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Ecological site F047XA512UT

High Mountain Loam (Douglas-fir)

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 047X / Ecological site F047XA512UT

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T1A - This transition occurs when various disturbances such as road building, pipeline construction or fence-line clearing provides and opportunity for non-native species to become established.
T2A - This transition occurs when timber logging and its associated activities, including road building and skid trail development, removes mature and over-mature Douglas fir trees from the site and provides an opportunity for non-native species to increase.
R3A - This restoration pathway occurs following logging activities when the site is allowed to recover naturally.
1.1B - This community pathway occurs when wildfire removes the Douglas fir overstory. This event can be exacerbated by drought, insect damage or disease.
1.1A - This community pathway occurs when fire is excluded from the plant community for long periods of time.
1.2A - This community pathway occurs when fire is excluded from the plant community for long periods of time.
1.3A - This community pathway occurs when fire is excluded from the plant community for long periods of time.
1.3B - This community pathway occurs when wildfire removes the Douglas fir overstory. This event can be exacerbated by drought, insect damage or disease.
1.4A - This community pathway occurs when insect damage or disease kills old trees and allows the community to return to a community phase 1.1 type with snags present.
1.4B - This community pathway occurs when wildfire removed the Douglas fir overstory. This event can be exacerbated by drought, insect damage or disease.
2.1B - This community pathway occurs when wildfire removes the Douglas fir overstory. This event can be exacerbated by drought, insect damage or disease.
2.1A - This community pathway occurs when fire is excluded from the plant community for long periods of time.
2.2A - This community pathway occurs when fire is excluded from the plant community for long periods of time.
2.3A - This community pathway occurs when fire is excluded from the plant community for long periods of time.
2.3B - This community pathway occurs when wildfire removes the Douglas fir overstory. This event can be exacerbated by drought, insect damage or disease.
2.4B - This community pathway occurs when insect damage or disease kills old trees and allows the community to return to a community phase 2.1 type with snags present
2.4A - This community pathway occurs when wildfire removes the Douglas fir overstory. This event can be exacerbated by drought, insect damage or disease.