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Ecological site R044AH040MT

Loamy Steep Seeley, Swan, Flathead and Tobacco Valleys

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 044A / Ecological site R044AH040MT

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T1A - Overgrazing, Soil Erosion
T1B - Introduction of Weedy Propagules, Overgrazing
T1C - Introduction of weedy seed propagules, establishment of weedy species and resultant dominance of weed species to native plant species.
R2A - Mechanical Brush Management, Range Seeding
T2A - Introduction of Weedy Propagules, Fire
T2B - Introduction of Weedy Propagules
R3A - Proper Grazing Management, Range
T3A - Introduction of Weedy Propagules
R4A - Weed Management, Range Seeding
R4B - Weed Management, Woody Propagules
R4C - Weed Management, Wood Propagules Not Present
1.1A - Lack of Fire, Improper Grazing Management
1.2A - Fire, Proper Grazing Management
1.2B - Lack of Fire, Improper Grazing Management
1.3B - Fire, Proper Grazing Management
1.3A - Fire, Proper Grazing Management
2.1A - Improper Grazing Management, Soil Erosion
2.2A - Proper Grazing Management

State 3 submodel, plant communities

State 4 submodel, plant communities