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Ecological site R056BY102MN

Wet Meadow

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 056B / Ecological site R056BY102MN

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States 2 and 5 (additional transitions)

T1A - Colonization by exotic species
R2A - Mechanical brush control and prescribed burning
T2A - No use and no fire
T2B - Increase and extent of exotic species
R3A - Brush control, perhaps followed by range planting
R4A - Prescribed burning and prescribed grazing
T4A - No use and no fire
R5A - Successful range planting
R5B - Failed range planting
T6A - Cessation of annual cropping
1.1A - Prolonged drought
1.1B - Prolonged periods of above average precipitation
1.2A - Return to average precipitation and historic disturbance regime
1.3A - Return to average precipitation and historic disturbance regime
2.1A - Prolonged drought and increased pressure and/or mechanical disturbance
2.1B - Prolonged periods of above average precipitation
2.2A - Return to average precipitation and historic disturbance regime
2.3A - Return to average precipitation and historic disturbance regime

State 3 submodel, plant communities

State 4 submodel, plant communities

State 5 submodel, plant communities