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Ecological site F043BP710WY

Upland Cool Woodland Group

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 043B / Ecological site F043BP710WY

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T1A - The recovery of a site following a high intensity fire removing the Douglas-fir over story lends to a lodge pole pine community.
T1B - Fire followed by erosion removes the soil cover encouraging herbaceous growth that inhibits the establishment of woody vegetation back to these eroded sites.
R2A - Given time and with timber management, Douglas-fir will recover and expand on the site. Low intensity fire patterns are needed to maintain and improve this community.
T2A - Extreme erosion following removes the soil cover encouraging herbaceous growth that inhibits the establishment of woody vegetation back to these eroded sites.
1.1A - Low frequency stand replacing fires opens the canopy encouraging mixed conifer growth and under story rejuvenation.
1.2A - Lack of fire or management leads to dense Douglas-fir timber stands, crowding out other conifers and reducing under story diversity.

State 2 submodel, plant communities

2.1A - Lack of fire, or with no impact to timber growth, the natural succesion or recovery process trends to a lodge pole pine timber stand.
2.2A - Fire or timber management to open the canopy transitions a dense timber stand to a under story dominated community.

State 3 submodel, plant communities

3.1A - Surface disturbances with a seed source present allows for this herbaceous community to be invaded by weedy species.