Major Land Resource Area 010X
Central Rocky and Blue Mountain Foothills
Accessed: 03/26/2025
This MLRA is characterized by gently rolling to steep hills, plateaus, and low mountains at the foothills of the Blue Mountains in Oregon and the Central Rocky Mountains in Idaho. The geology of this area is highly varied and ranges from Holocene volcanics to Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. Mollisols are the dominant soil order and the soil climate is typified by mesic or frigid soil temperature regimes, and xeric or aridic soil moisture regimes. Elevation ranges from 1,300 to 6,600 feet (395 to 2,010 meters), increasing from west to east. The climate is characterized by dry summers and snow dominated winters with precipitation averaging 8 to 16 inches (205 to 405 millimeters) and increasing from west to east. These factors support plant communities with shrub-grass associations with considerable acreage of sagebrush grassland. Big sagebrush, bluebunch wheatgrass, and Idaho fescue are the dominant species. Stiff sagebrush, low sagebrush, and Sandberg bluegrass are often dominant on sites with shallow restrictive layers. Western juniper is one of the few common tree species and since European settlement has greatly expanded its extent in Oregon. Nearly half of the MLRA is federally owned and managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Most of the area is used for livestock grazing with areas accessible by irrigation often used for irrigated agriculture. For further information, see "Land Resource Regions and Major Land Resource Areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin (U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 296, 2006)" available online at: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/soils/survey/?cid=nrcs142p2_053624
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Ecological site list
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Not as above
- Soils are greater than 20 inches deep
- Soils are clayey to loamy
- Not as above
- Soils are 20 to 40 inches to a duripan
- Sites occur in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones, root restricting clayey subsurface at 14 to 18 inches
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Not as above
- Sites associated with plateaus and ridges
- Particle size class is clayey to fine loamy but not skeletal or ashy
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Not as above
- Sites associated with swales, fans, or terraces
- Sites occur on slopes greater than 30 percent
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Not as above
- Sites associated with swales, fans, or terraces
- Sites occur on slopes less than 15 percent
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Not as above
- Soils are greater than 20 inches deep
- Soils are clayey to loamy
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones
- Sites occur on slopes from 1 to 30 percent and elevations from 4500 to 6500 feet. Soils are moderately deep to deep. Textures are loams, silt loams and gravelly silt loams
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Not as above
- Soils are 20 inches or less
- Not as above
- Surface texture is generally loam to silt loam but may be finer
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes. Soil temperature regime is mesic
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on northerly aspects
- Site occurs in 16 to 22 inch precipitation zones
- Soils are deep and loamy, site occurs at an elevation between 5000 to 8800 feet
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Occurs in less than 16 inch precipitation zones
- Soils not volcanic cinders
- Not as above
- Soils greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Coarse fragments greater than 35 percent throughout the soil profile
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils are sandy with less than eighteen percent clay and soil textures including sand or loamy sand
- Sites occur in areas that receive ten to twelve inches of precipitation annually
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on northerly aspects
- Site occurs in 16 to 22 inch precipitation zones
- Soils are generally shallow to fractured bedrock or clay. Roots penetrate below 20 inches.
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on northerly aspects
- Site occurs in 16 to 22 inch precipitation zones
- Soils are very shallow to bedrock or clay
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Occurs in 16 to 22 inch precipitation zone
- Slopes greater than 45 percent
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Ecosites associated with buttes and often slopes greater than 40 percent
- Site is on a cinder butte. Soils are ash over scoriaceous cinders
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Occurs in 16 to 22 inch precipitation zone
- Slopes less than 45 percent
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on northerly aspects
- Site occurs in greater than 20 inch precipitation zones, in areas of moisture accumulating topography
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Site occurs in greater than 20 inch precipitation zones, in areas of moisture accumulating topography
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Not as above
- Soils are greater than 20 inches deep
- Soils are clayey to loamy
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs in greater than 20 inch precipitation zone, in areas of moisture accumulating topography
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Not as above
- Sites associated with plateaus and ridges
- Particle size class is most often coarse to fine loamy or loamy skeletal but not clayey
- Particle size class is often fine to fine loamy. Soils have a water holding potential of three to six inches leading to higher annual production and higher cover of western juniper compared to Shrubby Loam 8 to 12 precipitation zone sites
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soils are very shallow or shallow
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils are loamy with less than thirty-five percent clay and greater than fifteen percent sand
- Particle size class is often fine to fine loamy. Soils have a water holding potential of three to six inches leading to higher annual production and higher cover of western juniper compared to Shrubby Loam 8 to 12 precipitation zone sites
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Not as above
- Sites associated with plateaus and ridges
- Particle size class is most often coarse to fine loamy or loamy skeletal but not clayey
- Particle size class is often coarse loamy to loamy skeletal. Soils have a water holding potential of two to four inches leading to lower annual production and lower western juniper cover than the Juniper Shrubby Loam 10 to 12 precipitation zone sites
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils are loamy with less than thirty-five percent clay and greater than fifteen percent sand
- Particle size class is often coarse loamy to loamy skeletal. Soils have a water holding potential of two to four inches leading to lower annual production and lower western juniper cover than the Juniper Shrubby Loam 10 to 12 precipitation zone sites
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Site associated with recent lava flows
- Soils 10 to 20 inches deep over fractured basalt
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Occurs in less than 16 inch precipitation zones
- Soils not volcanic cinders
- Not as above
- Soils less than 20 inches to fractured bedrock
- Not as above
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is frigid
- Not as above
- Sites occur on steeper slopes associated with hills
- Sites usually occur below 4600 feet in elevation
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Not as above
- Soils are greater than 20 inches deep
- Soils are sandy
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soils are very shallow or shallow
- Soils are volcanic ash/pumice over exposed lava flows and lava blisters or small knolls dispersed across lava plains
- Sites occur in eight to ten inch precipitation zones
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Not as above
- Soils are greater than 20 inches deep
- Soils are clayey to loamy
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones
- Sites occur on slopes from 1 to 20 percent and elevations from 4000 to 5500 feet. Soils are moderately deep to deep. Surface soils are silt loams. Subsoils are silty clay loam to clay loam.
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soils are very shallow or shallow
- Soils are volcanic ash/pumice over exposed lava flows and lava blisters or small knolls dispersed across lava plains
- Sites occur in 10 to 12 inch precipitation zones
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soils are deeper than 20 inches
- Soils are moderately deep between 20 and 40 inches
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Occurs in less than 16 inch precipitation zones
- Soils not volcanic cinders
- Not as above
- Soils greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Not as above
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soils are less than 20 inches deep and contain more than 35 percent rock fragments
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Not as above
- Soils are greater than 20 inches deep
- Soils are clayey to loamy
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs in 11 to 13 inch precipitation zones
- Sites occur on slopes of 5 to 25 percent and elevations from 4000 to 5500 feet. Soils are moderately deep. Textures are loams and silt loams.
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes
- Soil temperature regime is frigid
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on bottomlands with slopes less than 8 percent
- Water table present for most of the growing season.
- Water at or near the surface at beginning of growing season and down to 20 to 40 inches at the end of the growing season
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils are sandy with less than eighteen percent clay and soil textures including sand or loamy sand
- Sites occur in areas that receive eight to ten inches of precipitation annually
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on bottomlands with slopes less than 8 percent
- Water table present for most of the growing season.
- Water at or near the surface at beginning of the growing season and greater than 40 inches at the end of the growing season.
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Occurs in less than 16 inch precipitation zones
- Soils not volcanic cinders
- Site occurs in association with rock outcrops and talus slopes
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Not as above
- Soils are greater than 20 inches deep
- Soils are clayey to loamy
- Site has large boulders on or near surface
- Site is above 5000 feet elevation
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Not as above
- Soils are greater than 20 inches deep
- Soils are clayey to loamy
- Site has large boulders on or near surface
- Site is below 5000 feet elevation
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Not as above
- Soils are greater than 20 inches deep
- Soils are clayey to loamy
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs in 11 to 13 inch precipitation zones
- Sites occur on slopes of 1 to 15 percent at elevations 4250 to 5000 feet. Soils are moderately deep. Textures are loams and silt loams.
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Not as above
- Soils are greater than 20 inches deep
- Soils are clayey to loamy
- Not as above
- Soils are 20 to 40 inches to a duripan
- Sites occur in 10 to 12 inch precipitation zones
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on northerly aspects
- Site is in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones with elevation below 7000 feet
- Soils are not volcanic cinders
- Soils are moderately deep to deep stony loams.
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on northerly aspects
- Site is in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones with elevation below 7000 feet
- Soils are not volcanic cinders
- Soils are extremely bouldery loams. Large boulders are common on the surface.
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Not as above
- Soils are 20 inches or less
- Not as above
- Surface texture is generally clay loam to silty clay but may be coarser
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on bottomlands with slopes less than 8 percent
- Water table present for most of the growing season.
- Water at or near the surface at beginning of growing season and down to 10 to 20 inches at the end of the growing season.
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on bottomlands with slopes less than 8 percent
- Water table usually not present.
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on northerly aspects
- Site is in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones with elevation below 7000 feet
- Soils are volcanic cinders
- Coarse cinder soils, little soil development, cryic soil temperature regime
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Site associated with recent lava flows
- Soils greater than 20 inches deep
- Somewhat finer cinder soils, greater soil development, cryic soil temperature regime
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Site associated with recent lava flows
- Soils greater than 20 inches deep
- Site nearly devoid of vegetation, coarse cinder soils, little soil development
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on northerly aspects
- Site is in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones with elevation below 7000 feet
- Soils are volcanic cinders
- Somewhat finer cinder soils, greater soil development, frigid soil temperature regime
Key Characteristics
- Site Occurs on Uplands
- Slopes generally less than 30 percent, occurring on all aspects
- Site associated with recent lava flows
- Soils less than 10 inches to basalt or lava bedrock
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soils are deeper than 20 inches
- Soils are deep between 40 and 60 inches
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is frigid
- Not as above
- Sites usually found on gentler slopes associated with plains
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is frigid
- Not as above
- Sites occur on steeper slopes associated with hills
- Sites usually occur above 4600 feet in elevation
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is frigid
- Sites with surface fragment cover over 80 percent usually consisting of small channers
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Surface textures are silt loams
- Surface texture is most often a silt loam with no ashy textures. In the reference state, antelope bitterbrush is the dominant shrub and Idaho fescue is the dominant grass
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils contain greater than 35 percent clay
- Soil surface textures are clays with high shrink-swell potential
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils contain greater than 35 percent clay
- Soils have higher fragment amounts. Surface textures are stony clay loam to loam
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are shallow
Key Characteristics
- Soil has an abrupt textural change within 10 inches of the surface (well-developed claypan)
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils contain less than thirty-five percent clay
- Surface soil textures are fine to coarse sandy loams. Subsoils are often gravelly to very gravelly
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Surface textures are cobbly to stony loams. Subsurface soils are very cobbly to very stony
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Family particle size class is clayey
- Surface texture is gravelly loam to very stony loam
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soil temperature regime is transitional between mesic and frigid.
- Precipitation range is 12 to 16 inches
- Sites occur above 4000 feet
- Surface texture is a very cobbly, very stony, or gravelly loam with approximately 10 to 20 percent surface gravel cover and 4 to 27 percent surface cobble cover
Key Characteristics
- Soil has an abrupt textural change within 10 inches of the surface (well-developed claypan)
- Sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soil has an abrupt textural change within 10 inches of the surface (well-developed claypan)
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Surface textures are silt loams
- Surface texture is most often a loam sometimes with an ash influence. In the reference state, basin big sagebrush is the dominant shrub and bluebunch wheatgrass is the dominant grass
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soils are shallow
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soils are very shallow over lithic bedrock
- Sites occur below 4000 feet elevation. Surface fragment cover is typically around 60 percent and extremely gravelly subsoil
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes and soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soils are shallow
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils contain less than thirty-five percent clay
- Surface soil textures are loams sometimes with an ash component
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes and soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are shallow
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes and soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils are skeletal
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes and soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils are not skeletal
- Surface texture is a very cobbly clay loam over clay subsoils
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes and soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils are not skeletal
- Surface texture is a loam or gravelly loam over clay subsoils
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes and soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Surface soils have a rock fragment volume below 35 percent
- Sites predominately occur below 4000 feet. Soil surface textures are cobbly clay loams
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes and soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Surface soils have a rock fragment volume below 35 percent
- Sites predominately occur above 3500 feet. Soils are loamy with surface shale volume between fifteen and thirty-five percent. Rock fragment volume typically increases with depth
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes and soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soils are shallow
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes and soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Surface soils have a total cobble volume between 60 and 90 percent
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes and soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are shallow
- Soils have greater than 35 percent clay content
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes and soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are shallow
- Soils have less than 35 percent clay content
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Soil is very shallow over highly fractured bedrock, interspersed with areas of rock outcrop
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Soil is very shallow over highly fractured bedrock, interspersed with areas of rock outcrop
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes and soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes and soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are very shallow
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes and soil temperature regime is mesic
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soil surface not ash influenced
- Surface soils are often a shaly loam with very shaly loam to gravelly clay loam subsoils
Key Characteristics
- Soil has an abrupt textural change within 10 inches of the surface (well-developed claypan)
- Sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- The surface soil is often three to six inches thick over a non-fractured substratum. In the reference state, little sagebrush is the dominant shrub with very low cover of antelope bitterbrush and yellow rabbitbrush
Key Characteristics
- Soil has an abrupt textural change within 10 inches of the surface (well-developed claypan)
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes
Key Characteristics
- Soil has an abrupt textural change within 10 inches of the surface (well-developed claypan)
- Sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- The surface soil is often five to ten inches thick over a fractured substratum. In the reference state, antelope bitterbrush is dominant with little sagebrush being subdominant
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is frigid. Soil moisture regime is xeric
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Surface soils have an ashy influence with textures being ashy loam to ashy loamy sand
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soils are shallow
- Surfaces are very gravelly to very stony and may be ashy. Soils are loamy formed predominately from tuffaceous materials
Key Characteristics
- Soil has an abrupt textural change within 10 inches of the surface (well-developed claypan)
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic. Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils are clayey. Typically, both the surface and subsoil are clays with high shrink well potentials. Soil churning is prevalent.
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic. Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils are not as described above
- Soil clay below 35 percent
- Soil clay above 18 percent
- Soils are made up of greater than 40 percent silt, often contain a cambic horizon, and coarse loamy particle size class. In the reference state, wild crab apple is present
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic. Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils are not as described above
- Soil clay above 35 percent
- Soil temperature regime is mesic. Elevations range from 2000 to 3500 feet. Site averages approximately 140 frost free days per year. Plant communities are typically dominated by Wyoming big sagebrush and bluebunch wheatgrass
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic. Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils are not as described above
- Soil clay below 35 percent
- Soil clay above 18 percent
- Soils are made up of less than 40 percent silt, often contain an argillic horizon, and fine to fine loamy particle size class. In the reference state, wild crab apple is not present
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic. Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils are not as described above
- Soil clay below 35 percent
- Soil clay below 18 percent
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soil temperature regime is transitional between mesic and frigid.
- Precipitation range is 12 to 16 inches
- Sites occur above 4000 feet
- Surface texture is a silt or clay loam with very low, if any, surface fragment cover
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soil temperature regime is mesic and soil moisture regime is aridic
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic. Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soils are not as described above
- Soil clay above 35 percent
- Soil temperature regime is mesic to near frigid. Typical elevation between 2700 and 4400 feet. Site averages less than 100 frost free days. Plant communities are typically dominated by Wyoming big sagebrush and Idaho fescue.
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Family particle size class is clayey
- Surface texture is a silt loam to silty clay loam
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soil temperature regime is frigid
- Precipitation range is 12 to 16 inches
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soil temperature regime is transitional between mesic and frigid.
- Precipitation range is 12 to 16 inches
- Sites occur below 4000 feet
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is transitional between mesic and frigid. Soil moisture regime is xeric
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soil temperature regime is transitional between mesic and frigid.
- Precipitation range is 16 to 20 inches
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic. Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are shallow
- Sites occur on gentle slopes of 2 to 12 percent on terraces, tablelands, and rolling uplands
- Typically occurs between 2000 to 3500 feet in elevation
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic. Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are shallow
- Sites occur on gentle slopes of 2 to 12 percent on terraces, tablelands, and rolling uplands
- Typically occurs between 3500 to 4200 feet in elevation
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soils are shallow
- Soils are clayey. Surface textures are stony silt loams with clay loams and clays in subsoils
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soil temperature regime is frigid
- Precipitation range is 12 to 16 inches
- Soils are shallow
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Soils are very shallow over lithic bedrock
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soils are very shallow over lithic bedrock
- Sites occur above 4000 feet elevation. Surface fragment cover is typically less than 30 percent
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soil is very shallow over lithic bedrock
- Precipitation range is 12 to 16 inches
- Soil temperature regime is frigid to mesic near frigid.
- Underlying bedrock is highly fractured
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soil is very shallow over lithic bedrock
- Soil temperature regime is frigid, precipitation range is 16 to 20 inches
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soil is very shallow over lithic bedrock
- Precipitation range is 12 to 16 inches
- Soil temperature regime is mesic to frigid near mesic, precipitation range is 12 to 16 inches
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soil is very shallow over lithic bedrock
- Precipitation range is 12 to 16 inches
- Soil temperature regime is frigid to mesic near frigid.
- Not as above
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes, soil temperature regime is mesic and soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes
- Soil temperature regime is mesic and soil moisture regime is aridic
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes
- Soil moisture regime is xeric.
- Soil temperature regime is transitional between mesic and frigid.
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Precipitation range is 12 to 16 inches
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes
- Soil moisture regime is xeric.
- Soil temperature regime is transitional between mesic and frigid.
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Precipitation range is 16 to 20 inches
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes, soil temperature regime is mesic and soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are shallow
- Soils are a stony loam to gravelly clay loam about six inches thick
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes
- Soil moisture regime is xeric.
- Soil temperature regime is frigid.
- Site predominantly occurs on south exposures of canyon walls and the backslopes of tablelands and mountain plateaus
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes, soil temperature regime is mesic and soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are shallow
- Soils are generally shallow with areas of rock outcrop. The surface layer is a channery loam about three inches thick with a very channery loam subsoil
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes. Sites have a frigid soil temperature regime and a xeric soil moisture regime.
- Precipitation amount is greater than 16 inches
- Site occurs above 5000 feet
- Surface layer a loam to very gravelly loam over a very gravelly loam to gravelly sandy loam subsoil. Often occurring from 5000 to 6000 feet in elevation and not normally associated with tree species
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes
- Soil moisture regime is xeric.
- Soil temperature regime is frigid.
- Site occurs on tops and shoulders of ridges as well as north-facing mountain back slopes. Slopes may be up to 60 percent but more often range from 2 to 35 percent
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes
- Soils are shallow
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes
- Soil moisture regime is xeric.
- Soil temperature regime is transitional between mesic and frigid.
- Soils are shallow to moderately deep
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on south aspect slopes, soil temperature regime is mesic and soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils range from shallow to deep, occur on unstable landscape positions and have little structural development
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soils are very shallow over paralithic contact
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soil temperature regime is mesic. Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Soils are shallow
- Sites occur on steep slopes of 2 to 40 percent on hillsides, escarpments, and eroded hills
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Soils are very shallow over highly fractured bedrock, interspersed with areas of rock outcrop
- Not as above
- Soil is very shallow to moderately deep over highly fractured bedrock with surface soils of cobbly to stony loams. Areas interspersed with rock outcrops.
- Sites occurring on moderate to very steep slopes of 12 to 60 percent on canyon walls and mountain side slopes. Western juniper is often the dominant tree species.
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes
- Soil temperature regime is mesic. Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Not as above
- Site predominately found on mid elevation terraces on droughty sites. Soil clay content between 18 and 35 percent
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes
- Soil temperature regime is mesic. Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Not as above
- Soil clay content above 35 percent
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes
- Soil temperature regime is mesic. Soil moisture regime is aridic
- Elevation typically between 3200 and 4500 feet with less than 100 frost free days. Soil temperature regime is mesic to near frigid
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Soil surface not ash influenced
- Surface soil textures are silt loam to clay loam and subsoils are clay loams
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes. Sites have a frigid soil temperature regime and a xeric soil moisture regime.
- Precipitation range is 12 to 16 inches
- Soil is moderately deep to deep
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes. Sites have a frigid soil temperature regime and a xeric soil moisture regime.
- Precipitation amount is greater than 16 inches
- Site occurs below 5000 feet
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes
- Soil temperature regime is transitional between cool mesic to frigid. Soil moisture regime is xeric
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes. Sites have a frigid soil temperature regime and a xeric soil moisture regime.
- Precipitation amount is greater than 16 inches
- Site occurs above 5000 feet
- Surface soil is a silt loam over a silt loam to stony clay loam subsoil. Often occurs above 6000 feet elevation. Sites associated with higher annual production and trees such as western juniper and ponderosa pine
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soil temperature regime is frigid
- Precipitation range is greater than 16 inches
- Site typically occurs between 6000 and 7500 feet on mountain ridges and plateaus
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes
- Soils are shallow
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Sites occurring on north aspect slopes. Sites have a frigid soil temperature regime and a xeric soil moisture regime.
- Precipitation range is 12 to 16 inches
- Soil is shallow
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Family particle size class is loamy
- Soils are moderately deep over bedrock. In the reference state, mountain big sagebrush is the dominant shrub and western juniper may be present in low amounts
- Not as above
- Soil is very shallow to moderately deep over highly fractured bedrock with surface soils of cobbly to stony loams. Areas interspersed with rock outcrops.
- Sites occurring on nearly level to moderately steep slopes of 2 to 20 percent on tablelands and mountain plateaus. Ponderosa pine is often the dominant tree species.
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites that are not influenced by aspect
- Soils are moderately deep to deep
- Family particle size class is loamy
- Soils are moderately deep over fragmented tuffaceous bedrock. In the reference condition, curl-leaf mountain mahogany is the dominant shrub
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Soil temperature regime is frigid
- Precipitation range is greater than 16 inches
- Site typically occurs between 4000 and 5700 feet on tablelands and mountain plateaus
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on northerly aspects
- Soils not derived from granite
- Site occurs in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones at 2100 to 4000 feet elevation. Soils are moderately deep to deep loams and silt loams
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs on floodplains of perennial streams and rivers, near channels occupying primary terraces to meadows
- Soil temperature regime is frigid to cryic
- Water table is within 12 inches of the soil surface March through July
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes less than 30 percent on all aspects (non-aspect)
- Soils are stony
- Soil depth is very shallow to shallow
- Site occurs in 12 to 20 inch precipitation zones at 2500 to 4000 feet. Soils are very shallow, stony to extremely stony loams to clay loams
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs on floodplains of perennial streams and rivers, near channels occupying primary terraces to meadows
- Soil temperature regime is frigid to cryic
- Water table is deeper than 12 inches of the soil surface March through July
- Shrub component common, dominated by silver sagebrush
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes less than 30 percent on all aspects (non-aspect)
- Soils are not stony
- Site occurs in 16 to 20 inch precipitation zones at 3000 to 4000 feet elevation. Textures are sandy loams to clay loams
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs on floodplains of perennial streams and rivers, near channels occupying primary terraces to meadows
- Soil temperature regime is mesic to frigid near mesic
- Water table is within 12 inches of the soil surface March through July
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Soils are not stony
- Soils not derived from granite
- Site occurs in 16 to 22 inch precipitation zones at 3000 to 5000 feet elevation. Soils are deep silt loams to silty clay loams derived from colluvium, tuff, rhyolite, basalt, and siltstone
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs on floodplains of perennial streams and rivers, near channels occupying primary terraces to meadows
- Soil temperature regime is mesic to frigid near mesic
- Water table is deeper than 12 inches of the soil surface March through July
- Soil does not have sodic properties
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on northerly aspects
- Soils not derived from granite
- Site occurs in 16 to 22 inch precipitation zones at 3000 to 5500 feet elevation. Soils are deep silt loams
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs on floodplains of perennial streams and rivers, occupying secondary terraces to bottoms
- Soil temperature regime is mesic to frigid near mesic
- Soil does not have sodic properties
- Soils are not sandy in the particle control section
- Soils are loamy in the particle control section
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes less than 30 percent on all aspects (non-aspect)
- Soils are not stony
- Site occurs in 8 to 16 inch precipitation zones at 2000 to 3000 feet. Textures are clay and deep vertisols
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs on floodplains of perennial streams and rivers, occupying secondary terraces to bottoms
- Soil temperature regime is frigid to cryic
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes less than 30 percent on all aspects (non-aspect)
- Soils are not stony
- Site occurs in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones at 2500 to 4500 feet. Textures are loamy
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs on floodplains of perennial streams and rivers, occupying secondary terraces to bottoms
- Soil temperature regime is mesic to frigid near mesic
- Soil has sodic properties
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Soils are not stony
- Soils derived from granite
- Site occurs in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones at 3000 to 5000 feet elevation. Soils are moderately deep and coarse textured
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs on floodplains of perennial streams and rivers, near channels occupying primary terraces to meadows
- Soil temperature regime is mesic to frigid near mesic
- Water table is deeper than 12 inches of the soil surface March through July
- Soil has sodic properties
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes less than 30 percent on all aspects (non-aspect)
- Soils are stony
- Soil depth is moderately deep to deep
- Site occurs in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones at 2500 to 4500 feet. Textures are stony loams
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs on floodplains of perennial streams and rivers, occupying secondary terraces to bottoms
- Soil temperature regime is mesic to frigid near mesic
- Soil does not have sodic properties
- Soils are sandy in the particle control section
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Sites occurring along the active channel of a perennial or intermittent stream to riparian sites
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Site occupies depositional floodplains and gravel bars
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Soils are stony
- Soil depth is moderately deep to deep
- Site occurs in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones at 2000 to 3500 feet. Textures are stony loams
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Sites occurring along the active channel of a perennial or intermittent stream to riparian sites
- Soil temperature regime is mesic
- Site occupies primary terraces
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Sites occurring along the active channel of a perennial or intermittent stream to riparian sites
- Soil temperature regimes is mesic near frigid or cooler
- Not as above
- Soil temperature regime is mesic near frigid to frigid near mesic
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on northerly aspects
- Soils derived from granite
- Site occurs in 16 to 22 inch precipitation zones at 4000 to 5500 feet elevation
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Sites occurring along the active channel of a perennial or intermittent stream to riparian sites
- Soil temperature regimes is mesic near frigid or cooler
- Not as above
- Soil temperature regimes is frigid to cryic
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on northerly aspects
- Soils derived from granite
- Site occurs in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones at 3000 to 4500 feet elevation
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs on floodplains of perennial streams and rivers, occupying secondary terraces to bottoms
- Soil temperature regime is mesic to frigid near mesic
- Soil does not have sodic properties
- Soils are not sandy in the particle control section
- Soils are clayey in the particle control section
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Soils are very shallow over sediments
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Soils are stony
- Soil depth is shallow
- Site occurs in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones at 3000 to 4500 feet. Textures are stony loams to clay loams
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Soils are stony
- Soil depth is shallow
- Site occurs in 12 to 20 inch precipitation zones at 4000 to 7500 feet. Textures are cobbly and stony clay loams. Soil depths range from 10 to 40 inches
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Soils are stony
- Soil depth is shallow
- Site occurs in 14 to 18 inch precipitation zones at 2400 to 5000 feet. Textures are very stony loams to very gravelly clay loams
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Soils are not stony
- Soils not derived from granite
- Site occurs in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones at 3000 to 4800 feet elevation. Soils are loamy derived from acid igneous alluvial or lacustrine deposits and are moderately deep to deep
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Soils are stony
- Soil depth is moderately deep to deep
- Site occurs in 16 - 22 inch precipitation zones at 3500 to 4500 feet. Textures are stony to extremely stony loams
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes less than 30 percent on all aspects (non-aspect)
- Soils are stony
- Soil depth is moderately deep to deep
- Site occurs in 16 to 22 inch precipitation zones at 3500 to 4500 feet. Textures are deep, stony to extremely stony, loams
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes less than 30 percent on all aspects (non-aspect)
- Soils are not stony
- Site occurs in 16 to 22 inch precipitation zones at 3000 to 5000 feet. Textures are coarse sandy loams derived from granite
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on bottomlands with slopes less than five percent.
- Water at or near the surface at beginning of growing season and down to 20 to 40 inches at the end of the growing season
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on bottomlands with slopes less than five percent.
- Water at or near the surface at beginning of the growing season and greater than forty inches at the end of the growing season
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes less than 30 percent on all aspects (non-aspect)
- Soils are stony
- Soil depth is very shallow to shallow
- Site occurs in 12 to 20 inch precipitation zones at 2500 to 4500 feet. Soils are shallow, very stony loams to very gravelly clay loams
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on northerly aspects
- Soils not derived from granite
- Site occurs in 16 to 20 inch precipitation zones at 2700 to 5800 feet elevation. Soils are excessively drained coarse sandy loams to fine gravelly sandy loams over 20 inches deep
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Soils are not stony
- Soils derived from granite
- Site occurs in 16 to 20 inch precipitation zones at 3000 to 6000 feet elevation. Soils are moderately deep to deep coarse sandy loams
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on bottomlands with slopes less than five percent.
- Water at or near the surface at beginning of growing season and down to 10 to 20 inches at the end of the growing season
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on bottomlands with slopes less than five percent.
- Water standing at or above the surface into late summer
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes greater than 30 percent on southerly aspects
- Soils are not stony
- Soils not derived from granite
- Site occurs in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zone at 2600 to 3900 feet elevation. Soils are deep, sand to sandy loams formed from lacustrine deposits
Key Characteristics
- Site occurs on uplands.
- Slopes less than 30 percent on all aspects (non-aspect)
- Soils are not stony
- Site occurs in 12 to 16 inch precipitation zones at 2500 to 3200 feet. Textures are loamy fine sand to very fine sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Sites occurring on high elevation fens
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs on floodplains of perennial streams and rivers, near channels occupying primary terraces to meadows
- Soil temperature regime is frigid to cryic
- Water table is deeper than 12 inches of the soil surface March through July
- Not as above
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs adjacent to and on floodplains or ephemeral streams, upper end of drainages to swales
- Soil temperature regime is mesic to frigid near mesic
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs adjacent to and on floodplains or ephemeral streams, upper end of drainages to swales
- Soil temperature regime is frigid and mesic near frigid
- Soil moisture regime is aridic
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs adjacent to and on floodplains or ephemeral streams, upper end of drainages to swales
- Soil temperature regime is mesic to frigid near mesic
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs adjacent to and on floodplains or ephemeral streams, upper end of drainages to swales
- Soil temperature regime is frigid and mesic near frigid
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Sites have higher available water holding capacities (8 to 10 inches). In the reference state, basin wildrye is the dominant grass species and has higher production than the Dry Mountain Swale site
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs adjacent to and on floodplains or ephemeral streams, upper end of drainages to swales
- Soil temperature regime is frigid and mesic near frigid
- Soil moisture regime is xeric
- Sites have lower plant available water (3 to 6 inches). In the reference state, Idaho fescue is the dominant grass and has lower production than the Mountain Swale sites
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites occurring on alluvial fans
- Precipitation 9 to 12 inches, aridic soil moisture regime
- Soil does not have sodic properties
- Typically occurring on lower fan toeslope or terrace positions, hydrologically connected to stream networks
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites occurring on alluvial fans
- Precipitation 9 to 12 inches, aridic soil moisture regime
- Soil does not have sodic properties
- Not as above
- Soils are clays with very fine particle size classes
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites occurring on alluvial fans
- Precipitation 12 to 16 inches, xeric soil moisture regime
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites occurring on alluvial fans
- Precipitation 9 to 12 inches, aridic soil moisture regime
- Soil has sodic properties
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above or sites occurring on alluvial fans
- Precipitation 9 to 12 inches, aridic soil moisture regime
- Soil does not have sodic properties
- Not as above
- Soils are typically loamy-skeletal (sometimes fine) particle size classes
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Sites occurring along the active channel of a perennial or intermittent stream to riparian sites
- Soil temperature regimes is mesic near frigid or cooler
- Depth to alluvial sediments is 60 inches or greater
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Not as above
- Site occurs on mountain side slopes and plateaus in areas receiving additional subsurface moisture from ephemeral subsurface flows
Ecological site map

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Ecological sites
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The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.