Ecological site group ESG048A34
Organic Riparian
Last updated: 05/10/2022
Accessed: 12/26/2024
Ecological site group description
Key Characteristics
- Additional water
- Perennial water
- Organic soil surface - 40 soil components
This ESG is located on drainageways and floodplains.
This ESG is characterized by the aquic moisture regime.
Soil features
This ESG is characterized by an organic soil surface.
Vegetation dynamics
The modal ecological site for this ESG is R048AY241CO - Mountain Meadow.
Major Land Resource Area
Southern Rocky Mountains
Correlated Map Unit Components
21232376, 21286289, 21286331, 21286332, 21286475, 21286506, 21285148, 21285149, 21285215, 21285188, 21285177, 21285209, 21359452, 21359492, 21359524, 21359576, 21359435, 21359601, 21284260, 21284414, 21284409, 21664134, 21664091, 21664098, 21276857, 21272932, 21273161, 21250911, 21245966, 21245452, 21245447, 21268260, 21268295, 21270415, 21979608, 21980232, 21910817, 21910833, 20987096, 20987190
Travis Nauman
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