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Ecological site F043BP702WY

Shallow Cool Woodland Group

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 043B / Ecological site F043BP702WY

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T1A - Post disturbance impacts reducing the Douglas-fir stands, including increased fire frequency, disease, insect pestilence, and clear-cut logging.
R2A - Time, management of desired species, and possibly the use of nursery stock or seeding will allow the timber stand to recover.
1.1A - Natural processes of aging, fire, insects and disease will allow the movement to a mixed timber stand. Selective timber harvest and controlled burns will also assist in this process.
1.1B - Natural or applied techniques to open the canopy of Douglas-fir can encourage quaking aspen when the hydrologic conditions and nursery stalk is present.
1.2A - Lack of timber management, with fire or other techniques, will lead to a mature nearly monoculture stand of Douglas-fir.
1.2B - Removal or opening of current conifer stands encourages the re-establishment of quaking aspen.
1.3A - Lack of fire and the impacts of disease and insect damage to quaking aspen lead to the loss of aspen and the increase of conifers.
2.1A - Natural succession or with stand management and plantings, mixed conifer growth will become the dominant cover on this site.
2.2A - Fire or other disturbances that remove the woody canopy allowing the under-story to become dominant on the site.