Ecological site group 013XESG09
Saline Hills
Last updated: 09/27/2023
Accessed: 12/22/2024
Ecological site group description
Key Characteristics
- Uplands
- <75% bedrock outcrop
- Surface SAR >8 or subsurface EC >8 or surface EC >4
Provisional. A provisional ecological site description has undergone quality control and quality assurance review. It contains a working state and transition model and enough information to identify the ecological site.
This ESG is located on hillslopes, terraces, and fan remnants.
Vegetation dynamics
The modal ecological site for this ESG is R013XY001ID Loamy 12-16 PZ.
Major Land Resource Area
Eastern Idaho Plateaus
Correlated Map Unit Components
22609260, 22609267, 22609268, 22611914, 22611926, 22611990, 22612039, 22611991, 22611932, 22611994, 22612042, 22611995, 22612043, 22612091, 22612092, 22612008, 22612686, 22612841, 22612690, 22612842, 22612691, 22612628, 22612641, 22612642, 22612752, 22612753, 22612754, 22612755, 22612663, 22612664, 22612665, 22612780, 22612782, 22613529, 22613434, 22613543, 22613449, 22613353, 22613354, 22613366, 22854495, 22854342, 22854388, 22600757, 22712853, 22713860, 22602379, 22602318, 23322012
Curtis Talbot
Travis Nauman
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