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Ecological site F062XB052SD

Highland Hills Pine Forest(0-15% Slope)

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 062X / Ecological site F062XB052SD

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T1A - Introduction of invasive non-native cool season grasses
1.1A - Infrequent large patch disturbance.
1.1B - 60+ years no disturbance.
1.2A - 30+ years no disturbance.
1.3A - Small patch disturbance.
1.3B - Infrequent large patch disturbance.
1.4A - Infrequent large patch disturbance.

State 2 submodel, plant communities

2.1A - Logging and clearing
2.2A - Early season grazing in combination with tree planting, seeding, or prescribed fire