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Ecological site R010XC042OR

SR Juniper Tableland 12-16 PZ

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 010X / Ecological site R010XC042OR

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T1 - Introduction of non-native species.
T2A - Catastrophic fire and/or soil disturbing treatments.
T2B - Prolonged time without fire during climate conditions conducive to juniper expansion.
T3A - Continued inappropriate grazing management leading to excessive trampling, compaction and soil loss.
R4A - Removal of young juniper infill and reduction of excessive shrub cover may be possible by mechanical means but will be limited by site characteristics.
T4A - Catastrophic fire, multiple fires, or failed rehabilitation attempt allowing for the increased invasion of annual herbaceous species.
T4B - Time and lack of fire allowing for further juniper expansion and loss of soil cover.
P1.1a - Low severity fire creates shrub/grass mosaic; high severity fire significantly reduces shrub and young juniper cover and leads to early/mid seral community, dominated by grasses and forbs.
P1.1b - Time and lack of disturbance. Excessive herbivory and long-term drought may also reduce perennial understory.
P1.2a - Time and lack of disturbance allows for shrub regeneration.
P1.3a - Low severity fire reduces some shrub and tree cover and creates shrub/grass mosaic.
P1.3b - Moderate severity fire significantly reduces shrub and tree cover and leads to early/mid seral community, dominated by grasses and forbs.