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Ecological site F009XY005WA

Frigid Xeric Loamy Basalt Mountains and Plateaus Douglas-fir Cool Dry Grass

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 009X / Ecological site F009XY005WA

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T1A - Long-term fire exclusion (50 to 100 plus) years (resulting in Alternative State 2).
T1B - A widespread catastrophic (also referred to as “stand replacing”) fire event occurs as a natural (but relatively rare) event in any phase within the Reference State.
T1C - Introduced cool-season grasses invading sites near homesteads, pastureland, and other converted land.
T1D - Site converted to annual cropland, pasture, or hayland (leading to Alternative State 5).
R5B - Site preparation and reseeding with native forest vegetation is applied followed by grazing protection on sites that have been converted to non-forest land use(s) for a long period of time (this process is referred to as afforestation).
1.1A - Overstory mortality include “mixed” stand replacement fire events, and single tree to cluster mortality due to beetle kill, mistletoe, windthrow, and storm damage.
1.1B - With time and the absence of major disturbance events, the stand develops into a mature and over-mature cohort.
1.2A - The stand develops relatively intact and grows from seedling/sapling to pole/small sawtimer size classes.
1.3A - The stand develops to the mature phase. Stands have thinned as size classes increased, primarily from stress induced bark beetle mortality.
1.4A - A fire event severe enough to eliminate the majority of the overstory, or less severe “mixed” severity fires which creates random patch openings, occurs.

State 2 submodel, plant communities

State 3 submodel, plant communities

State 4 submodel, plant communities

State 5 submodel, plant communities