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Ecological site F009XY004WA

Warm-Frigid Xeric Loamy Foothills of Basalt Mountains and Plateaus Douglas-fir Warm Dry Shrub

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 009X / Ecological site F009XY004WA

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T1A - Long-term total fire exclusion (50 to 100 or more years)
T1B - A widespread catastrophic fire event
T1C - Conversion to annual cropland, pasture, or hayland
R2A - Common fuel reduction practices are applied.
T2A - Widespread catastrophic fire occurs
T2B - In the absence of a catastrophic wildfire, results in increased levels of root disease.
R3A - Reforestation
R4A - An extended period of time followed by afforestation.
R4B - Widespread catastrophic fire occurs
R5A - Afforestation
1.1A - Stand replacement or mixed fire of significant size and impact
1.1B - Absence of significant disturbance
1.2A - The absence of larger scale fire disturbance for approximately 40 years
1.3B - Relatively unencumbered by major disturbances
1.3A - Mixed or replacement fire
1.4A - A mixed or replacement severity fire, or another type of significant and widespread disturbance event

State 2 submodel, plant communities

State 3 submodel, plant communities

State 5 submodel, plant communities