration and native ground cover growth. This driver represents periods of fire suppression from more than 20 years to many decades.
This refers to the deferment of livestock grazing for a period of greater than one full growing season. Deferment of cattle grazing predominantly benefits grass species. Deferment of goat grazing predominantly benefits “browse” species such as small shrubs and low statue trees, and deferment of sheep grazing predominantly benefits forbs and grass species.
This land use practice, as practiced in commodity plantation management, generally proceeds mechanical or hand planting of seedlings. However, site prep treatments may precede planting for natural community restoration, field crop production, and wildlife management. Specific treatments may involve ground penetration and soil disturbance, such as disking, roller chopping, shearing, raking, etc. In general, ground penetration of site preparation for forest management is not as severe as tilling and plowing for crop management.
Reintroduction of scrub oak and other woody species populations typical of Central Florida scrub communities, for the purpose of scrub restoration. Scrub oaks include myrtle oak (Quercus mytifolia), sand live oak (Q. geminata), and Chapman’s oak (Q. chapmannii). Other species include saw palmetto (Serenoa repens), scrub palmetto (Sabal etonia), and fetterbush (Lyonia spp.).
Transition T6C

Depending on propagule availability, invasion of cogongrass can affect the transition to State 7.
Invasive plant species will colonize natural xeric sandhill and scrub, as well as successional and cultural states, including abandoned crop and grove lands, clearings, and old fields. In particular, there are four species common to Central Florida which are recognized by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council as “Category 1” species: lantana (Lantana camara), natal-grass (Melinis repens), ceasar’s weed (Urena lobata) and cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica). These invasive species displace native populations and change plant community dynamics and ecological functions. Cogongrass is a highly clonal species which forms dense naturalized populations that extirpate local native plant populations. Furthermore, cogongrass is rapidly expanding in geographic and environmental range in the southeastern Coastal Plain and is difficult and expensive to eradicate.
Transition T6D

Conversion of State 6 to commodity land uses (State 8) generally involves removal of native ground cover via ground penetrating treatments. A number of treatments can be used for this, including disking, racking, plowing and herbicide application. Following conversion, other treatments may include: mowing, site prep, tree, or crop planting, seeding of non-native pasture grasses.
Many land conversion activities may contribute to this transition:
This includes clear-cut logging natural or planted of pine stands. In MLRA 154, clear-cut logging generally involves mechanical means of cutting, stacking, and hauling logs. Heavy equipment such as feller-bunchers and skidders can affect soil conditions via compaction and ground disturbance. Clear-cutting directly affects plant community composition and function through soil disturbance, alteration of canopy conditions and available resources, such as light and available moisture. Other logging methods that result in significant canopy removal are included under this description, such as seed tree logging. These methods involve removal of the majority of mature canopy pines, with a few residual trees left to serve as seed sources.
Periods of 20 years or more without fire can affect significant changes in vegetation structure and composition. Fire suppression encourages increased growth of oaks and other hardwoods, as well as the attenuation of natural longleaf pine regeneration and native ground cover growth. This driver represents periods of fire suppression from more than 20 years to many decades.
This land use practice, as practiced in commodity plantation management, generally proceeds mechanical or hand planting of seedlings. However, site prep treatments may precede planting for natural community restoration, field crop production, and wildlife management. Specific treatments may involve ground penetration and soil disturbance, such as disking, roller chopping, shearing, raking, etc. In general, ground penetration of site preparation for forest management is not as severe as tilling and plowing for crop management.
Transition T7A

Transition from Phase 7.1 to any other State first requires control and reduction of cogongrass. Fire alone will not control spread of cogongrass. Rather, fire stimulates cogongrass growth and seed production. Repeated tillage throughout a growing season may be sufficient to contain cogongrass spread if the infestation is small (i.e. under 0.25 acres). However, this treatment is insufficient and cost ineffective for larger well-established infestations. In these situations, a combination of burning followed by repeated chemical applications has been found effective (Byrd 2007). Two active herbicide ingredients found to affect cogongrass growth are glyphosate and imazapyr (Byrd 2007). If cogongrass control is achieved, planting and site preparation followed by restitution of fire regimes may allow re-establishment of native ground cover and transition to Phase 5.1.
This includes all treatments which target invasive plant populations for the purpose of eradication or containment. Invasive plant control is often a part of natural area restoration, but can also be applied to improve wildlife habitat, rangeland, forestry and croplands. Mechanical treatments such as hand clearing, disking, and raking are generally applied to smaller infestations ( 0.25 acre). Chemical treatments include direct and indirect herbicide applications on small and larger areas. Fire may also control spread of invasive plant populations, but is not included in this category.
This land use practice, as practiced in commodity plantation management, generally proceeds mechanical or hand planting of seedlings. However, site prep treatments may precede planting for natural community restoration, field crop production, and wildlife management. Specific treatments may involve ground penetration and soil disturbance, such as disking, roller chopping, shearing, raking, etc. In general, ground penetration of site preparation for forest management is not as severe as tilling and plowing for crop management.
Reintroduction of scrub oak and other woody species populations typical of Central Florida scrub communities, for the purpose of scrub restoration. Scrub oaks include myrtle oak (Quercus mytifolia), sand live oak (Q. geminata), and Chapman’s oak (Q. chapmannii). Other species include saw palmetto (Serenoa repens), scrub palmetto (Sabal etonia), and fetterbush (Lyonia spp.)
Prescribed fire (Rx fire) is fire purposefully ignited to accomplish defined land management objectives such as woody fuel reduction and stimulation of herbaceous growth. Fire regimes denoted here are intended to mimic pre-settlement natural fire regimes of frequent, low intensity ground fires with return intervals between 1 to 3 years for the North LRU (154-1) and 1 to 10 years for LRU 154-2 (see Ecological Dynamics section). This driver includes frequent fires in the growing as well as dormant season.
Transition T7B

Transition from Phase 7.1 to any other State first requires control and reduction of cogongrass. Fire alone will not control spread of cogongrass. Rather, fire stimulates cogongrass growth and seed production. Repeated tillage throughout a growing season may be sufficient to contain cogongrass spread if the infestation is small (i.e. under 0.25 acres). However, this treatment is insufficient and cost ineffective for larger well-established infestations. In these situations, a combination of burning followed by repeated chemical applications has been found effective (Byrd 2007). Two active herbicide ingredients found to affect cogongrass growth are glyphosate and imazapyr (Byrd 2007). If cogongrass control is achieved, planting and site preparation followed by restitution of frequent fire regimes may allow re-establishment of native ground cover and transition to Phase 6.1.
This category includes practices for native ground cover restoration which involve re-introduction of native plant seed or other propagules. Mechanical and chemical applications may be required for site preparation and seedling establishment. In cases where the ground cover is dominated by exotic grasses, frequent herbicide or fire treatment may be necessary.
This includes all treatments which target invasive plant populations for the purpose of eradication or containment. Invasive plant control is often a part of natural area restoration, but can also be applied to improve wildlife habitat, rangeland, forestry and croplands. Mechanical treatments such as hand clearing, disking, and raking are generally applied to smaller infestations ( 0.25 acre). Chemical treatments include direct and indirect herbicide applications on small and larger areas. Fire may also control spread of invasive plant populations, but is not included in this category.
This land use practice, as practiced in commodity plantation management, generally proceeds mechanical or hand planting of seedlings. However, site prep treatments may precede planting for natural community restoration, field crop production, and wildlife management. Specific treatments may involve ground penetration and soil disturbance, such as disking, roller chopping, shearing, raking, etc. In general, ground penetration of site preparation for forest management is not as severe as tilling and plowing for crop management.
Transition T7C

Conversion of State 7 to commodity land uses (State 8) generally involves removal of native ground cover via ground penetrating treatments. A number of treatments can be used for this, including disking, racking, plowing and herbicide application. Following conversion, other treatments may include: mowing, site prep, tree, or crop planting, seeding of non-native pasture grasses.
Cogongrass control is necessary for transition to commodity land uses.
Many land conversion activities may contribute to this transition:
This includes all treatments which target invasive plant populations for the purpose of eradication or containment. Invasive plant control is often a part of natural area restoration, but can also be applied to improve wildlife habitat, rangeland, forestry and croplands. Mechanical treatments such as hand clearing, disking, and raking are generally applied to smaller infestations ( 0.25 acre). Chemical treatments include direct and indirect herbicide applications on small and larger areas. Fire may also control spread of invasive plant populations but is not included in this category.
Periods of 20 years or more without fire can affect significant changes in vegetation structure and composition. Fire suppression encourages increased growth of oaks and other hardwoods, as well as the attenuation of natural longleaf pine regeneration and native ground cover growth. This driver represents periods of fire suppression from more than 20 years to many decades.
This land use practice, as practiced in commodity plantation management, generally proceeds mechanical or hand planting of seedlings. However, site prep treatments may precede planting for natural community restoration, field crop production, and wildlife management. Specific treatments may involve ground penetration and soil disturbance, such as disking, roller chopping, shearing, raking, etc. In general, ground penetration of site preparation for forest management is not as severe as tilling and plowing for crop management.
Transition T8A

Transitions among the Phases of State 8 are affected by land use and land conversion practices (i.e. land clearing, raking, disking, planting, chemical treatments). Although not specified in the STM diagram (Figure 5), transitions are possible between all phases. Some transitions involved conversion to the “Phase 8.1” fallow field phase as an intermediary step.
Depending on the severity of site and soil disturbances, State 8 phases may be restored to natural or semi-natural conditions, including early successional scrub (Phase 5.1).
Transition from State 8 to early successional scrub (Phase 5.1) may involve clearing, site preparation, and chemical control of undesirable non-native vegetation. Of key importance is the establishment of scrub oaks and palmetto, the dominant scrub plant species.
Transition T8B

Transitions among the Phases of State 8 are affected by land use and land conversion practices (i.e. land clearing, raking, disking, planting, chemical treatments). Although not specified in the STM diagram (Figure 5), transitions are possible between all phases. Some transitions involved conversion to the “Phase 8.1” fallow field phase as an intermediary step.
The transition from State 8 to Phase 6.3 can be achieved by clearing non-native woody vegetation and planting pine. Depending on initial conditions, the midstory and understory would be vegetated with residual pasture or crop species, and/or weedy plants. Chemical and mechanical treatments may be needed to maintain conditions needed for successful pine establishment, coupled with the institution of periodic fire. Transition to Phase 6.2 would involve the additional step of native ground cover vegetation restoration and re-introduction of native fire regimes.
Transition T7C

Transitions among the Phases of State 8 are affected by land use and land conversion practices (i.e. land clearing, raking, disking, planting, chemical treatments). Although not specified in the STM diagram (Figure 5), transitions are possible between all phases. Some transitions involved conversion to the “Phase 8.1” fallow field phase as an intermediary step.
All phases can transition to State 7 if noxious non-native plants (i.e. cogongrass) colonize the site. Particularly susceptible are State 8 Phases with little or no overstory and ground disturbance.
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The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.