Major Land Resource Area 018X
Sierra Nevada Foothills
Accessed: 01/21/2025
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Ecological site list
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology consists of young (Tertiary) volcanic flows originating in Southern Cascades (north & west of Lake Oroville) (LRU A)
- Soil temperature regime thermic
- Site not as above, primarily bedrock controlled soils
- Site not as above
- Not as above
- Soils occur in concave landscape position on hills, or undulating plateaus with deep to very deep soils F018XA201
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology consists of young (Tertiary) volcanic flows originating in Southern Cascades (north & west of Lake Oroville) (LRU A)
- Soil temperature regime mesic
- Site not as above
- Soils are moderately deep to deep - support closed oak woodland with scattered pine.
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Subhumid climate. Soil moisture regime is xeric and only aridic at the lowest elevations (usually in conjunction with the valley). (LRU C)
- Soil chemistry a lesser contributing factor
- MAP ≥ 23
- MAP < 30 inches
- Site ocurs on all aspects, generally on moderately deep to very deep soils. Vegetation consists of blue oak woodland and savannas - F018XC201CA
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Subhumid climate. Soil moisture regime is xeric and only aridic at the lowest elevations (usually in conjunction with the valley). (LRU C)
- Soil chemistry a lesser contributing factor
- MAP ≥ 23
- MAP ≥ 30
- Site occurs in deep to very deep soils on concave positions
- Site occurs on broadly concave mountain slopes, generally in granite PM, closed canopy (interior/canyon live oak) and buckeye, often with California bay. - F018XC203CA
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Semi-arid climate with interchanging soil moisture regimes (xeric & aridic). Moderately to steep hills & mountains at southern end of Great Central Valley.
- Mean elevation < 3,200 ft (Vegetation patterns conform to vegetation classes and ecosystem dynamics of other LRU's in MLRA 18 with annual grasslands/ blue oak savannahs being most common plant community.) (LRU E)
- Site is an upland
- Soil temperature regime is borderline mesic and landform is hills or mountains (buckeye, foothill pine, and interior live oak indicator species) -F018XE201
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP ≤ 25 inches
- Site on upland, bedrock controlled
- Shallow to moderately deep soils, parent material derived from metavolcanic, slate, or granitic lithologies.
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP > 25 inches
- Not as above
- Site in thermic soil temperature regime
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on moderately deep soils on slopes generally < 30%- blue oak, foothill pine, annual grasses, moderate density of shrubs.
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP > 25 inches
- Not as above
- Site in thermic soil temperature regime
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Soils are generally deeper, live oak dominated and dense overstory - F018XI202CA
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP > 25 inches
- Not as above
- Site in a mesic STR
- Site on sideslopes and often steeper and/or north-facing (California black oak dominant tree and high density of shrubs and a few conifers)
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP > 25 inches
- Not as above
- Site in thermic soil temperature regime
- PM intrusive igneous, excluding footslope and toeslope positions (depositional areas)
- Cooler aspect. Blue oak/interior live oak woodland
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP > 25 inches
- Not as above
- Site in thermic soil temperature regime
- Site not as above
- Trees and vegetation stunted due to high Ca content (PM ~ marble)
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occuring on lava plateaus or erosion remnants, and skirting the adjacent hillslopes
- Soils moderately to very deep (oak/shrub savannahs)
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP > 25 inches
- Not as above
- Site in thermic soil temperature regime
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Site dominated by volcanic bedrock
- Soil depth deep to deeper, oak woodland or savannah, AWC 3-7 - F018XI207CA
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) is generally well below 18 inches
- Sites consist of ridges and or terraces or alluvial fan remnants
- Sites occur on deeper soils located on backslopes to footslopes
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology consists of young (Tertiary) volcanic flows originating in Southern Cascades (north & west of Lake Oroville) (LRU A)
- Soil temperature regime thermic
- Site not as above, primarily bedrock controlled soils
- Occur on plateau formations. Soils within a swale/mound microtopgraphy complex
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology consists of young (Tertiary) volcanic flows originating in Southern Cascades (north & west of Lake Oroville) (LRU A)
- Soil temperature regime thermic
- Site not as above, primarily bedrock controlled soils
- Site not as above
- Landform a lower foothill position or strath terrace, generally water shedding positions
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology consists of young (Tertiary) volcanic flows originating in Southern Cascades (north & west of Lake Oroville) (LRU A)
- Soil temperature regime thermic
- Site not as above, primarily bedrock controlled soils
- Site not as above
- Not as above
- Soils on volcanic ridges or rocky, undulating foothills
- Soils very shallow to shallow (AWC < 3)
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology consists of young (Tertiary) volcanic flows originating in Southern Cascades (north & west of Lake Oroville) (LRU A)
- Soil temperature regime mesic
- Site not as above
- Soils are very shallow to shallow - support open blue oak with annual herbaceous communities
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Subhumid climate. Soil moisture regime is xeric and only aridic at the lowest elevations (usually in conjunction with the valley). (LRU C)
- Soil chemistry a lesser contributing factor
- Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) < 23 "
- Soils have shrink-swell properties and clayey PSC
- Slope percent < 25, on terraces and low hills
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Subhumid climate. Soil moisture regime is xeric and only aridic at the lowest elevations (usually in conjunction with the valley). (LRU C)
- Soil chemistry a lesser contributing factor
- Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) < 23 "
- Soils have shrink-swell properties and clayey PSC
- Slope percent ≥ 25, on upper foothills and mountains
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Subhumid climate. Soil moisture regime is xeric and only aridic at the lowest elevations (usually in conjunction with the valley). (LRU C)
- Soil chemistry a lesser contributing factor
- Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) < 23 "
- Site not as above
- Soils shallow depth class
- Soils occuring on lower foothill position, slope < 25%
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Subhumid climate. Soil moisture regime is xeric and only aridic at the lowest elevations (usually in conjunction with the valley). (LRU C)
- Soil chemistry a lesser contributing factor
- Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) < 23 "
- Site not as above
- Soils shallow depth class
- Soils occuring on steep slopes (≥ 25%), with rock outcrop area > 25%
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Subhumid climate. Soil moisture regime is xeric and only aridic at the lowest elevations (usually in conjunction with the valley). (LRU C)
- Soil chemistry a lesser contributing factor
- Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) < 23 "
- Site not as above
- Soils moderately deep to deeper
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Subhumid climate. Soil moisture regime is xeric and only aridic at the lowest elevations (usually in conjunction with the valley). (LRU C)
- Soil chemistry a key factor in defining site- ultramafic soils with reduced productivity
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Subhumid climate. Soil moisture regime is xeric and only aridic at the lowest elevations (usually in conjunction with the valley). (LRU C)
- Soil chemistry a lesser contributing factor
- MAP ≥ 23
- MAP ≥ 30
- Site occurs in shallow to moderately deep soils
- Soils on granite and support dense chaparral - R018XC107CA
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Subhumid climate. Soil moisture regime is xeric and only aridic at the lowest elevations (usually in conjunction with the valley). (LRU C)
- Soil chemistry a lesser contributing factor
- MAP ≥ 23
- MAP < 30 inches
- Soils occur on south to southwest aspects, shallow to moderately deep soils- chaparral
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Subhumid climate. Soil moisture regime is xeric and only aridic at the lowest elevations (usually in conjunction with the valley). (LRU C)
- Soil chemistry a lesser contributing factor
- MAP ≥ 23
- MAP ≥ 30
- Site occurs in shallow to moderately deep soils
- Soils on other parent materials
- Soils are on marble, often on canyon walls, yucca-chamise associations are common - R018XC109CA
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Subhumid climate. Soil moisture regime is xeric and only aridic at the lowest elevations (usually in conjunction with the valley). (LRU C)
- Soil chemistry a lesser contributing factor
- MAP ≥ 23
- MAP ≥ 30
- Site occurs in deep to very deep soils on concave positions
- Site occurs in steep narrow drainages , often metamorphic PM, dominated by California buckeye and mesic chaparral shrubs (Mahogany, flannelbush) - R018XC110CA
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Semi-arid climate with interchanging soil moisture regimes (xeric & aridic). Moderately to steep hills & mountains at southern end of Great Central Valley.
- Mean elevation < 3,200 ft (Vegetation patterns conform to vegetation classes and ecosystem dynamics of other LRU's in MLRA 18 with annual grasslands/ blue oak savannahs being most common plant community.) (LRU E)
- Site is an upland
- Soil temperature regime is solidly thermic and landform is hills or terraces
- Soils are calcareous and very deep, pH ranges into alkaline (> 8 pH) - R018XE101CA
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Semi-arid climate with interchanging soil moisture regimes (xeric & aridic). Moderately to steep hills & mountains at southern end of Great Central Valley.
- Mean elevation < 3,200 ft (Vegetation patterns conform to vegetation classes and ecosystem dynamics of other LRU's in MLRA 18 with annual grasslands/ blue oak savannahs being most common plant community.) (LRU E)
- Site is an upland
- Soil temperature regime is solidly thermic and landform is hills or terraces
- Soils not as above
- Soils have heavy texture or exhibit cracks with seasonal wetting-drying cycles - R018XE102CA
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Semi-arid climate with interchanging soil moisture regimes (xeric & aridic). Moderately to steep hills & mountains at southern end of Great Central Valley.
- Mean elevation < 3,200 ft (Vegetation patterns conform to vegetation classes and ecosystem dynamics of other LRU's in MLRA 18 with annual grasslands/ blue oak savannahs being most common plant community.) (LRU E)
- Site is an upland
- Soil temperature regime is solidly thermic and landform is hills or terraces
- Soils not as above
- Site not as above
- Soils are shallow (AWC 1-2 inches); vegetation is annual forbs/grasses with very few trees - R018XE103CA
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology is dominated by granitoid almost exclusively. Break between Valley (MLRA 17) and the foothills abrupt, with steep slopes occuring from the lowest foothills to the MLRA 18/22A break.
- Semi-arid climate with interchanging soil moisture regimes (xeric & aridic). Moderately to steep hills & mountains at southern end of Great Central Valley.
- Mean elevation < 3,200 ft (Vegetation patterns conform to vegetation classes and ecosystem dynamics of other LRU's in MLRA 18 with annual grasslands/ blue oak savannahs being most common plant community.) (LRU E)
- Site is an upland
- Soil temperature regime is solidly thermic and landform is hills or terraces
- Soils not as above
- Site not as above
- Soils are moderately deep to deep (AWC 3-5 inches), often with mollic epipedons; vegetation includes oak woodland with dense annuals. - R018XE104CA
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occuring on lava plateaus or erosion remnants, and skirting the adjacent hillslopes
- Soils very shallow to shallow (annual forbs & grasses)
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site occurs on ultramafic soils
- Site with very low Ca:Mg ratios ( 0.5) indicated by greater cover of barren soil/rock
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site occurs on ultramafic soils
- Site not as above
- Sites with Ca:Mg ratios greater than 0.5 (but rarely than 2.0) continuous vegetation with only minor breaks
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site occurs on ultramafic soils
- Site not as above
- Sites on north-facing slopes greater in shrub diversity
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP > 25 inches
- Site is steep AND aspect dependent, generally occuring on north-facing slopes on lower elevations, and on reverse aspects (s-facing) as elevation increases
- Site approaching mesic STR but still thermic, generally annual ppt > 34
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP > 25 inches
- Not as above
- Site in a mesic STR
- Site occurs along edges of MLRA 22A break, mesic STR more common
- Site not as above, slope gradient generally steep
- Soils shallow to moderately deep (rarely deep) on S-facing slopes. Vegetation consists of chaparral shrubs - R018XI105CA
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP > 25 inches
- Site is steep AND aspect dependent, generally occuring on north-facing slopes on lower elevations, and on reverse aspects (s-facing) as elevation increases
- Site definitely thermic STR, ppt < 34
- Slopes less than 55 %, chamise and other chaparral shrubs dominate site, generally thick. Very low cover of forbs and grasses
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP > 25 inches
- Not as above
- Site in thermic soil temperature regime
- PM intrusive igneous, excluding footslope and toeslope positions (depositional areas)
- South to west-facing aspects, usually chamise dominated - R018XI106CA
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP ≤ 25 inches
- Site on upland, bedrock controlled
- Soils towards shallow end and very low AWC (< 2)- volcanic PM
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP > 25 inches
- Not as above
- Site in thermic soil temperature regime
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Site dominated by volcanic bedrock
- Soil depth shallow (Inks, Pentz, Amador soils) annuals dominate the site, AWC 1-4 - R018XI107CA
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP ≤ 25 inches
- Concave-Concave microsite positions - generally dominated by Juncus-Carex and annual forbs
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- MAP is at least 18 inches
- MAP > 25 inches
- Site is steep AND aspect dependent, generally occuring on north-facing slopes on lower elevations, and on reverse aspects (s-facing) as elevation increases
- Site definitely thermic STR, ppt < 34
- Slope exceed 55 %, often occuring on canyon walls, herbaceous plants are diverse and dominate the site
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) is generally well below 18 inches
- Sites consist of ridges and or terraces or alluvial fan remnants
- Sites occurring on shallow to moderately deep soils, sometimes rocky
- Soils are shallow (often over tuffaceous parent materials)
Key Characteristics
- Not as above,
- Geology older (generally Mesozoic Era) or mixed ages associated with Sierra Nevada (beginning around Lake Oroville)
- Geology highly complex, interfingering of volcanic, sedimentary (metamorphozed), and some granitics. The break between MLRA 17 and MLRA 18 is more gradual than in the southern LRU's, lower foothill slopes gently to strongly sloping. (LRU I)
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on a hill or hillslope (various geologies)
- Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) is generally well below 18 inches
- Sites are low, rolling dissected erosional surfaces, concave and accumulation of fine particles
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Zoom in to display soil survey map units for an area of interest, and zoom out to display MLRAs. Select a map unit polygon to view ecological sites correlated to that map unit. View a brief description of an ecological site by clicking on its name in the map popup. Soil survey correlations may not be accurate, and ecological site classification of a location should always be verified in the field. Each selection may require the transfer of several hundred KB of data.
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Ecological sites
Major Land Resource Areas
The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.